Adrian MacNair : Canada’s Persecuted White Minority

Adrian MacNair: Canadas persecuted white minority

Adrian MacNair
The National Post
July 21, 2010 9:12 am

Ive already ranted about this at length, so there isnt particularly any point to going on about it again, except to say that this is the kind of society in which we now live. A society where the colour of your skin is a determining factor in whether or not you can find gainful employment. Where that decision is determined not by individuals, or corporations, but by the government itself:

A stay-at-home mother trying to re-enter the workforce after nine years away says she cant understand why the federal government would stop her from applying for a job simply because she is white.
Sara Landriault, a sometime family activist, says that with her kids in school full time she decided to start looking for work outside of the home.

While surfing on the federal government job website, Landriault says she found a position at Citizenship and Immigration Canada she felt she was qualified for but was blocked from submitting her resume because she was not an aboriginal or visible minority.

I was flabbergasted, Landriault said in a telephone interview from her home in Kemptville, Ont., just south of Ottawa. It was insane. Im white, so I cant do it?

My wife is in a similar situation as Ms. Landriault. She hasnt been a member of the workforce since we had our first child in 2001, and she recently applied to Canada Posts online application form.

She got to a part in the application that asked the same question: was she a visible minority or an aboriginal? After some encouragement, she clicked that she was a visible minority, despite the fact that she is technically white.

Why? Because where we live, we are a visible minority by all accounts of the definition. And as a Portuguese immigrant, there arent very many other Portuguese people who live in our area. In essence, shes playing the game that the government is trying to engage with its own citizens.

But as Ive said before, what does being white have to do with anything? White Canadians have emigrated from every corner of the globe, including South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and post-colonial parts of Asia and South America. What does being white have to do with whether one can do their job or not? What does being aboriginal have to do with it for that matter?

National Post

Adrian MacNair is a Vancouver writer and blogger.



8:21 AM on July 21, 2010

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.. One nation, one people, one law.
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8:35 AM on July 21, 2010

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I'm all for giving minorities a fair chance, and a leg up to boot. This means that we white folk will occasionally be given a rough ride. It looks like racism, but it's the deal that we've agreed to through our elected representatives, who are incidentally mostly white. Granted, it can be an annoyance and even a pain. The question is, what is it costing, is it working, and will it ever end?
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8:39 AM on July 21, 2010

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Simply blatant racism.
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8:40 AM on July 21, 2010

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Its not discrimination Mr. MacNair, its 'Affirmative Action'. You clearly lack the sophistication to see the difference.
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8:43 AM on July 21, 2010

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Iain puts it well. This folly is the fruit of attempts to replace the idea that discrimination is an act of conscious conduct aimed at other races, etc., by the idea that any failure of any employment group to reflect the racial, etc., distribution of the society as a whole is proof of discrimination that must be corrected by 'affirmative action.'

The policy is a violation of the merit principle, a balm for do-gooders that do not belief in proving wrong-doing and a socialist cureall, under which much evil has been done — all of it in the name of the 'greater good.' It's kind of like the Indian Act's screwball justification of welfare state apartheid, in which slush and privileges are used to convince the clients that they are really better off as irresponsible wards of the state. But it does 'justify' employing bureaucrats to administer it.
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8:51 AM on July 21, 2010

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Well said, Mr. Foulds.

Every time government or other institutions attempt social engineering, it fails. Indeed it often has very nasty unintended consequences. So this sort of discrimination must be halted because it doesn't work.

That way we can skip over the debate about why it is also fundamentally wrong to treat people differently based on their race or religion. One rule for all. And as few rules & regulations as we can possibly manage with.
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8:54 AM on July 21, 2010

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To my mind, state-sanctioned discrimination is far more insidious than the latent discrimination that its supposed to combat; discrimination like what one might encounter in an 'Old Boy's Network'. This is why I will never apply for a job with the Government. Then again, I am a straight, able-bodied, white guy who was born here, (not to mention educated and disdainful of unions) so I suppose I needn't apply anyway.
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8:55 AM on July 21, 2010

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You think being white is bad, wait until your a white MALE, then you qualify for almost no government jobs, regardless of your socio-economic background or qualifications.
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Score: 12

