
‘Multikulti’ Has Failed In Germany, Says Chancellor Angela Merkel

'Multikulti' has failed in Germany, says chancellor Angela Merkel By Allan Hall The Daily Telegraph October 17, 2010 Germany's attempts to build a post-war multicultural society have “utterly failed”, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has said. She broke a long … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

France Responds To EU Complaints After Gypsy Spat

France responds to EU complaints after Gypsy spat By Angela Doland The Associated Press, October 15, 2010 France is willing to alter some of its laws in response to European Commission complaints that followed the government's expulsions of Gypsies, … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Wilders Not Guilty On All Counts

Wilders not guilty on all counts, October 15, 2010 The public prosecution department on Friday afternoon stated that Geert Wilders is not guilty of discriminating against Muslims. Earlier on Friday it announced he should also be found not … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Wilders Warns Cabinet On ‘Non-Western’ Immigration

Wilders warns new cabinet on 'non-western' immigration, October 15, 2010 The new cabinet will have a problem if it does not reduce the number of non-western immigrants to the Netherlands, PVV leader Geert Wilders told tv current affairs … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Swedish Voters Say No To Immigration

Swedish voters say no to immigration Araminta Wordsworth National Post September 20, 2010 2:33 pm Even Sweden, it appears, is tired of being a nation of open borders. Jimmie Akesson, chairman of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats, will enter Parliament at … Continue reading

Posted in European, News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Anti-Immigrant Win In Sweden Causes Dismay, Angst

Anti-immigrant win in Sweden causes dismay, angst By Mia Shanley STOCKHOLM (REUTERS) Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:40am EDT Immigrants to Sweden expressed dismay and disappointment on Monday that a party which wants radically to cut immigration and strongly criticizes Muslims … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Flemish School Accused of ‘Apartheid’ For Splitting Classes

Flemish school accused of 'apartheid' for splitting classes Expatica September 17, 2010 A Flemish primary school head has separated native Dutch-speaking children from his overwhelmingly immigrant pupils, defending his decision against the charge of “apartheid.” Two out of 17 classes … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Sarrazin, Author Of Book That Criticized Muslims, Leaves Bank Board

Sarrazin, author of book that criticized Muslims, leaves bank board M & C Sep 17, 2010, 18:25 GMT Berlin – Thilo Sarrazin, a politician whose book on immigration has angered German Muslims, formally stepped down Friday from his job on … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

German Chancellor Rebuts Suggestion That She Plans Gipsy Clearances

German chancellor rebuts suggestion that she plans gipsy clearances Angela Merkel has flatly denied Nicolas Sarkozy's claim she told the French president that Germany was planning to follow France's example and begin clearing illegal camps of migrant gipsies. By Bruno … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

African Migrant Boat Intercepted Off Spain

African migrant boat intercepted off Spain (AFP) September 17, 2010 MADRID Spanish coastguard vessels intercepted eight boats packed with 152 African migrants as they tried to enter Spain overnight, local officials said Friday. The maritime rescue service picked up 37 … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

On Immigration Sea Patrol With EU Border Team

On immigration sea patrol with EU border team By Damon Embling BBC South Home Affairs Correspondent, in Samos, Greece BBC NEWS 16 September 2010 Last updated at 07:23 ET The south of England is particularly vulnerable to illegal immigration – … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Swedish Nationalist Group Surges Amid Protests

Swedish nationalist group surges amid protests By MALIN RISING The Associated Press Thursday, September 16, 2010; 11:41 AM STOCKHOLM — Polls in Sweden show a small anti-immigration party is likely to enter Parliament for the first time in elections Sunday, … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Borisov Happy To Stay Out Of Row Over Roma

Borisov happy to stay out of row over Roma (Extra) M & C Sep 16, 2010, 17:01 GMT Sofia – Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said he was glad to have stayed out of the row over French immigration policies … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

German Book Channels Public’s Immigrant Angst

German book channels public's immigrant angst By MELISSA EDDY (AP) September 15, 2010 BERLIN——Thilo Sarrazin was a board member of Germany's august central bank until he wrote a book claiming German society was being made “dumber” by Muslim immigrants. It's … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

France Defies EU Ctiticism On Gypsy Expulsions

France defies EU criticism on Gypsy expulsions By RAF CASERT The Associated Press Thursday, September 16, 2010; 4:51 PM BRUSSELS — French President Nicolas Sarkozy upended a European Union summit to defend his own nation's honor, vowing Thursday to keep … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Berlusconi Chides EU For Attack On France Roma Policy

Berlusconi chides EU for attack on France Roma policy September 15, 2010 Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on Wednesday scolded an EU commissioner who likened France's treatment of Roma people to the Nazi's persecution of Jews and Gypsies. Justice … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Anti-Immigrant Wave Spreads Across Europe

Anti-immigrant wave spreads across Europe Reuters Sep 14, 2010 08:59 EDT (Photo: Women in headscarves shop in Berlins Neukoelln district September 6, 2010/Tobias Schwarz) A little-known Berlin politician named Rene Stadtkewitz, who wants headscarves banned, mosques shuttered and state welfare … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Iranian Diplomat Says He’ll Seek Asylum In Finland

Iranian diplomat says he'll seek asylum in Finland By MATTI HUUHTANEN (AP) September 13, 2010 HELSINKI—-An Iranian diplomat who quit his job at his country's embassy in Finland said Monday he will apply for political asylum there. Hossein Alizadeh said … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Refugee Home Blast Aggravates Pre-Election Wars Of Words

Refugee home blast aggravates pre-election wars of words SP / Astrid Knie 13. 09. 10. – 16:00 Police are investigating after a bomb went off in front of a refugee home in Graz. One Georgian asylum seeker suffered minor injuries … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Italy Pushes Law Driven By Roma Influx

Italy pushes law driven by Roma influx By Gabriella Bianchi and Guy Dinmore in Rome Published: September 10 2010 22:05 Last updated: September 10 2010 22:05 Italys centre-right government is pressing ahead with controversial legislation driven by an influx … Continue reading

Posted in European, News