Cystic Fibrosis And The Disgrace Of Carleton University’s Students’ Association

Jonathan Kay on cystic fibrosis, and the disgrace of Carleton University's Students Association

The National Post
Posted: November 25, 2008, 5:22 PM by Jonathan Kay

Cystic fibrosis is a horrible disease. A congenital ailment, CF affects the mucus glands of the lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines, gradually interfering with digestive and respiratory functions until such time as the victim dies from organ failure usually in his or her 30s.

All of which would seem to make cystic fibrosis research a worthy cause, right?

Wrong, you racist! This week, as Five Feet of Fury was first to report Tuesday morning, the Students Association at Carleton University in Ottawa voted to drop cystic fibrosis as the beneficiary of its annual $1-million Shinearama fundraiser. The reason: CF has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men and therefore is insufficiently inclusive.

Even by the loopy standards of students governments, this has got to be a new low. Had the author of this resolution (update: we now know who moved this thing see below) bothered so much as to look at Wikipedia, here is what he or she would have found: Approximately 1 in 25 people of European descent is a carrier of a cystic fibrosis mutation. Although CF is less common in these groups, approximately 1 in 46 Hispanics, 1 in 65 Africans and 1 in 90 Asians carry at least one abnormal CFTR gene. Cystic fibrosis is diagnosed in males and females equally.

That same author would also have found a photo of a young, pitiful-looking black girl staring back at him from behind a mask nebuliser. (Good thing for her the disease only affect[s] white people, huh?)

But even if it were true that only white males got CF, what of it? We raise money for breast cancer even though it is primarily a female disease. We raise money for Tay-Sachs, even thought it strikes almost exclusively Jews. We raise money for AIDS, even though it disproportionately affects gays and blacks. Thats because we raise money to save people not tribes.

Members of the Students Association at Carleton University have disgraced themselves and their school. In a fair world, their funding would be docked by the same amount they raised for CF last year and the money directed toward the diseases victims, in all their inclusive need.

p.s. Find out what ordinary non-whacko students think about the matter here.

p.p.s. I just got hold of the actual text of the resolution, and its mover and seconder:

Motion to Drop Shinerama Fundraising Campaign from Orientation Week
Whereas Orientation week strives to be [as] inclusive as possible;
Whereas all orientees and volunteers should feel like their fundraising efforts will serve the their diverse communities;
And Whereas Cystic fibrosis has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men
Be it resolved that: CUSA discontinue its support of this campaign
Be it Further Resolved that the CUSA representatives on the incoming Orientation Supervisory Board work to select a new broad reaching charity for orientation week.
Moved: Donnie Northrup
Seconded: Meera Chander


Update: A great note from one of my correspondents:

Dear Mr. Kay,

I would like to express my absolute agreement with everything you wrote in your piece “Jonathan Kay on cystic fibrosis, and the disgrace of Carleton University's Students Association” ( in response to CUSA's appalling decision. The idea, to choose a new charity every year, is not a bad one at all. If I had a vote, I would have supported a motion that had the same effect if that motion did not contain the lies and racism that is present in the motion that was passed. However, the motion that did pass raises some disturbing questions. Why was the vote so overwhelming in favour of a motion that displayed such a level of ignorance and hatred? Are the student representatives in the CUSA really so complacent in their political correctness that they're willing to support a motion that runs against the very spirit of inclusivity that they think they're serving?

Your article has inspired me to make a donation directly to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. It only took me a few seconds to find their website via Google and make an online donation. I would encourage you to add yet another “p.s.” to your article with a link to their donation page ( in the hope that a groundswell of online donations to the CCFF will help to offset this awful move by the CUSA.

Again, thank you for writing that article which so effectively captures my views and opinions on this issue.



Update: “Donnie Northrup” isn't backing down! Someone by that name is reportedly telling Facebook pals that sticking with the CF funding would reflect “the same mentality that kept slavery legal, and prevented the women's vote.” I wonder if the two Donnies are related!

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by EdNigma
Nov 25 2008
5:46 PM

“Members of the Students Association at Carleton University have disgraced themselves and their school.”

How does one disgrace the institution better known as 'Cartoon U?'

Although I eagerly await the redress to the critics of the universities as being the harbingers of anti-intellectualism.
by pumpkineater
Nov 25 2008
5:50 PM

Carleton U.: We're “Inclusive” …


… except when we aren't!

This is the same mob which has pulled out all stops to prevent “Pro-life” groups from speaking on the Carleton Campus.

The inclusivity of liberals is exceeded only by their tendency to limit inclusivity.

There is nothing so intolerant of tolerance as a liberal.

This Carleton bunch of fascists, masquerading under a small “l” label, is the same as that bunch with the big “L” label. Only their version of “Canadian Values” is valued! All others need not apply.

by Mike from Saskatoon
Nov 25 2008
5:53 PM

Excellent article Mr. Kay; Carlton University's Student's Association should be mortified at their utter stupidity. If I was a student there I would be furious that such ignorance can be found in people purporting to represent students of “higher” education.
by jabez41
Nov 25 2008
5:54 PM

Do they contribute to sickle cell anemia? Just wondering.
by Bill_37
Nov 25 2008
6:13 PM

What the heck is going on in our Universities!!?? First Queens and now Carleton. I suppose that now they'll be refusing support for sickle cell anemia? After all, it is also a highly specific disease aimed almost exclusively at blacks??

This is disgusting; applying racial judgements to disease. These students should be ashamed of themselves. They clearly demonstrate the kind of intolerance and outright bigotry once associated only with organizations like the KKK. And these are the 'leaders' of tomorrow?

