Refugees R Us

Refugees R Us

Barbara Kay
Posted: March 03, 2010, 9:00 AM
by NP Editor

On Sunday, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney praised a Federal Court ruling denying citizenship to Syrian immigrant Nasoh Raslan. At trial, it was revealed that Mr. Raslans Ontario home phone number was common to 62 other citizenship applicants, and his mailing address to 126 others.

Mr. Raslan reacted to events with a mixture of repentance and perplexity: I now know that I definitely did not do the right thing, he averred in an affidavit, but at the time, I thought that [applying through another address] was simply a common and small stretch to the rules.

Mr. Raslan has a right to be confused. Far greater stretches to the immigration rules if under rules we include moral precepts of transparency and integrity are made all the time, as any candid immigration judge will confirm.

Where do immigrants get the idea that stretching rules is common here? Partly from mercenary Canadians such as the ghost immigration consultants advertising their expertise on the perfectly legal website If the boasts put forward therein are even approximately accurate, Nasoh Raslan and his fake address represent the least of Canadas immigration problems.

The first thing you see on the websites professional-looking home page is the statement: A cheap, quick and effective way to come to Canada.

Intrigued? I certainly would be if I were a credulous would-be immigrant eager to avoid a lot of red tape.

The website lays out the steps for coming to Canada quickly and easily, including this one: The next step is to help you find a motive in order to claim refugee in Canada. We will provide you with a listing of different motives so that you can choose the one that best suits you (emphasis mine though I will leave in all the various spelling and grammatical mistakes).

Leaving nothing to chance, the company provides motives that have worked for other people: For example many of our clients choose the type of motives in which they claim that there were part of an organization (anti-abortion, human rights, gay or lesbian movement, etc., etc.) back in their home country and that some people were against that movement. This is just a simple example. Our services are so complete that we will brief you before your departure so that your motive is well documented and well verbalized. We guarantee you that the immigration official will not return you to your country.

In case the encouragement to be creative with the truth didnt sink in the first time, its repeated again under the Frequently Asked Questions: When you retain our services we help you find an effective and valid motive. Do not worry. We are experts in this matter.

To the FAQ question, I am 75 years old. Can I go to Canada? they answer: Of course you can. If you apply for a Skilled Worker visa you will probably be denied du to the age factor but when you claim refugee in Canada, the important point is your motive We will make sure that you have a valid motive.

Another FAQ raises the question of what to do if ones motive is rejected. The answer: We will guide you with a lot of information so that your refugee claim is gives the impression of being realistic and convincing. You will not have any problem. We have helped more than 1,200 people in the past eight years to claim refugee in Canada and every single person was able to claim refugee without being detained. … We never leave anyone stranded. That is why we are so famous and that is why so many people hire us to come to Canada.

You will not find the endorsing logo of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC) on or other sites like it, but how is an immigrant to know that he should look for such a stamp of approval? In any case, theres no downside to the client using ghost consultants (if they have the US$2,250 to pay up front) because claimants are not at present even asked if they have been coached by immigration consultants, let alone whether those consultants are legitimate or not.

Quebec, the only province controlling its own immigration policies, is moving to regulate immigration consultancy and close this loophole, a sensible initiative applauded by the CSIC. The federal government must also become ghost consultant-busters. Then Mr. Kenney may more credibly boast, as he did regarding the Raslan court decision, that his government is working hard to protect the integrity of Canadian citizenship, particularly from those who would obtain it through fraud.


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by jimshort19
Mar 03 2010
9:30 AM

“…Mr. Raslans Ontario home phone number was common to 62 other citizenship applicants, and his mailing address to 126 others.” And it takes a federal judge to catch one, at great expense no doubt. Can Immigration catch any?
by sensgirl
Mar 03 2010
9:44 AM

I have seen multiple families living in one house. These people get away with far too much. One family moves in then another one moves in and then the first family moves out. So right there you see that they bring family memebers and friends in so they can get an address. This is ridiculous!!! They know whats going on but immagration does nothing. Give me the job and i bet I can do better.
by Kosman
Mar 03 2010
9:45 AM

Wouldn't what the ghost immigration organizations are doing constitute fraud?

