For The New Year : The Cows Have A Point; “Buy Brown”; + More Gems

For the New Year : The Cows Have A Point; “Buy Brown”; + More Gems

From T.D. : The Cows Have A Point

Always remember that it is owners and rulers who want a larger population. Kings  want more subjects, aristocrats want more peasants, and capitalists want more workers and customers. As the late French demographer Alfred Sauvy once said, the optimum number of cows in a meadow is not the same from the point of view of the cows as it is from the point of view of the farmer. To the cows, more cows means unwanted competition for grass, while for the farmer, more cows may mean more sources of profit. I think the cows have a point.  


From A. R. : Buy From Other Brown People

A number of years ago, a Punjabi telephone directory was quietly stuffed into the mailboxes of East Indian people’s homes in my Surrey neighbourhood. I received one by accident and I asked a Canadian-born, East Indian friend of mine to translate a message at the beginning. He told me, “You really don’t want to know what that says”, but then gave me a translation.  It urged these people, when shopping, to buy only from other “brown people”. When you have things like this happening on such a large scale as this, you know that the immigration system is entirely broken, is being openly abused, and needs massive reform. 


From B.R. : Tie Immigration Intake To Unemployment Rate

Immigration policy needs to be thoroughly overhauled. Firstly, I propose that immigration policy be tied to the unemployment rate. If the number of unemployed Canadians were to fall to 1%, then open the tap for some immigrants. If the unemployment rate climbs above 1% again, then immigration should be halted and applicants should be forced to wait on a first-come first-served basis. Secondly, cancel the colossal amount of money currently being wasted on free English language training for immigrants who come to Canada devoid of how to get by here. Make English or French Language skills a requirement for citizenship. Take the money that is saved by axing these programs and put it towards relocation support for unemployed Canadians moving to where the jobs are, through the Employment Insurance program.


From J.G. : The Fastest Way From India To China

There are large numbers of East Indians (Sikhs) in the city of Surrey (Population : Close to 500,000) and very large numbers of Mainland Chinese in Richmond (Population : Close to 200,000). The Alex Fraser Bridge joins the two cities. Amongst Canadian-born in Metro Vancouver , it is a common joke that the fastest way from India to China is the Alex Fraser Bridge.


From S. B. : Who’s Enthusing Now ?

In Spain and Ireland, there are now many empty houses and offices. Does that mean that these countries have a population shortage? No, it means that their developers, aided and abetted by irresponsible banks, over-invested. Both countries had large inflows of immigrants. Actually, about 1/9 of their population now consists of immigrants.

Both countries were poster boys for the neo-liberals as well as for the political correcties. The neo-liberals liked that they were so open to foreign investment, and the political correcties enthused about the enhanced diversity that these formerly so homogeneous countries were enjoying. Neither the political correcties nor the neo-Liberals are enthusing much now.


From G. O. : Canada’s Immigration Slogan

Here is Canada’s immigration slogan :  Come as your are. Stay as you are. And if you don’t like who we are, we will change for you.


From T. T. :More Multi-Culti = Less Unity

I came to Canada from Taiwan 17 years ago. I am becoming more and more disturbed by comments that I read in on-line discussions by some new immigrants. One of the comments I read a few days ago was made by, I assume, an East Indian person. I quote : “Time to send my people over from India and start building big projects. It’s pretty obvious local people are brain dead when it comes to doing big things.” I think many  new immigrants do not consider themselves Canadian. They hold Canadian passports, but they are not true Canadian at heart. We encourage multiculturalism, but we end up with all different cultural groups opposing each other. There is no national unity.


From P. F. : Canadians Didn’t Elect The UN

The UN  has developed a plan called Agenda 21 as an “Environmental” policy for the world.  There are some admirable goals of this agenda.  However, opposition to the agenda has been rising as more is learned about it.  What concerns me is that Environmentalism taught within our schools is not Canadian  content, but rather UN content developed by representatives from other countries that do not have Canada’s best interests in mind.  For example, one of the goals of the agenda is to have populations live where resources are more plentiful.  This makes sense, but when taken within the much broader UN view, is that a threat for Canada?  Africa and the Middle East have limited resources and experience food shortages.  They also have over population.  Canada has a  large land mass, resources and a relatively small population.  Under UN Agenda 21, does the moving of populations from scarce resources to plentiful resources mean greater immigration pressure placed on Canada by the UN ?


From E.B. : Canada Needs To Take A Page From Australia’s Immigration Book

For some time, Australians have been debating the issue of  “Immigration and National Identity”.  Effective January 30, 2007, Australia changed the name of its “Department of Immigration & Multicultural Affairs” to the “Department of Immigration & Citizenship”.  While, on the face of it, this re-naming seems a minor bureaucratic alteration, it is said to represent a much deeper change in government policy: a shift of emphasis from celebrating and perpetuating the cultural diversity of its immigrant population to promoting among all Australians, immigrants and native-born alike, a sense of Australian national unity and citizenship.


From H. K. : Countries Have Lost Touch With Nature

We are hearing of Mainland China’s “Ghost Cities”. I visited one such Korean city just outside of Seoul a few years ago. It had been built on land “reclaimed” from the shallow and very ecologically-productive mud-flats.  Walking around it was like being in a nightmarish movie (brand new skyscrapers, etc. but no people and no traffic on the streets). I suppose some would argue a “Build it and they will come” philosophy, but I wonder how many of these new cities will be inhabited or maintained long enough. Imagine having 3 to 4 million workers enter the work-force each year (even with their population control measures). It seems Asian culture in particular has lost all connection with the natural world and has now apparently escaped the “laws” of economics.