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Time for Revolution

9:07 AM on July 21, 2010

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This is such an outrageous situation, I'm finding it difficult to cobble a posting together. An almost completely white Canadian population decides to extend what can only be considered an historic olive branch to the less fortunate and persecuted all over the planet. We fling our doors wide open and in a legendary act of kindness we willingly share everything our country has to offer and THIS is what we get in return. We get to be second-class citizens in our own country? How can something so despicable and nasty even happen? Should I tell my son that his future is questionable because of the kindness his family showed to others in the past. How does that work? This country and especially the province of Ontario has become a sick joke. Our socialist government has done what failed socialists ALWAYS do, they've morphed into fascists to retain control by force, because that's the only remaining option for people who have done this much damage. That whole democracy thing was getting so unpredictable and annoying, they just scrapped all that garbage and moved straight into dominating us with fraud and theft and violent cops and freaky unfair legislation. So now white Canadians get to have their earnings removed by force and the threat of prison, to finance an infrastructure that is unavailable to them. What a bunch of weakling suckers and nothing more. Just send in the last of your dough whitey and then SIT DOWN and SHUT UP !!!! Got it?
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9:17 AM on July 21, 2010

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Being a white, anglophone male with a degree makes it almost impossible to apply for most government jobs. (I was laughed out of a Sudbury office of the Ontario Provincial Government in the 90s.)
On the other hand, being part of that demographic it makes it almost certain that you don't smoke. Ya win some, ya lose some.

Seriously: the various governments' racist and sexist policies makes it less and less likely that a civil service job will ever be seen as desirable by most young people with talent or ambition…which is perhaps a good thing for private industry. Just don't complain later that we aren't hiring enough of your targeted groups when you've scooped them all into the civil service..
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9:18 AM on July 21, 2010

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This is the sort of unjust thing one would hope the Harper government would do something about, and yet they don't seem to be showing the slightest interest.
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9:19 AM on July 21, 2010

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It might interest everyone to know that affirmative action was tried for years in the states and after finding it to be a complete failure, they scrapped it. With this type of hiring criteria, is it any wonder some people have doubts about the skill of some of our civil service employees. I might add that most Govt. jobs are union jobs and we all know that no matter how unqualified you are, termination from these jobs is near to impossible. Sometimes taking a page from the USA playbook isn't so bad after all.
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9:21 AM on July 21, 2010

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Think of all those brave civil rights activits in the 50s and 60s in the United States (now I know this is Canada in this example), is this how we honour their bravery and efforts, with discrimination? Discusting,.
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9:23 AM on July 21, 2010

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Good for Sara, getting a job is a good role model for her children and will certainly help relieve the burden that has fallen solely on her husband.

Government jobs should be reserved for veterans who have served their country.
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9:28 AM on July 21, 2010

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There doesn't seen to be a problem with whites being accepted into the Military, someone has to fight and die in Afghanistan and we certainly don't want to risk viable minorities. Watching the media reports over the years I can't remember seeing any visible minority soldier in the ranks! They're at home in Canada living the good life…..

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Score: 11

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9:30 AM on July 21, 2010

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9:31 AM on July 21, 2010

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I wonder if jenny lynch-em-up, is following this post, after all this is heresy.

Sacred cows an all
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Score: 0

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9:33 AM on July 21, 2010

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9:33 AM on July 21, 2010

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Don't let the bastards get away with it! Fight back – VOTE!
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9:40 AM on July 21, 2010

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The Natural Ruling Opposition with their Natural Biased Media would have a field day if there were any attemp to level this playing field .
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9:46 AM on July 21, 2010

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I don't think this kind of affirmative action discrimination has the wide public support that would threaten the government if it was made into an election issue. This isn't just a minority hiring quota, this is absolute ineligibility.

I can't imagine more than maybe a third of the population supports something that extreme and punitive, and they're mostly clustered in Toronto and other areas the Conservatives don't have a realistic chance in anyway. And on top of that, they're going to be split between the Libs and NDP, as well as maybe the Bloc, with the CPC as the only party opposing extreme anti-white racism.

I think making an election issue out of this would actually stand a fair chance of delivering the Conservatives a majority. Watching the Liberals stand up to defend exclusion of white people from government jobs would be a great way to fire up the Conservative base – I can imagine that leading to 90% voter turnout in most of the ridings outside of “MonToVan”, almost exclusively to repudiate the left on that opinion. And as a bonus, it would probably cleave away the last of the Liberals fading centrist support among white people.

It looks to me like not only would it be wise to make this an election issue, but it would make sense to make it THE point of a single-issue election.
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9:47 AM on July 21, 2010

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The last thing Immigration Canada's brass would want is more whites working there, white man might impede their mission to flood this nation with as many Anti-Canadian hyphenated ungrateful immigrants as they can fast track in. .