Is that no longer against the law, or what passes for law in this country?

No wonder our country has become a lawless nation with a reputation of harboring criminals from around the globe.
by crocodile dundee
Mar 03 2010
9:47 AM

Thank Trudeau and his idiotic Charter and the judge that ruled that everyone landing in Canada claiming refugee status has the rights of a Canadian citizen. This country is doomed.
by Dave_12
Mar 03 2010
10:01 AM

As the recent Olympics showed Canada is the best country on Earth but unless we ensure that only the people Canada requires to maintain its high standards are allowed to come here we will lose that wonderful quality of our nation.

We should immediately stop all forms of refugee claimants done on Canadian soil. Any claimants must apply at our embassies abroad and be fully vetted.

Multiculturalism should be disbanded as it just encourages and rewards people to stay in their tribes.

Nations or ethnic groups that have shown to be an ongoing social or criminal problem like Jamaicans or the Roma gypsies should be denied entry or rigidly monitored and deported promptly if they break the law. The cost in criminal processes and endless welfare is not worth the effort. Jamaica has the highest murder rate in the world, why would you allow or need immigration from there?

As we see in Eurabia the growing muslim diaspora is tearing their countries apart. This culture makes and contributes nothing to civilization and hasn't for a 1,000 years so why would we expect them to be different here. Many muslims I have spoken to came here years ago to get away from their religious customs and are alarmed Canada is allowing a flood of those they ran away from to come here. We are already seeing the problems in our schools, universities and initial violence of their early attempts to bomb our cities. They will endlessly attempt to introduce sharia law, niqabs and head scarves to force us to back up. This theocracy is totally alien to our rights and freedoms and unless we fight back now we will lose what we have in our Canadian spirit.

If you think this is an exaggeration France has a published list of 751 areas in their cities and towns that they admit the French government does not control. It is controlled by the muslims that live there and no police or military enter into these areas and they are growing each and every day.
by Mr.Ross
Mar 03 2010
10:14 AM

Canada is not the dumping ground for failed states.

Don't just complain here, contact your MP and send a note to the RCMP requesting they investigate this potentially fraudulent service:

Quick Visa Canada Inc.

272, boulevard Saint-Jean-Baptiste

Chateauguay, QC, J6K3C2

Toll free number in Canada: 1 800 45 QUICK

by Mr.Ross
Mar 03 2010
10:18 AM

This FAQ is my personal favourite:

Is it better to claim refugee or to apply for a Skilled Worker visa?

Those who claim refugee skip a very long process to come to Canada. Most people who want to travel to Canada will go through the regular process which is to apply for a Permanent Resident Visa (also know as Skilled Worker Visa). The regular process is a very tough and long one because there are at least 750 000 applicants every year but only between 230 000 to 250 000 will obtain the Skilled Worker visa. That is why it is much better to claim refugee. Those who claim refugee skip a very long immigration process.
by rdewin
Mar 03 2010
10:19 AM

This absolutely breaks my heart. My family moved here via the 'get in line and wait' route, so it upsets me to see people abuse the system like this. Also, having worked as a receptionist at an immigration consultancy (a real one!), I should point out that it's not just fraudulent consultants at play here. I saw far too many people contact the office specifically looking for someone to help them cheat the system and file a false refugee claim because the proper channels were 'too slow' or 'too expensive'. CIC needs to work on spreading awareness to potential applicants that moving here legitimately is neither 'cheap' nor 'quick', and rightly so.
by Thiefan Baker
Mar 03 2010
10:21 AM

Is Jason Kenny a homosexual?
by Maximum Cat
Mar 03 2010
10:39 AM

Thanks for that info Mr. Ross. The site appears to be encouraging people to defraud our immigration system and a criminal investigation seems in order.