Carleton alumni, time to put away those checkbooks, unless you really want to support this type of overt racism and don't care about the reputation of your once proud alma mater.
by chuck80
Nov 25 2008
6:14 PM

What shockingly ugly minds would even allow such thoughts to make passage into conscious expression?

If one were to imagine an idea that was perfect in its stupidity, so perfectly stupid as to literally define stupidity, I can't imagine a better example than this idea.

As a white man, I can only say to those students:

“If you have something to say raise your hand………then place it over your mouth.”
by jabez41
Nov 25 2008
6:17 PM


Actually it is referred to as “Last Chance U”.
by PSymons
Nov 25 2008
6:23 PM

The daughter of a friend of mine has CF, I suspect she will be very surprised to learn it's a male only disease.

I suspect (hope) the students at CU will be re-thinking their SU votes next time
by Boulevardier
Nov 25 2008
6:31 PM

I hope that if ever Donnie Northrup or Meera Chandler need critical medical treatment the doctor doesn't have a gender, racial or cultural pre-condition for providing their services.
by Zeus
Nov 25 2008
6:41 PM

Actually it is referred to as “Last Chance U”.

hmmm. People used to refer to SFU or U of Calgary as last chance U. When did Carleton take over?
by Claymore
Nov 25 2008
6:46 PM

Since when did it matter who a disease affects.This is down right racism.These students should be ashamed of themselves.How would they feel if someone they loved was affected by this disease and someone decided that they don't matter because of their race,or sex.

1 in 46 Hispanics, 1 in 65 Africans and 1 in 90 Asians carry at least one abnormal CFTR gene. Cystic fibrosis is diagnosed in males and females equally.

That same author would also have found a photo of a young, pitiful-looking black girl staring back at him from behind a mask nebuliser. (Good thing for her the disease only affect[s] white people, huh?)

They couldn't even get their facts right!
by Sassylassie
Nov 25 2008
6:50 PM

As usual the bigots representing students in university show their true colors, they deem CF to be a white man's desease ergo why should they help them when there are deseases that effect their utopian “Diverse” society. Can someone name a desease that is inclusive to her Utopian Bigoted ideology?

I'm appalled and sickened, hopefully that young woman will get the negative media attention she deserves and when she goes into the world looking for a job future employers will google her and realise she's a hateful bigot. Diversity to her ilk is persecuting sick children because of the color of their skin. Bigoted cow, her ilk is what's broken in Canada. Where did she get the miss information that CF effects primarily white men is beyond me. Perhaps at her weekly meeting of anti-white bigots, where they rail against social injustice whilst committing them.

She's a bigot, most feminazis are though.
by Fred . . .
Nov 25 2008
6:53 PM

So in modern, multiculti, tolerant Canada it seems the “smart” students at Carleton feel free to parade their racism and sexism in public and expect to be congratulated for being so modern and politically correct.

Racism is racism. Sexism is sexism. These students are a complete embarrassment to Carleton and Canada.

Truly pathetic.

This would be a perfect case for a Human Rights Tribunal investigation.

These fools deserve no less.

Time for the Carleton President to step in and put the dunce cap on these morons and send them to the corner for a long, long time.
by EdNigma
Nov 25 2008
6:54 PM

Well, a millennium ago(in the nineties) it was cartoon U. Although it is nice to see the ridicule for this school remains.

And fully justified.
by M. Gorky
Nov 25 2008
7:08 PM

Sassylassie, Donnie is male. Check out his Facebook page.

As far as bigotry is concerned, have you ever heard the saying about not throwing stones if you live in a glass house?
by jabez41
Nov 25 2008
7:11 PM

One of the most heart breaking memories I have deals with CF. A group of business men I was associated with supported the CF foundation and we were invited to attend a meeting were some of the People afflicted with this disease would speak. One young lady , about 16 or so was speaking about her experience with the illness. She was reflecting on how her and one of her friends tried to deal with the daily regimen they face. She stopped in the middle of a comment about her friend and said ” but she died this spring”and broke down in tears.It was a heartbreaking moment and believe me she didn't shed her tears alone at that moment.

If these heartless idiots from Carleton U could see the people who have this illness and what they face on a daily routine and how death of friends is a fact of life maybe they would understand what Shinerama is all about. Shame on the lot of them.
by jabez41
Nov 25 2008
7:16 PM


You know how we folks in Ontario are. We just couldn't stand to be left out on anything so we had to have our very own “Last Chance U”, presenting Carleton U and if the authors of this horrible policy are indeed students there it is appropriately named.
by dismayed71
Nov 25 2008
7:39 PM

The main problem with Student Unions/Associations is the compulsory fee paid by all students. When will one University have the balls to require an annual vote to maintain such an organisation and then require a majority of of all students to vote to pay a fee. Or allow an opt out. The SU is just a minor cabal playing at being important. You can be sure of one thing, none of the folls at the meeting are studying a subject that requires intellectual rigour,.
by tonyvog
Nov 25 2008
7:41 PM

It seems these Charleton clowns want to out-do the morons at Queens University for the title of Stupidest Student Trick for 2008. Both deserve first prize. I hope any potential employer does society a favor by doing a background check on these idiots before the're allowed to enter the real world. Let them wallow in their academic play pens where they'll do as little damage as possible. What a laughable disgrace.
by Sassylassie
Nov 25 2008
7:43 PM

by M. Gorky

Nov 26 2008

12:08 AM Sassylassie, Donnie is male. Check out his Facebook page.