Me I'd sue for d iscrimination, no why can the government lawfully deny you a jub because of your skin color.
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9:52 AM on July 21, 2010

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Anon et al: Given recent experience with the coverage over the long form census (instead of having it mandatory for 20% of respondents it will be voluntary for 33%…and the CBC and the rest of the MSM insist that it's being “scrapped.”) I think the way this would be portrayed is “Government stops hiring women, minorities and French.” Not something you want to try to correct in an election campaign.
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10:09 AM on July 21, 2010

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To paraphrase Henry Ford (if paraphrasing white people is still allowable):

You can have any colour you want, as long as it isn't white.

Note to pedants: Yes, I know white is not a colour.
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10:50 AM on July 21, 2010

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re: BCHunter, on media bias about the census

I don't really agree with that analogy. The professional statisticians are pretty much uniformly telling anyone who gives them an opportunity to speak that a voluntary – and therefore self-selecting – group of respondents simply won't do as a basis for proper standardization. The media are not really distorting this in any significant way, because the objective set of raw data that the math guys need as a standard to calibrate everything else to IS being scrapped. It's a pretty clear issue of libertarianism versus technical requirements, and I don't think it's been inaccurately portrayed.

Sure, if the government went after exclusionary versions of affirmative action, the CBC and Red Star would flip out at them. But the Post would be reporting the true version, CTV would probably explain the facts and report on the fight between camps without endorsing either (the Pablum of TV news won't offend any market share … oops, I mean viewer … by overtly taking sides), and the Globe would fence-sit over which editorial direction to take until they knew what would better please the mass market. So the only readers really getting the totally biased, anti-government version would be the voters who are essentially already lost causes.

Plus, one of the benefits of the proliferation of blogs is that the MSM simply wouldn't be able to get away with running “Government stops hiring women, minorities and French” for long. As far as I can see, this is the best issue the government is likely to find as a basis to throw down against its opponents, where it has the real potential to simply drag mainstream outraged opinion against the Lib/Dips. Any biased MSM brands that choose the wrong side would also end up facing against the grain of public opinion.

Read more:

Adrian MacNair : Canada’s Persecuted White Minority

Adrian MacNair: Canadas persecuted white minority

Adrian MacNair
The National Post
July 21, 2010 9:12 am

Ive already ranted about this at length, so there isnt particularly any point to going on about it again, except to say that this is the kind of society in which we now live. A society where the colour of your skin is a determining factor in whether or not you can find gainful employment. Where that decision is determined not by individuals, or corporations, but by the government itself:

A stay-at-home mother trying to re-enter the workforce after nine years away says she cant understand why the federal government would stop her from applying for a job simply because she is white.
Sara Landriault, a sometime family activist, says that with her kids in school full time she decided to start looking for work outside of the home.

While surfing on the federal government job website, Landriault says she found a position at Citizenship and Immigration Canada she felt she was qualified for but was blocked from submitting her resume because she was not an aboriginal or visible minority.

I was flabbergasted, Landriault said in a telephone interview from her home in Kemptville, Ont., just south of Ottawa. It was insane. Im white, so I cant do it?

My wife is in a similar situation as Ms. Landriault. She hasnt been a member of the workforce since we had our first child in 2001, and she recently applied to Canada Posts online application form.

She got to a part in the application that asked the same question: was she a visible minority or an aboriginal? After some encouragement, she clicked that she was a visible minority, despite the fact that she is technically white.

Why? Because where we live, we are a visible minority by all accounts of the definition. And as a Portuguese immigrant, there arent very many other Portuguese people who live in our area. In essence, shes playing the game that the government is trying to engage with its own citizens.

But as Ive said before, what does being white have to do with anything? White Canadians have emigrated from every corner of the globe, including South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and post-colonial parts of Asia and South America. What does being white have to do with whether one can do their job or not? What does being aboriginal have to do with it for that matter?

National Post

Adrian MacNair is a Vancouver writer and blogger.



8:21 AM on July 21, 2010

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.. One nation, one people, one law.
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8:35 AM on July 21, 2010

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I'm all for giving minorities a fair chance, and a leg up to boot. This means that we white folk will occasionally be given a rough ride. It looks like racism, but it's the deal that we've agreed to through our elected representatives, who are incidentally mostly white. Granted, it can be an annoyance and even a pain. The question is, what is it costing, is it working, and will it ever end?
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8:39 AM on July 21, 2010

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Simply blatant racism.
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8:40 AM on July 21, 2010

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Its not discrimination Mr. MacNair, its 'Affirmative Action'. You clearly lack the sophistication to see the difference.
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8:43 AM on July 21, 2010

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Iain puts it well. This folly is the fruit of attempts to replace the idea that discrimination is an act of conscious conduct aimed at other races, etc., by the idea that any failure of any employment group to reflect the racial, etc., distribution of the society as a whole is proof of discrimination that must be corrected by 'affirmative action.'