People concerned about this should aslo email Jason Kenney, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration at:
by gwestbound
Mar 03 2010
10:44 AM

Will the other 126 citizenship applicants sharing his address also be rejected?
Mar 03 2010
10:57 AM

When pondering someone who would cheat to get into the country, one has to ask…

As ye sow, so shall ye reap?
by Sassylassie
Mar 03 2010
10:59 AM

I'm not going to use the word immigrant because that blankets innocent law abiding immigrants with the self same slime that uses our immigration system to get undesirables' access to Canadian Citizenship frauduantly. From where I sit it's Muslim Immigrants who are using loopholes to fast track themselves into citizenship, we need new laws governing what is deemed “Integratable Immigrants” if people are being granted citizenship then their political/religious and cultural beliefs must be compatable with ours. We need to shut down the scam artists who use our immigration system to fleece innocents and to cheat the taxpayer.

Guest wanna bet those 126 liars and fraudsters have gone to ground never to be found unless arrested for illegal activities?
by ObserverGuy
Mar 03 2010
11:50 AM

Interesting that the Post still doesn't have any coverage of Kenney's decision to exclude any mention of gay rights from the citizenship guide…
by rightofway
Mar 03 2010
12:01 PM

This is something that is not new.

It's been going on for 20 odd yrs now.

It has now finally hit home to many canadians of all stripes.

Yes Trudeau began this open door policy,but Mr.Chretien and his band of self serving liberal ministers profected it.For what? The almighty VOTE and POWER,control thats what.

Bogus reports about how if Canada did not open up immigration,some how we would just disappear! Not enough babies.Ya rightttttttt.

Thats why with all this mass immigration and refugees poring in.It has not stopped the trend or fixed the dreaded fact,that the boomers are going to retire.People live longer and are far far more healthier than ever before.

So the great apocalyptic predictions that we are all doomed,and are beloved health care system will be destroyed.Are just BS issues,are health care system is already broken and has been for a long time now!

Of course there is the other issue the lib's love to through in every Canadian's face.If you do not support mass immigration and refugees coming in, YOUR A RACIST.

After all this, and the out right stealing of the tax payers money.Not to mention all the lying by the liberals,there are still millions out there who support them.

So does this problem here realy supprise you?
by libby66
Mar 03 2010
12:05 PM


Croc, you are correct: we have Trudeau to thank for this mess. His legacy has been haunting us for far too long.

CSIS! Wake up and investigate these fraud artists and their customers.
by kravdraa
Mar 03 2010
12:24 PM

Often, after returning home to Canada from vacationing abroad, I would get the usual grilling from Canada Customs. Where had I been? Who did I see? What was my purpose for travelling abroad?

It would have been easier for me to get back in to my own country by simply flushing my passport down the toilet on the plane and claiming refugee status, as many of these so-called 'refugees' do.
by Ascalepius
Mar 03 2010
12:33 PM

Canada should only allow the importation of those law abiding immigrants who have skills required by Canada—- if their qualifications are not up to Canadian standards, then they should attain them BEFORE application as was the case in the 60's when I applied.

Those unwilling to adapt to the customs and prevailing moral code of the Canadian citizenry should not even bother trying.

If they have preexisting medical conditions that would prove to be a burden to the Canadian tax payers—don't let them in unless they have the means to cover their own health care costs—there are countries in the world that won't let one in , even as a visitor, without a health care insurance coverage in their hands.

If Canada has a shortage of engineers etc., bring them in—if there is an excess—don't.

As for the illegals—intercept them at airports as they do in other countries where they have to show their return tickets before even going through customs—if they don't have a return ticket—back on the plane they go tout suite, no fuss, no bother.
by Haefen
Mar 03 2010
12:36 PM

Clearly immigration should be, as Quebec has shown us, a provincial matter. They are closer to the results of the administration of our immigration policies.