As far as bigotry is concerned, have you ever heard the saying about not throwing stones if you live in a glass house

I don't view Facebook, ever. As for glass houses, I have a sunroom but it's not a house. He's a bigot and so is she, deciding what charities to donate to based on skin color is beyond Politically Correct leftarded nonsense it's a bigoted policy period.

When I give to charity I don't ask if my donation goes to “White's only”, it's okay for the extreme leftwing zealots to make race an issue when they run a charity event is it?

The extreme leftwing bigots are finally showing their true colors at our universities, language police at one and another refusing to donate money based on SKIN color. The marxists' establishments must be so proud, their bigotry is now deemed diverse and culturally acceptable.
by Blazingcatfur
Nov 25 2008
7:52 PM

I guess I picked a bad week to start up the Donnie Northrup fan club.
by Ambrose99
Nov 25 2008
8:06 PM

Disgrace? I thought it was hilarious. I wonder how much of his time Mr Kay spends reading student association minutes.
by pumpkineater
Nov 25 2008
8:12 PM

The Score


*Sassylassie: 1

* M. Gorky: 0

by Bill_37
Nov 25 2008
8:28 PM

One thing for certain, I will not be contributing a cent to any CU fundraising event in future; and I'll tell them why while I'm refusing.

And Ambrose, refusing to make charitable medical donations based solely on race is indeed disgusting and not funny at all. Would you be saying the same thing if the same refusal was targetted at sickle cell anemia; a mainly black disease? I strongly suspect not. I'm actually shocked at your comment. I had thought you better than that. Overt racism is overt racism; something I thought you self-styled 'progressives' abhorred. Seems I was wrong.
by phatti
Nov 25 2008
8:53 PM

They are simply overzealous, full of themselves students with a wrong answer. F
by Rectificatif
Nov 25 2008
9:14 PM

Laughed so hard I almost ruptured my bladder.

Which is funny until you realize the consequences. I have a male urinary tract.

Ambrose, it is not germane in this discussion to sneer at the demographic weight of these idiots (student bureaucrat = % of population too tiny to calculate). You must deal with where they got this racist-sexist ideology from and what effect is has on other populations.

Recently, in Canadian public health care (depending on the province), funding was dropped for PSA testing of males unless they could prove a genetic predisposition for prostate cancer. The test is now cash only. At the same time, funding was increased for the hugely-funded fight against female breast cancer.

Like, who the heck cares, they're only men. Preventive health strategy for prostate cancer is a fiction. Remember when they were touting licopene at the doctor's office? An urban legend from the middle of the Italian peninsula.

A doctor once laughed at me for asking for a biopsy (symptoms were there) but the biopsy for p. cancer is simple, painless, and inexpensive; another specialist once said to me, laughing, “Why, you think you really have cancer??”

Irrelevant, Ambrose? I sense that you may not have a prostate gland in the first place.
by Ambrose99
Nov 25 2008
9:17 PM

Bill_37–ok point taken. I just thought it was a hilarious example of political correctness.

Would you mind replying to the reply I made to you on the Corcoran article?
by Bill_37
Nov 25 2008
9:36 PM

No problem Ambrose. Glad to see your second comment. I too can sometimes laugh at the more ridiculous output of PC zealots on small matters, but this instance, the issue is large and, in a centre of higher learning that is training our next generation leaders, just way over the line.

And I have responded to the other thread.

by Felicity Hangnail
Nov 25 2008
9:55 PM

The very real agenda of the FEMINAZI movement, which has dominated most University campuses for years, is finally being exposed to the public in all it's totalitarian glory.
by meinbc
Nov 25 2008
10:29 PM

It is pretty clear what has happened here:

Carleton was jealous of all the press Queen's was getting about its “dialogue monitors” and thought…. we can do one better!
by Standing in Line
Nov 25 2008
11:20 PM

Sigh…higher education…

looks like a job for the CHRC…
by anewposter
Nov 26 2008
12:06 AM

The other charities should refuse money from Carleton's next Shinerama. I think that would really sting nicely.
by Rectificatif
Nov 26 2008
12:33 AM

Zeus and others, Carleton U came close to losing its charter several years ago, that's how dimwit it was. Now, we won't diss them as a building and we will appeal to their better natures. We owe them all the respect due to a 4th-tier Ontario Boomer-era, degree-granting pod.
by Lamorial
Nov 26 2008
12:56 AM

Logic is not a pre-requisite in this decision. An elementary course in PR might do Carleton some good – perhaps.
by AlexCU22
Nov 26 2008
1:02 AM

I being a student of Carleton University am very unsetteled by the news, that CUSA had decided to drop it support for shinerama. Especially due to their reasoning behind removing it's support is that it as a quote , ” only effects white males” . The most displeasing thing is that this view is not shared by most of Carleton's student body.But worst yet the papers and people around the community are call all Carleton students … RASICTS and SEXISTS. I have participated in Shinerama for two years now and was looking forward to doing it again this coming year during frosh and sharing the experience of helping collecting money for Cystic Fibrosis with the new students entering the Student body alive, but it isn't just the fact of tradition but mainly the fact that CUSA has not only distoyed their reputaion with the stutent community but making such harsh decisions but thanks to CUSA they have tarnished the good name of the university and of all its students.
by EyeDubya
Nov 26 2008
2:20 AM

Can we bring these “philanthropists” in front of the OHRC for their blatant racism?
by apophis
Nov 26 2008
3:47 AM

Maybe there is a more sinister motive at play here, CF is commonly found among the Jews It is a leading genetic disease among Jewish populations.
by ZeeBC
Nov 26 2008
4:39 AM

Are these the jerks who want credits for trying in exams?

