?????Why Parliament Should Repeal “Sikh Heritage Month” Bill

Why Parliament Should Repeal “Sikh Heritage Month” Bill

By Dan Murray

Most Canadians are probably not aware that on Nov. 7, 2018, Parliament voted to celebrate “Sikh Heritage Month” nationally in April of every year. That observation starts this April.

The big question most Canadians should ask is “WHY”?

According to Sikh MP Sukh Dhaliwal, who introduced the bill, here is why : “By designating the month of April as Sikh Heritage Month, the Parliament of Canada would provide an opportunity to reflect on, celebrate and educate future generations about the inspirational role that Sikh Canadians have played and continue to play in communities across the country”.

The next question Canadians should ask is this : Is it true that Sikhs played an inspirational role in Canada? The evidence clearly says that they did not. In fact, the opposite is true.

The following is a list of 8 reasons why Parliament should never have even considered the celebration of a “Sikh Heritage Month” :

(1)The behaviour of some of the earliest Sikhs to arrive in Canada (aboard a Japanese-named ship called the Panama Maru in 1913) was a foreshadowing and a warning. It demonstrated Sikh willingness to use fraudulent documents. It also showed their arrogant attitude. They believed  that they had a right to enter Canada and that Canada had no right to oppose their entry.

The Panama Maru event in 1913 helps to explain much of what happened in the much larger Komagata Maru incident in 1914. Sikhs repeatedly use the KM event to proclaim victim status.  They omit many facts including the fact that they assassinated a Canadian immigration agent. They also omit the point that the leader of the expedition boasted that if he succeeded in landing the KM passengers, he would bring 25,000 more Sikhs soon after.  This threat would have alarmed Canadians because if it had come true, it would have greatly changed Vancouver’s cultural make-up. To show some context, consider this :  around 1914, the City of Vancouver had a population of about 60,000. For details of the entire KM incident, , see https://immigrationwatchcanada.org/2008/05/22/the-voyage-of-the-komagata-maru-a-review-and-a-short-summary/

Here are some details of The Panama Maru incident. The ship called the Panama Maru carried 56 East Indians to Canada. Most of the passengers on that ship had not lived in Canada previously, but falsely claimed that they had. They produced fake money order receipts, time cards, etc.  in order to enter Canada. Immigration authorities allowed 17 to land (those physically recognized to have been here before), but they detained 39 of the 56. A Board of Inquiry looked into the case and ordered that the 39 be deported, but litigious East Indians in Canada determined to make the Panama Maru case a test case which, if won, would open Canada’s border to huge numbers of Sikhs and other East Indians. Their lawyer J.Edward Bird appeared before Justice Dennis Murphy, the author of a Royal Commission which had investigated Chinese Immigration Fraud. He ruled against the East Indians. Undaunted, Bird then went to Chief Justice Gordon Hunter, who was notorious for appearing drunk in court and who was a clear embarrassment to the government. Hunter allowed the 39 to stay. Worse still, 4 of the 39 who had been ordered deported for medical reasons, escaped from detention and could not be found. After this humiliating incident, Canadian immigration authorities undoubtedly resolved not to let the Sikhs humiliate them again, particularly those who arrived on the Komagata Maru months later.

(2) Although many years of Sikh immigration peace followed, the Singh Decision of 1985  changed that. It signaled the beginning of Sikh-caused refugee and immigration chaos in Canada. Between 1977 and 1981, six citizens of India (all Sikhs with the surname Singh) plus a Guyanese citizen of Indian heritage, made separate refugee claims in Canada. This should have been seen as another warning. In making their claims, the Sikhs continued a Sikh pattern of using litigation to break down any barriers to Sikh entry to Canada. Initially, all seven were denied entry, but they used a loophole in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms (particularly the definition of the word “everyone” to include non-Canadians such as them) and remained in Canada. In doing so, they turned Canada’s refugee system into a quasi-judicial body which soon became mired in tens of thousands of claims (most of them illegitimate). https://immigrationwatchcanada.org/2005/03/23/the-1985-singh-decision-disaster-vs-the-1985-air-india-disaster/

According to reliable sources, those claims have cost Canada billions of dollars and saddled Canada with people who have contempt for Canada. Is this supposed to be an example of the “Sikh Heritage” that Canadians are expected to celebrate every April?

(3) The Sikh bombing and murder of 329 people about an Air India plane in 1985 should have moved Canada to place severe restrictions on Sikh immigration. But it did not. That bombing plot (which originated in Vancouver) made the Sikhs the cause of the largest mass murder in Canadian history. Up to this point in 2019, the Sikhs have Trudeau in their collective pocket. Most important, none of the Sikh ringleaders has been sentenced  for that crime.   https://immigrationwatchcanada.org/2016/04/25/dont-apologize-sikhs/

Is this another example of the “Sikh Heritage” that Canadians are supposed to celebrate every April?