Let the provinces take over the bulk of this department. That way they can better control the whole system and like Quebec taylor it to their needs.

At the federal level we should stop the refugee claims completely and improve the immigration process. Unless you are from a border country it is very hard to see how Canada should be a country of refuge. Then when someone comes from Africa they will be seen as equal, not a dishonest refugee.
by DavidinKingston
Mar 03 2010
2:13 PM

While there is a Claude Lamoureux, Avocat, at the Chateauguay address that appears on the Quick Visa web site, his yellow pages photograph looks nothing like the one on the “our team” page. Methinks Claude has had his identity hijacked. Hope he sues!
by chevymo
Mar 03 2010
7:53 PM

Does it say anything in there about expecting fundamental rights under the charter being recognised in every province … like the right of equality, mobility, no discrimination based on origin or accent … is there maybe a caveat exempting the nation of Quebec from acknowledging the fundamental rights of Canadians anywhere … just wondering …
by Sassylassie
Mar 03 2010
8:09 PM

Interesting that the Post still doesn't have any coverage of Kenney's decision to exclude any mention of gay rights from the citizenship guide…

End quote:———–

Ah yes they did cover the story, investigate before you smear this paper please.

As for excluding Same sex-sex in the Immigration handbook well actually they are covered under gender and sexual equality but apparently the Pro-Gay special interests' groups want Immigration Canada to devote a whole chaper to same sex sex. Why beats me, Gays are equal to all in Canada but apparently we need to give their sexual habits full court coverage in our Immigration/integration handbook. I guess a chapter on rape being illegal isn't as important as whom you have same sex with? Not to mention that domestic abuse is illegal and you can't beat the wife if your religion denotes you can but that's not important gay sex is a priority for the progressives right? Nope the top priority of Harper should be addressing who the Gay Community can legally have sex with and when it became lawful to have sex?

We'll get right on that after the Burka issue.

Refugees R Us

Refugees R Us

Barbara Kay
Posted: March 03, 2010, 9:00 AM
by NP Editor

On Sunday, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney praised a Federal Court ruling denying citizenship to Syrian immigrant Nasoh Raslan. At trial, it was revealed that Mr. Raslans Ontario home phone number was common to 62 other citizenship applicants, and his mailing address to 126 others.

Mr. Raslan reacted to events with a mixture of repentance and perplexity: I now know that I definitely did not do the right thing, he averred in an affidavit, but at the time, I thought that [applying through another address] was simply a common and small stretch to the rules.

Mr. Raslan has a right to be confused. Far greater stretches to the immigration rules if under rules we include moral precepts of transparency and integrity are made all the time, as any candid immigration judge will confirm.

Where do immigrants get the idea that stretching rules is common here? Partly from mercenary Canadians such as the ghost immigration consultants advertising their expertise on the perfectly legal website If the boasts put forward therein are even approximately accurate, Nasoh Raslan and his fake address represent the least of Canadas immigration problems.

The first thing you see on the websites professional-looking home page is the statement: A cheap, quick and effective way to come to Canada.

Intrigued? I certainly would be if I were a credulous would-be immigrant eager to avoid a lot of red tape.

The website lays out the steps for coming to Canada quickly and easily, including this one: The next step is to help you find a motive in order to claim refugee in Canada. We will provide you with a listing of different motives so that you can choose the one that best suits you (emphasis mine though I will leave in all the various spelling and grammatical mistakes).

Leaving nothing to chance, the company provides motives that have worked for other people: For example many of our clients choose the type of motives in which they claim that there were part of an organization (anti-abortion, human rights, gay or lesbian movement, etc., etc.) back in their home country and that some people were against that movement. This is just a simple example. Our services are so complete that we will brief you before your departure so that your motive is well documented and well verbalized. We guarantee you that the immigration official will not return you to your country.