Well if they are trying to be arse_oles they succeeded with honours.

Bloody racists. Anyone who donates to this “university” now is by association a racist bigot too IMO. Cease and desist.

We all know what poetic justice would be.
by Raze
Nov 26 2008
7:50 AM

If the Carleton students' motion had mentioned that a disease was primarily affecting gays, or perhaps some identifiable group other than white males, we could only imagine how “hilarious” it would be considered.

The politically correct narrative machine wouldn't find it the least bit amusing, and would be screaming like a murder of harpies with their asses on fire.

Brittany Smyth, President of the Students Association, even went so far as to say Canadians are confused about what happened, and that “one student's opinion” is essentially being blown out of proportion.

A more pathological liar could not have shaved her face balder.

We know that the white male issue was the defining and motivating “opinion” upon which the motion rested.

Freezing white males out of teaching and academia, unless they perform a dance of self-immolation in public, is hardly a laughing matter.

They have been the target of carefully constructed, and correct, narrative of hate by left-wing academics for decades.

Lying to the public about the agenda behind the motion is left-wing cynicism at its best and is designed to cover up a not-too-subtle program of systemic racism.

Correct racism is still racism.
by chuck80
Nov 26 2008
8:02 AM


If you wanted to know what petrie dish was used to grow left-wing PC idiot zombies, you now know that the Carleton U. student union is one of them.

When these whitey-phobes get established in jobs after university, they will have learned to couch their vile views in language that avoids the controversy that just erupted. They will have learned the insidous manner in which the left works as they seek to engineer society. They will have obtained the PR services Lamorial has glibly suggested.

What just occured here is one of those rare moments when leftards are exposed to the full light and all of their repulsive ugliness is there for us to gag at.
by chuck80
Nov 26 2008
8:26 AM

Good post Raze,

By the way, when I heard the president's first name was Brittany, somehow I got a visual of a ditsy, self-important, bone-thin, neurotic, white-guilt twit captaining the ship of fools down there. Then I went online and saw that I was wrong; she is not bone-thin. Oops, was that un-PC of me? So sorry!
by dougEEE
Nov 26 2008
8:41 AM

There are two truly scary aspects to this story.

1) It's likely that CUSA is mostly comprised of whites. This leads to me ask the question why are they so full of self loathing for what they are?

2) If this is indicative of the Canadian University systems then what is our society going to be like when CUSA and their ilk in other Canadian Universities make it into politics down in future years?

Are we in for some significant social engineering on a grand scale that would leave the NDP drooling in anticipation?

This leaves me bewildered and scared at what the future holds for us as a society when the people coming up are so full of hate and self loathing.
by Bobba-Bob
Nov 26 2008
8:56 AM

As a former Carleton student – I can say this: NOBODY likes CUSA, they're a politically-motivated body that is so far from representing the students it's laughable.

If I were still part of the school I would without a doubt refuse to give my donations collected to CUSA and instead give them directly to CF.
by nicky1
Nov 26 2008
8:59 AM

I went to Carleton's website which flashes “Brilliant Research”as one of their selling points. Ironically, Donnie Northrup, is the Science faculty representative for the students' association.

I've read as well that this racist decision is going around the world as a news item.

We have a diverse community, CUSA vice-president (finance) Kweku Winful said. We need something that is more representative of the greater student [body] than just one small group . . . we need to appeal to a larger demographic.

There are a lot of diseases and good causes out there and the students have the right to change their support of a charity if they choose. However, I think the student association at Carleton should quickly hold a new vote as they were given false information that affected their ability to make a correct decision.
by chuck80
Nov 26 2008
9:39 AM

Well Nicky, I agree that another vote should be held but the dye is cast as far as Carleton's reputation is concerned if, as you say, the item has now gone worldwide.

I hope that CUSA will soon become the object of worldwide derision and may end up getting lampooned by Leno or Letterman.
by Patricia11
Nov 26 2008
10:02 AM

This is where we put money, to have these nitwits in university? Time to stop the money to Carleton!
by Rectificatif
Nov 26 2008
10:21 AM

I have a proposal to make to the Carlton SA, better known as Bedlam Leftland: Extend the ban on curing white males to psychological cures as well.

Here's the first step. From now on, all workshops, mandatory or voluntary, in Sensitivity Training, are cancelled for White males. White males will endure, in shame and fear, their diseases of the mind.

From now on, White males will be exempt from the cures for the following male psychoses: humor, irony, self-awareness, generosity, and gentlemanly behavior.

All feminized personnel is hereby ordered to allow White gentlemen to roam freely and untreated among them.
by pumpkineater
Nov 26 2008
10:25 AM

Some Great Vituperation Here …


… but, could we ramp it up a bit!

Tell C.U. what you really think.

by TheSafetyGuy
Nov 26 2008
10:33 AM

It has become very fashionable amongst certain effete elites in this country to bash white males. Academia being the most effete elite in Canada of course can only be expected to lead the pack.

Next thing, we know, the Carleton Student's Union will be endorsing euthanasia against old white guy who have the audacity to collect their pensions, thus depriving the third world with a source of wealth to be re-distributed among the various people's kleptocracies that academia so adores.

Back in 1974 the late Lionel Trilling who was coniderwed to be the most prestigious literary critic in the U.S. and a professor of English at Columbia University suggested that the liberal arts curriculum in the universities for one generation. His arguement was that along with their text-books and student services package they also received a set of ready-made cultural and political attitudes that do not reflect the reality of the world out-side the campus. The graduates emerge from university as pre-packaged ideologues without any direct experience and spend the rest of their careers trying to make the world fit into the those ready-made down-loaded biases.