(4) A major reason why the Sikh bombers have never been held to account is the culture of intimidation by militant Sikhs of other Sikhs. The identities of the Sikh perpetrators are quite likely known even by the Sikh members of Trudeau’s cabinet, not to mention by hundreds of other Sikh politicians and professionals. However, all of these Sikhs have remained silent.

As a result, hundreds of the relatives of the bombing victims have never received justice. Until the criminals are behind bars, the word “Sikh” will be a dirty word to those relatives and to millions of other Canadians. Most Canadians want nothing to do with those Sikhs –let alone celebrate “SIKH HERITAGE”.

(5) Young and older male Sikhs have been significantly involved in drug industry criminality in Canada. However, when drug incidents are reported, our treacherous CBC and other media make a point of not disclosing the names of Sikh murderers or Sikh murdered. Most Canadians have come to expect that when the CBC or other media begrudgingly reveal the names of the criminals, those names will be ones such as Parvinder, Balwinder or some other Sikh first name. In Metro Vancouver recently, Sikhs complained that they needed more police to deal with drug-dealing and drug gang killings. Ironically, the truth is that many people in Metro Vancouver think that Metro Vancouver does not need more police. It needs fewer Sikhs and less Sikh immigration. Metro Vancouver residents were also probably thinking that Sikh parents had to finally accept a “Canadian” cultural trait, that of being responsible for their offspring, not expecting the “gum’mint” to do that job for them. Again, is this very visible Sikh cultural defect what MP Dhaliwal wants all Canadians to celebrate every April?

(6) Canadians have become incredibly fed up with aggressive immigrants (both Sikhs and others) who demand that Canada adapt to immigrant customs. So far, no group has made as many demands for exemptions from Canadian laws as the Sikhs. In fact, Sikh demands to wear their turbans and their kirpans have been endless. If Sikhs really want to retain their customs, why are they here? Why would Canada want to create (A) another political mess such as the Punjab here  and (B) an environmental disaster such as India in Canada through relentless Sikh immigration? For a description of India’s “environmental disaster” status, see Ottawa’s report. https://immigrationwatchcanada.org/2018/02/02/canada-called-source-countries-immigrants-equally-strong-names-trump/

(7) Sikhs have grossly abused Canadian PM Chretien’s decision to create an additional Canadian consulate in India’s Punjab. That consulate has become notorious for being the fraud capital of all of Canada’s consulates and embassies in the world. Tens of thousands of Sikhs have entered Canada as a result of fraud there. In other words, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Sikhs have entered Canada illegally. Why would Canada want to celebrate being defrauded by these people? The numbers are not an exaggeration. At recent Sikh festivals in the Vancouver and Toronto areas, some Sikh leaders boasted that up to 500,000 Sikhs attended. Who else besides Trudeau, would want to celebrate a heritage of shameless fraud?

(8) Political accommodation to the Sikhs has reached new levels of degradation under Trudeau. It is incredible that not a single MP voted against the “Sikh Heritage Month” bill. If they are unaware of the repeated Sikh negative actions against Canada, they are a disgrace to Parliament and should resign. According to statistics, Sikhs comprise about 1% of Canada’s population, but comprise about 13% of Trudeau’s Cabinet.

In making those Cabinet appointments, Trudeau insulted Canadians of all backgrounds. Unbelievably, he went a step further. He appointed a rookie Sikh MP as his party’s House Leader, a position usually held by am experienced MP. The other Sikh MP’s will not win awards for being Canadian patriots or for having brains. For example, Trudeau’s Sikh Defence Minister, claimed, in an inferiority-complex delusion, that he was the leader of an important Canadian military offensive (Operation Medusa ) in Afghanistan. In fact, he played only a minor role. The same character presented a large, curved East Indian sword to an American General as if that were a Canadian-style weapon! In private, the American must have laughed. That Sikh minister has a serious identity problem. He seems to think that he is representing the Punjab, not Canada.

Delusional Sikhs belong to other parties also. To summarize : Is it sane to accept Sikh political degradation as part of Canada’s “heritage”?

This list could be ten times as long.

To put the matter bluntly but truthfully, the passing of the Sikh Heritage Act in November of 2018 is an example of how Canada’s Parliament has descended into the most degrading acts of political sodomy and boot-licking.

Our CBC and many politicians are proud to engage in such activity, but to recover Parliament’s dignity, here is what Parliament should do immediately :



For details, see https://www.reddit.com/r/metacanada/comments/hen2eb/reminder_jagmeet_singh_is_banned_from_india_for/