This Remembrance Week, Remember That Misplaced Compassion = Displaced Canadians

This Remembrance Week, Remember That Misplaced Compassion = Displaced Canadians

The frantic efforts that Canada’s new government are now making to bring 25,000 Syrian refugees here are not just efforts to fulfill a foolish and hypocritical election promise. They are also evidence that Canada has once again decided to put Canadians, this time a large number of homeless Canadians, last in its list of overall priorities, especially in its immigration priorities.

In fact, these frantic efforts to find housing for Syrians show that Justin Trudeau has to remember that his title is Prime Minister, not Prime Quisling. They also demonstrate that all MP’s have to learn that their title is Member of Parliament, not Sub-Prime Quisling. The fact is that many are collaborators in the policy to betray even more Canadians—–all under the hypocritical guise of “compassion”. The truth is that the importing of these Syrian refugees is yet another case of shameless “misplacement of compassion” and displacement of Canadians.

According to a report done by The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, homelessness in Canada affects about 200,000 people every year. On any night, at least 30,000 people are in shelters, sleeping outside or temporarily housed in places like prisons or hospitals.

In fact, The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness has itself used the word “refugee” to describe the way in which Canada has dealt with its homeless population. It says that Canadian government response to homelessness is like “keeping refugees in camps for decades”.

That organization has stated that homelessness was a minor problem in the 1980’s, but that it became a major problem in the 1990’s. It says “The rise of modern mass homelessness in Canada can be traced directly back to the withdrawal of the Federal government’s investment in affordable housing and pan-Canadian cuts to welfare beginning in the 1980s. In 1982, all levels of government combined funded 20,450 new social housing units annually. By 1995, the number dropped to around 1,000, with numbers slowly climbing to 4,393 annually by 2006.”

Co-incidentally, those problems occurred at the same time as huge abuse of Canada’s refugee system escalated after the notorious “Singh Decision” in which a group of refugee claimants of East Indian background succeeded in getting legal status equal to that of Canadians. The homeless problem escalated even more when Canada virtually institutionalized its high immigration policy in 1990.

Yet, Canada’s politicians continue to proclaim the wonders of refugee and immigration intake. The fact is that refugee system abuse and unnecessary immigration have created huge other problems for Canada’s own population. That has happened because refugee / new immigrant organizations compete with organizations that serve Canada’s homeless. As well, refugees and new unnecessary immigrants compete with most Canadians (especially poor and middle class) for a limited number of jobs, resources and services.

In addition, a host of immigration industry profiteers continue to parasitize governments at all levels and are now looking for more government money so they can ramp up their hiring to serve a new flood of clients. In fact, many immigration organizations see federal efforts to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees as a virtual Gold Rush for themselves.

Faced with a choice of (1) increasing funding to help Syrian refugees in Middle East camps, and (2) the hugely more expensive option of re-settling Syrians in Canada, our government has chosen the latter.

The election promise was made in an atmosphere in which all of Canada’s major party leaders were reacting to a photo of a drowned Syrian child. All four party leaders seized the opportunity to out-do one another with their “degree of compassion”. All announced how many Syrian refugees they would bring here, if elected.

None saw that immigration might be contributing to the homeless problem. None saw that Canadian homelessness cries out for solution. It is not a flippant election choice. In fact, all seemed to think that there was no question that Syrian refugees had to be housed and looked after, but that Canada’s “refugees” were not really much of a problem and therefore definitely expendable. In the perverted immigrant / refugee world in which most Canadian politicians travel, all obviously thought that they would get more ‘moral mileage’ from helping Syrian refugees than from helping reduce the misery of Canadian-born.

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness says that homelessness costs Canada $7 billion a year. Much of that is for emergency services such as shelters, social services, health care and corrections. It says that Canada’s response to Canadian homelessness is a system designed for emergencies but it has become a response for every day.

According to the Alliance’s report, “The State of Homelessness in Canada”, as many as 50,000 more Canadians could be considered the “hidden homeless,” temporarily staying with friends or family because they have nowhere else to go.

According to The Alliance, governments need to increase the supply of affordable housing and adopt a housing-first approach to be followed by an assessment of what caused people to be without housing in the first place.

We repeat our question to Mr. Trudeau — Is Our Prime Minister Really Our Prime Quisling? And we repeat our charge—Misplaced Compassion = Displaced Canadians