In case the encouragement to be creative with the truth didnt sink in the first time, its repeated again under the Frequently Asked Questions: When you retain our services we help you find an effective and valid motive. Do not worry. We are experts in this matter.

To the FAQ question, I am 75 years old. Can I go to Canada? they answer: Of course you can. If you apply for a Skilled Worker visa you will probably be denied du to the age factor but when you claim refugee in Canada, the important point is your motive We will make sure that you have a valid motive.

Another FAQ raises the question of what to do if ones motive is rejected. The answer: We will guide you with a lot of information so that your refugee claim is gives the impression of being realistic and convincing. You will not have any problem. We have helped more than 1,200 people in the past eight years to claim refugee in Canada and every single person was able to claim refugee without being detained. … We never leave anyone stranded. That is why we are so famous and that is why so many people hire us to come to Canada.

You will not find the endorsing logo of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC) on or other sites like it, but how is an immigrant to know that he should look for such a stamp of approval? In any case, theres no downside to the client using ghost consultants (if they have the US$2,250 to pay up front) because claimants are not at present even asked if they have been coached by immigration consultants, let alone whether those consultants are legitimate or not.

Quebec, the only province controlling its own immigration policies, is moving to regulate immigration consultancy and close this loophole, a sensible initiative applauded by the CSIC. The federal government must also become ghost consultant-busters. Then Mr. Kenney may more credibly boast, as he did regarding the Raslan court decision, that his government is working hard to protect the integrity of Canadian citizenship, particularly from those who would obtain it through fraud.


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by jimshort19
Mar 03 2010
9:30 AM

“…Mr. Raslans Ontario home phone number was common to 62 other citizenship applicants, and his mailing address to 126 others.” And it takes a federal judge to catch one, at great expense no doubt. Can Immigration catch any?
by sensgirl
Mar 03 2010
9:44 AM

I have seen multiple families living in one house. These people get away with far too much. One family moves in then another one moves in and then the first family moves out. So right there you see that they bring family memebers and friends in so they can get an address. This is ridiculous!!! They know whats going on but immagration does nothing. Give me the job and i bet I can do better.
by Kosman
Mar 03 2010
9:45 AM

Wouldn't what the ghost immigration organizations are doing constitute fraud?

Is that no longer against the law, or what passes for law in this country?

No wonder our country has become a lawless nation with a reputation of harboring criminals from around the globe.
by crocodile dundee
Mar 03 2010
9:47 AM

Thank Trudeau and his idiotic Charter and the judge that ruled that everyone landing in Canada claiming refugee status has the rights of a Canadian citizen. This country is doomed.
by Dave_12
Mar 03 2010
10:01 AM

As the recent Olympics showed Canada is the best country on Earth but unless we ensure that only the people Canada requires to maintain its high standards are allowed to come here we will lose that wonderful quality of our nation.

We should immediately stop all forms of refugee claimants done on Canadian soil. Any claimants must apply at our embassies abroad and be fully vetted.

Multiculturalism should be disbanded as it just encourages and rewards people to stay in their tribes.

Nations or ethnic groups that have shown to be an ongoing social or criminal problem like Jamaicans or the Roma gypsies should be denied entry or rigidly monitored and deported promptly if they break the law. The cost in criminal processes and endless welfare is not worth the effort. Jamaica has the highest murder rate in the world, why would you allow or need immigration from there?

As we see in Eurabia the growing muslim diaspora is tearing their countries apart. This culture makes and contributes nothing to civilization and hasn't for a 1,000 years so why would we expect them to be different here. Many muslims I have spoken to came here years ago to get away from their religious customs and are alarmed Canada is allowing a flood of those they ran away from to come here. We are already seeing the problems in our schools, universities and initial violence of their early attempts to bomb our cities. They will endlessly attempt to introduce sharia law, niqabs and head scarves to force us to back up. This theocracy is totally alien to our rights and freedoms and unless we fight back now we will lose what we have in our Canadian spirit.

