Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops in 1912
There are much better explanations for the 200+ deaths at Kamloops Indian Residential School and similar schools” (Photo of Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops Above)
Over the last two weeks of June, 2021, Canadian radio and television have been going rabidly hysterical over the discovery of 200+ bodies of Indian children at Kamloops Indian Residential School. Almost all of the “explanations” given by the hysterical media imply that the children were virtually “murdered” by Catholic supervisors at the residential school. Where is the evidence for this? The point is that there is none. The true and overwhelming point is that the accusation is blatantly defamatory and that it has already incited some people to burn down two Catholic churches in southern B.C. and caused others to commit vandalism at Catholic churches in other locations. Who are the defamers and the inciters ? Obviously, they are Canada’s media, particularly the CBC.
We offer four much more logical explanations for the deaths :
One explanation is that, for a number of reasons (the absence of anti-biotics, the sheer power of new viruses and a lack of herd immunity), all of Canada had an alarming Child Mortality Rate at the time of the child deaths at residential schools. The point is that the Catholic Church did not create the virus that caused so much death. The problem with the implication that it is responsible and that the Catholic Church singled out Indian children is that non-Indian children also died in very high numbers (probably enormously higher than those of Indians) all across Canada. In fact, it is very probable that the total of Non-Indian children who died is probably in the tens of thousands—a figure that dwarfs the number of Indian children. Most of those non-Indian children are now buried in Christian cemeteries (Catholic and other denominations). If skeptics want to unearth bodies to prove that point, let them research non-Indian children’s graves all across Canada. If the media apply the logic that it has applied in the Kamloops Residential School case, is it going to blame the churches (Catholic and other) because the church buildings stand beside the non-Indian children’s graves? (LOL) To repeat, Canada’s child mortality rate was very high in the early 1800’s, and remained high into the early 1900’s. (See statista.com) For an important, but largely media-suppressed, immigration-related reason for the deaths of all the children, see this : Corona Virus Warning : How importing Chinese Labourers Led to the most deadly disease event in Modern history – Immigration Watch Canada
As a matter of fact, even in 1915, BEFORE the so-called “Spanish Flu epidemic” began, 27% of the population died in Canada as young children.
A second much more sensible explanation for the deaths at the Kamloops Residential School is that the Spanish flu was entrenched in the town of Kamloops and had almost certainly spread to the Kamloops Indian Residential School. According to a news article published last week (Mid June 2021 in “Kamloops This Week”), the Spanish Flu had by 1918 infiltrated the small town of Kamloops (which had about 4,000 people in 1918).
A third explanation is that Canada’s lazy, biased media, particularly the hysterical pot-headed CBC, has suppressed important facts and created a false “reality” which many Canadians have been deceived and intimidated into accepting. Worse still, many Canadians have been convinced that looking for more believable explanations is taboo. That false reality fits with the CBC and private media’s perverted mission to portray Canada’s 400+ year-history as a time of endless crimes for which it must repent endlessly. A much more sensible explanation is that it probably would have taken only minimal and unintentional contact between someone from the town of Kamloops and someone from the Indian Residential School to start an explosive outbreak of Spanish flu at the Residential School. The following sentence from a 1918 Kamloops Standard-Sentinel article summarizes the wide extent of the Spanish Flu in the town of Kamloops : “Most homes in Kamloops had at least one case of Spanish Flu and, in some cases, entire families were laid up.”
A fourth explanation for the 200+ graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School is that the 1890 epidemic of Asiatic/Russian flu and later influenzas probably had similar effects on the town and on the Kamloops Indian Residential School. In other words, the Asiatic/Russian flu probably killed a significant number of children at the Indian Residential School. It is also quite likely that in all the epidemics, the supervisers at the Indian Residential School were overwhelmed by the epidemics and had to resort to rushed burials to control the spread of the diseases. In fact, a 1918 article that is cited in the “Kamloops This Week” newspaper article of last week supports that idea. That 1918 article states that both Municipal and Provincial authorities had been literally “overwhelmed” by the Spanish flu.
As hard as it is to believe, in the past few weeks, not one of the media has even mentioned these four very important and much more believable explanations for the 200+ bodies discovered at the Kamloops school.
The overall point we want to make about the reporting on the discovery of 200+ bodies at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, is that Canada’s media are extremely biased, lazy and irresponsible. All have even been clamouring for an apology from the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis. If anyone should be apologizing to Canadians, it should be the loutish Canadian media. After all, Canada’s federal government gave our private media hundreds of millions of Canadian taxpayer dollars in subsidies in the past two years in order to keep them from bankruptcy.
Shouldn’t Canadians expect some sense of responsibility in reporting in return? Apparently not because Canadians have received complete moral bankruptcy from the CBC and private media. Therefore, to re-set the media’s collective brain, it would be appropriate now for Canadians to start a class action suit to recover the hundreds of millions in subsidies. Let’s be blunt : For its irresponsibility in the past two weeks alone, employees of Canada’s private media and the perverted CBC both deserve to be thrown out on the street. Both have abandoned telling the truth.
For details on what happened in Kamloops in 1918 when the Spanish flu hit Kamloops, read the following :
For other very relevant information which you will not find out from the CBC and other Canadian media, see a few quotes from The Canadian Encyclopedia below about epidemics in Canada :
Epidemics in Canada | The Canadian Encyclopedia
“Experts believe that five influenza pandemics have affected Canada since Confederation: 1890, 1918, 1957, 1968 and 2009.
“The influenza pandemic commonly known as the Spanish flu developed at the end of the First World War… The first outbreaks of the disease occurred in the spring of 1918.The Spanish flu (really the Chinese flu) eventually killed about 50 million people worldwide (although estimates range from 20 to 100 million).
In Canada, about 50,000 people died, and all parts of the country were affected. The timing of this flu’s development was critical to the eventual success of the virus because there were many people traveling from one part of the world to another. The 1918 flu is widely recognized as the most devastating pandemic in history.
“It was not until 1933 that researchers isolated human influenza viruses. This is one of the first steps in the development of a vaccine that can be used to prevent the disease.
“Canada was hit hard by the illness, from cities to the most remote communities. More than 3,000 people died in Montreal alone, while Toronto lost about 1,600 to the disease. More than 8,700 people died in (all of) Ontario. There were 4,000 deaths in Alberta and 5,000 in Saskatchewan. Indigenous communities were hit particularly hard. At the time, the Department of Indian Affairs reported 3,700 deaths out of a total population of 106,000. Entire Haida settlements on the western coast of British Columbia were lost to the disease.
“Most Canadian communities adopted measures designed to contain the spread of the virus : wearing face masks in public; . fines for public coughing or sneezing; fines for spitting in the streets; bans on all public gatherings. Canada first established the Department of Health in 1919 in response to Spanish flu.”

Kamloops Residential School Photo with Kids
For more details on the 1918 Chinese flu which is often referred to as the Spanish Flu, see the following :