Maybe it's time to re-visit Prof. Trilling's suggestion.
by fr real
Nov 26 2008
10:38 AM

maybe if students in general had to work ..say 5 years BEFORE going to university

they would have real world experience, have a better idea what to do once they go to post secondary ed and save money to pay for it so less debt after getting out…and MAYBE less stupid assed ideas on who should get donation funding
by TheSafetyGuy
Nov 26 2008
10:43 AM

Correction to my above post.

Trilliong sugegested that the liberal-arts curriculum be suspended for a generation.

Typing before breakfast can be hazardous
by Gregster
Nov 26 2008
10:48 AM

Well Carlton isn't doing much to improve it's reputation to the outside world! Glad I'm a U of T grad.
by MikeD001
Nov 26 2008
11:01 AM

To quote one of my favourite philosophers — Lucy in the Peanuts comic strip: “Charlie Brown, in all of history, there has never been more damage done than the damage done by people who thought they were doing the right thing.”

My advice to CUSA. You don't have to shoot yourselves in the head, but you do have to accept the consequences of your collective action: 1. Call an emergency Council meeting — NOW. Move the rescindment of the previously adopted motion, effective NOW. 2. Issue an immediate and unreserved apology to the CF Foundation, the the Carleton University Board of Directors, student body and alumni community. No offence was intended and we deeply regret the unintended hurt caused by our actions. Widely publicize the fact you have done this. 3. Move a new motion to study CUSA charitable donations policies with an eye to widening the number of beneficiaries in the future. and 4. Shut Mr Northrup up. Or at the very least issue an immediate public statement that his opinions are his alone and do not reflect the opinion of CUSA, the Carleton administration or the student body as a whole.
by jabez41
Nov 26 2008
11:18 AM

Does Mr. Northrup not understand that the entire premise he based his motion on is completely wrong. The disease affects both genders but it is even more deadly to females and it is found in different races on different continents. I suppose it would be too much to expect that he do some serious research on CF before his moved to cut them out of shinerama.

He and his intellectually blighted council have succeeded in getting Carleton in almost every paper in Canada and on radio call in shows locally and nationally but for the wrong reason. Carleton is now known as the place where a misguided effort at PC went terribly wrong and now they are the objects of contempt and derision all across the country. If these guys are an example of what our leaders of tomorrow are to be it makes me fear for the future well being of our country.
by Gelder!!!
Nov 26 2008
11:39 AM

I coordinated the Shinerama campaign at Carleton in 1991.

What the movers of this motion failed to point out is who CF sufferers primarily “include” – children.

My head is hung in shame.
by Forevergreen2000
Nov 26 2008
11:41 AM

Donnie Northrup is certifiable. How in God's name is sticking with funding CF equated with slavery and the women's vote? This guy is, I am sorry to say, a total loser.
by Forevergreen2000
Nov 26 2008
11:42 AM

I would like to suggest to every alumnus who donates to Carleton to, instead, direct that donation to the CF Foundation.
by Elkayef
Nov 26 2008
12:12 PM

To those who are dumping so vociferously on the members of the Carleton Student Union, I'm prompted to ask a few questions. Were you ever young? Did you ever make a poor decision even though your intent was noble? Have you ever wished that people would give you the benefit of the doubt? If it's true that we learn from our mistakes, and that university is the best place to learn – perhaps this is an important life lesson both for these students (who will learn to consider more carefully the implications of their actions) and for the rest of us (who are showing a high level of intolerance towards some well-meaning young adults who made a poor decision).
by Mambo Bananapatch
Nov 26 2008
12:31 PM


The only people who need to hang their heads in shame are those who can't see the problem with CUSA's idiotic thinking and actions. You're not on the hook here.


“If it's true that we learn from our mistakes, and that university is the best place to learn – perhaps this is an important life lesson…”

Yes, and getting rebuked and trashed for public 'mistakes' of this magnitude is part of the learning process.

It's called a “consequence”.
by portle440
Nov 26 2008
1:13 PM

Requiring a disease to be sufficiently “inclusive” to warrant eradication is a new low even for moronic university students and their…ahem…faculty mentors.And for Elkayef : One can't help but notice that you have omitted to set forth in any detail the “noble purpose” you allege to have prompted and justified this idiocy.A coincidence I'm sure.
by Blaiseroo
Nov 26 2008
1:13 PM

I remember some years ago when MacLean's ranked Carleton Canada's 50th best university.

Plus ca change…
by crocodile dundee
Nov 26 2008
1:38 PM

So now blatant racism against whites is acceptable policy at a government funded university. I'm waiting to see the administration's defence of the this lunatic decision. Will they call for 'sensitivity training' for the drongoes that made this decision?

Does CUSA have a problem with the majority of the university's funding coming from white, male taxpayers?? This is obviously racist and should be discontinued immediately.

Meera Chander is a visible minority. Obviously she doesn't have a problem living in a country founded by whites, using an education system supported largely by whites and one day hopefully being employed in an economy established by whites.

CUSA should also state it's opposition to funding and support for the following:

breast cancer

AIDS/HIV – the vast majority of people afflicted being gay

Juvenile diabetes

Rape crisis centres and shelters for abused women – only catering to women

The Womyn's Centre at CU – for obvious reasons

Foot patrol – helps to prevent women from being attacked

All of the above cater to only one group….so, in order to be more 'inclusive', support for the above should be discontinued.
by pumpkineater
Nov 26 2008
1:42 PM



We learn from our mistakes by becoming aware that we have made mistakes.