If you think this is an exaggeration France has a published list of 751 areas in their cities and towns that they admit the French government does not control. It is controlled by the muslims that live there and no police or military enter into these areas and they are growing each and every day.
by Mr.Ross
Mar 03 2010
10:14 AM

Canada is not the dumping ground for failed states.

Don't just complain here, contact your MP and send a note to the RCMP requesting they investigate this potentially fraudulent service:

Quick Visa Canada Inc.

272, boulevard Saint-Jean-Baptiste

Chateauguay, QC, J6K3C2

Toll free number in Canada: 1 800 45 QUICK

by Mr.Ross
Mar 03 2010
10:18 AM

This FAQ is my personal favourite:

Is it better to claim refugee or to apply for a Skilled Worker visa?

Those who claim refugee skip a very long process to come to Canada. Most people who want to travel to Canada will go through the regular process which is to apply for a Permanent Resident Visa (also know as Skilled Worker Visa). The regular process is a very tough and long one because there are at least 750 000 applicants every year but only between 230 000 to 250 000 will obtain the Skilled Worker visa. That is why it is much better to claim refugee. Those who claim refugee skip a very long immigration process.
by rdewin
Mar 03 2010
10:19 AM

This absolutely breaks my heart. My family moved here via the 'get in line and wait' route, so it upsets me to see people abuse the system like this. Also, having worked as a receptionist at an immigration consultancy (a real one!), I should point out that it's not just fraudulent consultants at play here. I saw far too many people contact the office specifically looking for someone to help them cheat the system and file a false refugee claim because the proper channels were 'too slow' or 'too expensive'. CIC needs to work on spreading awareness to potential applicants that moving here legitimately is neither 'cheap' nor 'quick', and rightly so.
by Thiefan Baker
Mar 03 2010
10:21 AM

Is Jason Kenny a homosexual?
by Maximum Cat
Mar 03 2010
10:39 AM

Thanks for that info Mr. Ross. The site appears to be encouraging people to defraud our immigration system and a criminal investigation seems in order.

People concerned about this should aslo email Jason Kenney, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration at:
by gwestbound
Mar 03 2010
10:44 AM

Will the other 126 citizenship applicants sharing his address also be rejected?
Mar 03 2010
10:57 AM

When pondering someone who would cheat to get into the country, one has to ask…

As ye sow, so shall ye reap?
by Sassylassie
Mar 03 2010
10:59 AM

I'm not going to use the word immigrant because that blankets innocent law abiding immigrants with the self same slime that uses our immigration system to get undesirables' access to Canadian Citizenship frauduantly. From where I sit it's Muslim Immigrants who are using loopholes to fast track themselves into citizenship, we need new laws governing what is deemed “Integratable Immigrants” if people are being granted citizenship then their political/religious and cultural beliefs must be compatable with ours. We need to shut down the scam artists who use our immigration system to fleece innocents and to cheat the taxpayer.

Guest wanna bet those 126 liars and fraudsters have gone to ground never to be found unless arrested for illegal activities?
by ObserverGuy
Mar 03 2010
11:50 AM

Interesting that the Post still doesn't have any coverage of Kenney's decision to exclude any mention of gay rights from the citizenship guide…
by rightofway
Mar 03 2010
12:01 PM

This is something that is not new.

It's been going on for 20 odd yrs now.

It has now finally hit home to many canadians of all stripes.

Yes Trudeau began this open door policy,but Mr.Chretien and his band of self serving liberal ministers profected it.For what? The almighty VOTE and POWER,control thats what.

Bogus reports about how if Canada did not open up immigration,some how we would just disappear! Not enough babies.Ya rightttttttt.

Thats why with all this mass immigration and refugees poring in.It has not stopped the trend or fixed the dreaded fact,that the boomers are going to retire.People live longer and are far far more healthier than ever before.

