U.S. Immigration Reform Bill Could Be Introduced By First Quarter
By Felicia Persaud
The Carrib World News, October 23, 2009
A bill pushing for comprehensive immigration reform in the U.S. may be introduced by next February or March, CaribWorldNews understands.
Sources tell CWNN that New York Senator Chuck Schumer this week promised a group of over 100 clergy in Washington, D.C, that the bill will be introduced by the first quarter of 2010.
Schumer also reportedly expressed confidence that the bill, which has as many critics as it has supporters, can be passed. In fact, as he told the gathering, he promised the late Senator Ted Kennedy he will see the bill passed.
The pastors under the group Churches United to Save and Heal were in D.C. as guests of Congresswoman Yvette Clarke, and were calling for action on comprehensive immigration reform that could put millions of undocumented migrants on a path to legalization.
The pastors discussed how a broken immigration system has negatively affected their parishioners and also discussed how the Caribbean and African immigrant communities can expand the debate of CIR to help bolster support for pending legislation in meetings with a number of lawmakers including, Gary Ackerman, Kendrick Meek, Alcee Hasting, Gregory Meeks, James Clyburn, Louise Slaughter, Elijah Cummings, Jesse Jackson, Jr., Charles Rangel, John Conyers, Barbara Lee, Ed Towns and Luis Gutierrez.
CUSH representatives said Congressman Peter King of New York declined to meet with them on the issue but, Joshua DuBois, director of the White House Faith-Based office were among those who met with them on Capitol Hill. Chairman of CUSH, Bishop Orlando Findlayter, Reverend Dennis Dillion, Rev. Herbert Daughtery and Rev. Dr. Philius Nicholas were among the participants.
`We are asking the Obama Administration to focus on Comprehensive Immigration Reform like a laser beam. Who better to fully understand the importance of this issue then the son of a Kenyan immigrant? This is the next challenge for our nation and no more will we let this issue fall to the wayside,` said Congresswoman Clarke. `The time is now to expand the face of the CIR debate. Everyone`s voices must be heard particularly in the Caribbean and Africa immigrant communities. When we turn our back on those who come to these shores to become Americans, to be a part of building our great nation, and to embrace the American Dream, we are turning our back on ourselves. We must never forget that this debate is critical to improving the lives of all American citizens, American businesses, and the lives of those who seek to be Americans.`