If we are not told that we made a mistake, then we continue to believe that we are right. The reaction to C.U.s actions re Cystic Fibrosis is an informative instruction to C.U. students that they made a mistake. A big one.

Given the context, re who it is that gets C.F. (incorrectly stated by C.U.), and that context having racial overtones directed at “Whites”; there is then an additional overlay of Political Correctness gone wild. Which is a bit of overkill, since P.C., by its very nature is “gone wild”.

So, the degree of the reaction has been in proportion to the offensiveness of the C.U. students' ill-thought out pronouncement re future C.F. support.

And, indeed, University is the place where students learn, experiment, make mistakes, and, when they are honest, learn from those mistakes. Such as the “Biggy” just made at Carleton University where “Biggys” are not unknown.

by Sassylassie
Nov 26 2008
1:50 PM

Elkayef, Donny doesn't appear the least bit remorseful. In fact the bigot stated something akin to supporting CF is akin to supporting slavery and oppressing women. Mother of God he's either the dimest lightbult ever or he's been brainwashed by feminazis beyond redemption.

When will Carleton announce the suspension of the Student Council? I'm presuming that they will investigate the rampant racism and bigotry amongst those that voted for this resilution. I mean IF they voted to stop funding a charity because it supported primarily black children there would be an investigation would there not.

The world is watching Carleton, will the Dean do the right thing and investigate for rampant racism or will he white wash the entire shameful affair?
by crocodile dundee
Nov 26 2008
1:58 PM

Sassylassie, don't you know that in Canada it's OK to discriminate against white males…'s all due to whitey being responsible for all the world's ills.
by TheSafetyGuy
Nov 26 2008
2:03 PM

The CUSA has announced that they will “revisit” the decision to stop donating to a Cystic Fibrosis charity.

This is of course nothing more than laying a smokescreen to try to defer the criticism they are currently receiving and of course hope that the uproar dies down before too many people get wind of the wet rot of political indoctrination that is infecting our universities . As taxpayers we need to demand that our universities stop the political indoctrination of their students.

A good start would be cutting off federal and provincial funding for political science programs. Why have tax-payers fund a program that validates and enables sociopathy
by TheSafetyGuy
Nov 26 2008
2:09 PM

A note on “politically correctness”

In a pluralistic democracy, made up of a diverse range of people and cultures, there is no such thing as being politically correct.
by Sassylassie
Nov 26 2008
2:20 PM

by crocodile dundee

Nov 26 2008

6:58 PM Sassylassie, don't you know that in Canada it's OK to discriminate against white males…'s all due to whitey being responsible for all the world's ills.

I can't argue with the truth, what gob smacks me is the extreme leftwing self loathing white bigots have been caught with their collective pants down. Descrimination against whites is not only legal it's federal government hiring policy to not hire one based on skin color. That kind of self loathing ideology permiates throughout our universities like VD. The extreme leftwingers' mask has slipped off and the face that emerged is ugly.
by Mambo Bananapatch
Nov 26 2008
4:01 PM

“In a pluralistic democracy, made up of a diverse range of people and cultures, there is no such thing as being politically correct.”

You'd think so, wouldn't you?

But publish an image of Mohammed, or an article quoting a bigoted Norwegian imam, wait a bit, and then say there's no such thing as political correctness.
by dnothru
Nov 26 2008
7:17 PM

Well now i know where all of the racist bigots in Canada like to hang out, which is at a racist newspaper like the NP.

Please try to think outside the box here and consider for a second how offended you would be if they made a law saying only one race was allowed to go to hospitals. Maybe I got it wrong when I said that about white people and Caucasians, but even then it is still racist for not getting non Caucasians.

When I introduced this motion and voted for it, the reason was that I wanted to make the fundraiser inclusive to everyone, and not just white people.

I have the majority of people at Carleton in agreement with me, despite a couple of haters here on the Canadian version of the Repugnican Post.

I have blocked my Facebook account so you can't see or harass me anymore, so go ahead and try to harass me all you want.
by dnothru
Nov 26 2008
7:21 PM

Also, you do not have the right to link to the facebook screen shot of the entry that I wrote, because that is a violation of my privacy rights. I changed what I said, and then took it down because too many people misunderstood. Please remove it, I don't want to have to report it.
by Sassylassie
Nov 26 2008
7:56 PM

dnothru, it's nice of you to visit you little bigot. Do you realise how narrow minded and racist you are, you didn't want white people to be the majority benifactor. Don't worry I'm sure your future employers will look past your racist attitude towards white coworkers dear.

If you published a link to your facebook account dear than the Post isn't required to remove it legally or other wise once you post here buttercup it becomes their property. What is your major? Stupidity 101 or I hate white sick people?

Your sense of arrogance and self importance is amusing thou.
by TheSafetyGuy
Nov 26 2008
8:14 PM

dnorthru wrote:

“Maybe I got it wrong when I said that about white people and Caucasians, but even then it is still racist for not getting non Caucasians.”

Okay now this guy is calling a disease racist.

dnorthru wrote:

“Well now i know where all of the racist bigots in Canada like to hang out, which is at a racist newspaper like the NP.”

So now you are a racist if you speak out against a politically correct bigotry.

If we could bag the fecal residue this “scholar” produces we could double or even triple the prairie crop yields.
by Al Thomson
Nov 26 2008
8:21 PM

Sassylassie… I really don't have the time to keep up with all the comments that are posted here, but I kind of think that I over reacted to some stuff that you said about me some days ago.

Your posts are sometimes a bit too sassy for my tastes, but I like and approve of your basic values.

