Rally & Protest Across Canada Concerning Excessively Massive Immigration

A Message from Population Institute Canada President, Madeline Weld

I was recently contacted separately by two young men, both in their twenties, who independently expressed their concerns about the impact that Canada’s immigration policy is having on the quality of life in Canada and the prospects of young Canadian, whether native-born or immigrant.

Husam, originally from Syria, has a mathematical and analytical bent. Last year he founded an organization called Canadians Against Excessive Immigration. If you peruse his website (caei.ca), you will find succinct presentations about aspects of Canada’s population growth.

Ethan, originally from Oshawa and now living in Toronto, told me that most of the young people he knows have plans to get out of Canada. He recently founded an organization called Take Back Canada (https://www.takebackcanada.info/), and the people we are to take it back from are “the corrupt ruling class” who are enriched while Canada’s existing issues are worsened. Ethan’s website makes clear that Take Back Canada is not anti-immigration but opposes “the reckless policies” that are negatively impacting the quality of life in Canada.

July 1st Canada-Wide ProtestIn approximately the middle of June, Ethan began to organize a protest to take place in cities across Canada at 11 a.m. local time on Canada Day, July  1st.  In Ottawa, it will be on Parliament Hill. In other cities it will be at the provincial parliament building or at City Hall. Posters for protests in various cities can be found at this link: https://www.takebackcanada.info/download-posters

In an interview with Harrison Faulkner on True North News, Ethan explains what motivates him and how he came to organize this protest: https://www.takebackcanada.info/post/interview-on-true-north.

Not only is this extremely short notice, but many people will have other plans for Canada Day. Nevertheless, I plan to be on Parliament Hill at 11 a.m. on July 1st to support this message for immigration sanity.  It is heartening to see that young people are beginning to understand that they are the ones who will bear the consequences of the massive increase in the population of Canada that will result from current immigration policies.

So please join me (or participate in your region) if you are so inclined and don’t already have other plans!

Yours sincerely,

Madeline Weld