Oriental Immigration Threat Warning

Oriental immigration threat warning
July 17, 2006
Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain)

The spokesman for Partido Popular in the Cabildo has called upon the Spanish government to investigate what they see as a new illegal immigration threat, this time from China.

Angel Llanos said that there is growing evidence that a new route has opened up, aimed at bringing in immigrants from the Far East to Tenerife.

Last month 24 Chinese people were found concealed in a ship which put in to Santa Cruz.

The Canary Islands have become the most attractive European territory for illegal immigration and currently holds third place in the world ranking after the US/Mexico border and North and South Korea, he said.

The opening up of this new Asiatic route would bring us to the brink of chaos. As it is the islands can scarcely support the massive influx of African immigrants.

He said it was still not certain whether the first Chinese immigrants had arrived here by chance or whether they were the advance guard of a new wave.

The declarations made by the government delegate to the Canaries, Jos Segura, regarding the use of old trawlers which formerly belonged to the Soviet Union to transport illegal immigrants has fallen like a ton of bricks on the population of Tenerife, already sufficiently alarmed by the avalanche of migrants we are suffering, thanks to the open door, papers for all policy promoted by the PSOE, said Sr Llanos.