I apologize about my over reaction to what you said about me, but I am not a cheerleader for the left wing socialist PC crap that you so sternly attack.

Keep on Posting, Sassylassie, because I like what you are posting about.
by jabez41
Nov 26 2008
9:02 PM


Not only did you show absolutely no knowledge about the disease CF by wrongly saying it is only a white man's disease you also show a complete lack of understanding how to handle a situation that you totally botched.

A university student, in science no less,doesn't even have the sense to do a bit of research on a disease he wants to eliminate from a charity that his university has supported for years. The disease affects children both male and female and is evident in different races in different parts of the world. A shortened life and a miserable death is the prognosis for those afflicted. By the way the symptoms are harsher on females suffering from the disease. Get our in the real world and visit some of those that have this and just maybe you will have a bit of an epiphany.

Now you come on this site claiming that the majority of students at Carleton support you. Wrong sir. The call in shows and your own campus newspaper are rife with comments from fellow students that consider your opinion to be not only wrong but an embarrassment that will take years for Carleton to live down.

Those that point out the error of your attempt at political correctness for the the misguided quest it actually is are called racist. You and your council should issue an apology to the alumna, fellow students and faculty that you have publicly embarrassed and resign. As far as intrusion onto your facebook account I do believe I will spare myself the agony of any further communication with you.
by Bill_37
Nov 26 2008
9:06 PM

That is amazing! Seems our bigotted scholar still doesn't get it at all.

“Please try to think outside the box here and consider for a second how offended you would be if they made a law saying only one race was allowed to go to hospitals.”

And you please try to think inside the box here and consider for a second how offended everyone is when you create a resolution saying that you want to drop a charity because it only affects one race, or so you think. What science are you studying anyway? I sure hope nothing that requires any thought or writing.

“I have the majority of people at Carleton in agreement with me, despite a couple of haters here on the Canadian version of the Repugnican Post.” “I changed what I said, and then took it down because too many people misunderstood. Please remove it, I don't want to have to report it.”

More brilliant thinking going on here I see. Everyone is supporting you except a couple of NP posters, but you had to take your facebook page down because too many people misunderstood? Which is it? Or do the opinions of a couple of NP posters constitute 'too many people'.

You sure have an interesting view on support. Let's see now, the President of the Student Association has blamed everything on you, the President of the University has issued a press release saying that she's sure 'that the student council will do the right thing' when it reconsiders the matter. The talk radio programs in Ottawa have been choked with calls from Carleton students begging for forgiveness for your racist motion. Yup, sounds like lots of support to me.

Get with the program. Either you screwed up big time, in which case you should be a man; admit it; and make amends, or, do what you're doing and try to pretend that everyone in the world is wrong except for you; because you really do believe that it's OK to say that a medical charity is unworthy of support because you believe that it mostly affects white men.

Your continued denials; and threats of legal action; only strengthen the case of those who think you're an intolerant racist. You can't run away from your actions or words. An enlightened 'progressive' sort such as yourself should know this.
by TheSafetyGuy
Nov 26 2008
9:25 PM

A science student who did not apply the scientific method to his research?

Speaks volumes about the quality of the education one receives at Carleton as well as the high school which graduated this guy.

Given what I've heard and read about this and applying the scientific method to the spin doctoring and deflections coming from the CUSA and Carleton staff I can only draw the conclusion that hiring a Carleton graduate is a bad investment.
by Africon
Nov 27 2008
12:01 AM

Bill, Sassy, Jabez and others covered all of this very well.

Donny, you are a twit and your moronic reasoning was discussed right across Canada as well on the National News tonight. You say :



I got it wrong when I said that about white people and Caucasians, but even then it is still racist for not getting non Caucasians.

You can't be man enough to just admit you were wrong, have to put in a MAYBE. Then even though you sort of admitted you were wrong, you call those of us here who are appalled at your racism “bigots”.

Don't bother going into public relations buddy, clearly you don't “get it.”
by chuck80
Nov 27 2008
8:35 AM


Can we not make sure that an article is written on this little shit (Dnorthru) coming on these pages to continue to defend his stupidity?

Surely the public ought to know that, even with a retraction of the offending motion by CUSA, at least one of the guilty parties is continuing to spew (in the supposed anonymity of these pages) the crap recanted in public.
by Sassylassie
Nov 27 2008
9:10 AM

Al you haven't offended me, I am a confrontational poster ergo my moniker. I'm not easily offended, I'm like teflon words don't stick to me.

Bravo to all of you who have stood up and spoken out against blatant bigotry being masked as “Diversity and progressive policies”. The court of public opinion has spoken and Donnie and the council members who voted for the racist motion stand before us apparently not Apologetic but contrite and full of smug superiority. It takes an adult to admit they made a mistake and apologize it takes a coward to mewl and simper instead of accepting reponsibility for their actions. Donny is making excuses for his socialist racism and bigotry, I pray to god he isn't the face of our future in Canada.

Something is changing in Canada, two years ago his motion would of been hailed as a “Progressive idea” today it's being condemned for the racist clap trap that it is. Common sense is starting to infect our society again, the socialist are losing their battle to endoctornate Canadians.
by Phantom55
Nov 27 2008
10:52 AM


Donny is only the face of a future burger flipper. He is clearly a confused idiot and an embarrassment.

But really, what the heck does he have to do with the economic system socialism?

You know you don't have to always try to knock down ALL of your enemies at the same time.
by TheSafetyGuy
Nov 27 2008
10:52 AM


It's too early to claim victory in this battle. As you said yourself they are not apologetic just (publicly) contrite

Have they learned anything from this about right and wrong? I think not.

