Verdonk Confirms Freeze On Expulsions (The Netherlands)

Verdonk confirms freeze on expulsions

7 December 2006
Expatica News

AMSTERDAM Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk has confirmed by letter to the Parliament that a temporary freeze has been imposed on the deportations of asylum seekers who have been here longer than five years.

But the Liberal VVD minister said the situation can only continue like that for a couple of days because a suspension of expulsions will lead to diverse problems.

The Dutch Parliament had demanded an explanation from Verdonk after she said via the media on Tuesday that the postponement of deportations would only last a few days.

In her letter to the parliament rejecting any talk of a general amnesty for the asylum seekers, Verdonk had not mentioned the temporary measure.

An emergency debate about the general amnesty will be held on Tuesday. It was initially scheduled for Thursday, but Verdonk was unavailable due to personal reasons.

[Copyright Expatica News + ANP 2006]

Subject: Dutch news