So the great apocalyptic predictions that we are all doomed,and are beloved health care system will be destroyed.Are just BS issues,are health care system is already broken and has been for a long time now!

Of course there is the other issue the lib's love to through in every Canadian's face.If you do not support mass immigration and refugees coming in, YOUR A RACIST.

After all this, and the out right stealing of the tax payers money.Not to mention all the lying by the liberals,there are still millions out there who support them.

So does this problem here realy supprise you?
by libby66
Mar 03 2010
12:05 PM


Croc, you are correct: we have Trudeau to thank for this mess. His legacy has been haunting us for far too long.

CSIS! Wake up and investigate these fraud artists and their customers.
by kravdraa
Mar 03 2010
12:24 PM

Often, after returning home to Canada from vacationing abroad, I would get the usual grilling from Canada Customs. Where had I been? Who did I see? What was my purpose for travelling abroad?

It would have been easier for me to get back in to my own country by simply flushing my passport down the toilet on the plane and claiming refugee status, as many of these so-called 'refugees' do.
by Ascalepius
Mar 03 2010
12:33 PM

Canada should only allow the importation of those law abiding immigrants who have skills required by Canada—- if their qualifications are not up to Canadian standards, then they should attain them BEFORE application as was the case in the 60's when I applied.

Those unwilling to adapt to the customs and prevailing moral code of the Canadian citizenry should not even bother trying.

If they have preexisting medical conditions that would prove to be a burden to the Canadian tax payers—don't let them in unless they have the means to cover their own health care costs—there are countries in the world that won't let one in , even as a visitor, without a health care insurance coverage in their hands.

If Canada has a shortage of engineers etc., bring them in—if there is an excess—don't.

As for the illegals—intercept them at airports as they do in other countries where they have to show their return tickets before even going through customs—if they don't have a return ticket—back on the plane they go tout suite, no fuss, no bother.
by Haefen
Mar 03 2010
12:36 PM

Clearly immigration should be, as Quebec has shown us, a provincial matter. They are closer to the results of the administration of our immigration policies.

Let the provinces take over the bulk of this department. That way they can better control the whole system and like Quebec taylor it to their needs.

At the federal level we should stop the refugee claims completely and improve the immigration process. Unless you are from a border country it is very hard to see how Canada should be a country of refuge. Then when someone comes from Africa they will be seen as equal, not a dishonest refugee.
by DavidinKingston
Mar 03 2010
2:13 PM

While there is a Claude Lamoureux, Avocat, at the Chateauguay address that appears on the Quick Visa web site, his yellow pages photograph looks nothing like the one on the “our team” page. Methinks Claude has had his identity hijacked. Hope he sues!
by chevymo
Mar 03 2010
7:53 PM

Does it say anything in there about expecting fundamental rights under the charter being recognised in every province … like the right of equality, mobility, no discrimination based on origin or accent … is there maybe a caveat exempting the nation of Quebec from acknowledging the fundamental rights of Canadians anywhere … just wondering …
by Sassylassie
Mar 03 2010
8:09 PM

Interesting that the Post still doesn't have any coverage of Kenney's decision to exclude any mention of gay rights from the citizenship guide…

End quote:———–

Ah yes they did cover the story, investigate before you smear this paper please.

As for excluding Same sex-sex in the Immigration handbook well actually they are covered under gender and sexual equality but apparently the Pro-Gay special interests' groups want Immigration Canada to devote a whole chaper to same sex sex. Why beats me, Gays are equal to all in Canada but apparently we need to give their sexual habits full court coverage in our Immigration/integration handbook. I guess a chapter on rape being illegal isn't as important as whom you have same sex with? Not to mention that domestic abuse is illegal and you can't beat the wife if your religion denotes you can but that's not important gay sex is a priority for the progressives right? Nope the top priority of Harper should be addressing who the Gay Community can legally have sex with and when it became lawful to have sex?

We'll get right on that after the Burka issue.