The only way things will change on our university campuses is when the real cause of this selectively racist mentality is removed from the teaching profession.

The problem is that many people who are bigoted against mainstream North American society and the free enterprise economy end up in academia, government or community services.

So we may win the occassional skirmish, but unless the media keeps reporting on these incidents and people keep speaking up, we will lose the war.

It is important to remember that Donnie Northrup called those who spoke against the bigotry – racist as well as labelling a disease as racist.

He hasn't learned anything from the furor.

This is a firmly entrenched delusion, being validated and enabled by the environment he lives in.
by jimshort19
Nov 27 2008
12:00 PM

JK, “Members of the Students Association at Carleton University have disgraced themselves and their school.”

The student's union is indeed disgraced. The school is not.
by Sassylassie
Nov 27 2008
12:14 PM

It's not my fault P55, I have little person syndrome.

Thatsafeguy, great post. This is the beginning battle to expose reverse descrimination. It's legal, acceptable and apparently quite normal at our Universities. I'm assuming a leftwing institution like Carleton would have “Descrimation Policies” in Place, if so why have they not started precedings to investigate CUSA? Why is it okay for whites to be victims of descrimination and racism when their rules state otherwise-I assume-?

Could the failure of CUSA to apolagize be based on legal grounds? If they admit that their motion was based on white bigotry and racism couldn't white males file a class action suit against the University for “Descrimination”? Hopefully several students who feel victimized will explore a legal avenue to challenge the Universities “Descrimination” policies. Either all students are protected from racists or none are but to protect only the “Chosen special minority groups” is a racist descriminatory policy.
by pumpkineater
Nov 27 2008
2:04 PM

Patrick Dean of Queen's U. …


… must be thanking his lucky stars that this latest venture into absurdity in academe, this time at Carleton U. in Bytown, has created a storm of public wrath which has deflected attention from Deane and Queen's and their own latest venture into absurdity.

I trust that the “Post” will be able to keep track of what has become of the Eavesdropping Six at Queen's, while also monitoring for other just plain weird behaviors at Carleton.

by dnothru
Nov 27 2008
2:15 PM

I suppose I can take solace in knowing that not too long from now, most of you will be wearing diapers in old age homes too enfeebled to stop the next generation from ending white intolerance once and for all.

Oh and by the way, I get payed lots of money and have my tuition covered as part of being a councilor in CUSA. It also won't be hard to find a progressive organization or think tank that will hire me after I graduate.

Your threats to my right to be employed only show how desperate you are to stop the progressive waterfall from bursting through the capitalist dam of intolerance and bigotry.
by Nequivocator
Nov 27 2008
2:43 PM

Unbelievable! Northrup cant even spell paid. Maybe it wont be quite so easy to land that cushy think-tank job after all. People who can think can usually also spell, in my experience. The very concept of Northrups proposal, that research into disease and the associated fundraising efforts should be governed by Identity Politics is incredibly offensive its almost beyond belief that it could come from someone beyond Grade 5
by EdNigma
Nov 27 2008
3:04 PM

What a sad little child you are Northrup.

Completely unaware how your stupidity will follow you long until the days when you are the pathetic figure of a withered hateful shell of failure.
by TheSafetyGuy
Nov 27 2008
4:17 PM


Your threats to my right to be employed…

Unfortunately Donnie boy, the employment market is one of the last places where the free market still comes into the play.

Unless of course you are talking about those radical fringe organizations that don't actually do anything but expect the tax-payers to foot the bills. Then you just become another a professional parasite and dart-slinging Napoleon.

You know you are starting to sound like a parody of an angry radical just shooting his mouth off to hear the sound of his voice rather than someone with a logical arguement to present.

And thanks for the heads up about your salary and tuition being paid.

All grist for a complaint to the Auditor General about the funding universities receive from government and how they spend it..
by TheSafetyGuy
Nov 27 2008
6:10 PM

After re-reading Northrup's last post, we can add ageism to racism. This guy is one multi-facetted bigot.

I wonder what other isms this guy is guilty of?
by Bill_37
Nov 27 2008
6:43 PM

*LOL* *LOL* *LOL* Help …. me …; sides … hurting … *LOL*

“show how desperate you are to stop the progressive waterfall from bursting through the capitalist dam of intolerance and bigotry.”

OMG! And now he's a poet! *LOL*

Ok, breath coming back… Yes, the progressive waterfall *LOL* (sorry, this isn't easy!) will burst through the capitalist dam *LOL* of intolerance and bigotry *LOL* and … then drown the population in the village below, laying waste to the environment and all air breathing creatures for many miles around!! *LOL* Including all of the air headed 'scholars' who think themselves smarter than anyone else; even when caught red-handed, with national coverage, being a totally stupid ass! *LOL* Who'll be wearing the diapers then? *LOL* Sorry, have to stop. Just too much for this old fogey! *LOL*
by bruce2112
Nov 27 2008
8:07 PM

Congratulations, Donnie, you are now unemployable.

You have demonstrated that you are a racist and sexist.

And possess an inability to learn or to take responsibility for your actions.

If you had spent thirty seconds on Google or Wikipedia, you would have learned how wrong your 'recent revelation' was.

So now, as a potential capitalist employer, you have also damaged other Carleton students' chances. I used to think that all the Carleton U jokes were just that, but if you are at all typical of Carelton Kwality research standards, I now have to wonder about that.

Good luck with that highly-payed progressive think-tank job: I have the feeling that even Layton would be embarassed to have you.

And nowadays, most employers Google before they hire…

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