The policy is a violation of the merit principle, a balm for do-gooders that do not belief in proving wrong-doing and a socialist cureall, under which much evil has been done — all of it in the name of the 'greater good.' It's kind of like the Indian Act's screwball justification of welfare state apartheid, in which slush and privileges are used to convince the clients that they are really better off as irresponsible wards of the state. But it does 'justify' employing bureaucrats to administer it.
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8:51 AM on July 21, 2010

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Well said, Mr. Foulds.

Every time government or other institutions attempt social engineering, it fails. Indeed it often has very nasty unintended consequences. So this sort of discrimination must be halted because it doesn't work.

That way we can skip over the debate about why it is also fundamentally wrong to treat people differently based on their race or religion. One rule for all. And as few rules & regulations as we can possibly manage with.
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8:54 AM on July 21, 2010

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To my mind, state-sanctioned discrimination is far more insidious than the latent discrimination that its supposed to combat; discrimination like what one might encounter in an 'Old Boy's Network'. This is why I will never apply for a job with the Government. Then again, I am a straight, able-bodied, white guy who was born here, (not to mention educated and disdainful of unions) so I suppose I needn't apply anyway.
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8:55 AM on July 21, 2010

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You think being white is bad, wait until your a white MALE, then you qualify for almost no government jobs, regardless of your socio-economic background or qualifications.
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Score: 12

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Time for Revolution

9:07 AM on July 21, 2010

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This is such an outrageous situation, I'm finding it difficult to cobble a posting together. An almost completely white Canadian population decides to extend what can only be considered an historic olive branch to the less fortunate and persecuted all over the planet. We fling our doors wide open and in a legendary act of kindness we willingly share everything our country has to offer and THIS is what we get in return. We get to be second-class citizens in our own country? How can something so despicable and nasty even happen? Should I tell my son that his future is questionable because of the kindness his family showed to others in the past. How does that work? This country and especially the province of Ontario has become a sick joke. Our socialist government has done what failed socialists ALWAYS do, they've morphed into fascists to retain control by force, because that's the only remaining option for people who have done this much damage. That whole democracy thing was getting so unpredictable and annoying, they just scrapped all that garbage and moved straight into dominating us with fraud and theft and violent cops and freaky unfair legislation. So now white Canadians get to have their earnings removed by force and the threat of prison, to finance an infrastructure that is unavailable to them. What a bunch of weakling suckers and nothing more. Just send in the last of your dough whitey and then SIT DOWN and SHUT UP !!!! Got it?
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9:17 AM on July 21, 2010

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Being a white, anglophone male with a degree makes it almost impossible to apply for most government jobs. (I was laughed out of a Sudbury office of the Ontario Provincial Government in the 90s.)
On the other hand, being part of that demographic it makes it almost certain that you don't smoke. Ya win some, ya lose some.

Seriously: the various governments' racist and sexist policies makes it less and less likely that a civil service job will ever be seen as desirable by most young people with talent or ambition…which is perhaps a good thing for private industry. Just don't complain later that we aren't hiring enough of your targeted groups when you've scooped them all into the civil service..
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9:18 AM on July 21, 2010

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This is the sort of unjust thing one would hope the Harper government would do something about, and yet they don't seem to be showing the slightest interest.
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9:19 AM on July 21, 2010

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It might interest everyone to know that affirmative action was tried for years in the states and after finding it to be a complete failure, they scrapped it. With this type of hiring criteria, is it any wonder some people have doubts about the skill of some of our civil service employees. I might add that most Govt. jobs are union jobs and we all know that no matter how unqualified you are, termination from these jobs is near to impossible. Sometimes taking a page from the USA playbook isn't so bad after all.
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9:21 AM on July 21, 2010

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Think of all those brave civil rights activits in the 50s and 60s in the United States (now I know this is Canada in this example), is this how we honour their bravery and efforts, with discrimination? Discusting,.
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9:23 AM on July 21, 2010

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Good for Sara, getting a job is a good role model for her children and will certainly help relieve the burden that has fallen solely on her husband.

Government jobs should be reserved for veterans who have served their country.
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9:28 AM on July 21, 2010

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There doesn't seen to be a problem with whites being accepted into the Military, someone has to fight and die in Afghanistan and we certainly don't want to risk viable minorities. Watching the media reports over the years I can't remember seeing any visible minority soldier in the ranks! They're at home in Canada living the good life…..

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Score: 11

Name withheld

9:30 AM on July 21, 2010

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9:31 AM on July 21, 2010

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I wonder if jenny lynch-em-up, is following this post, after all this is heresy.

Sacred cows an all
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Score: 0

Name withheld

9:33 AM on July 21, 2010

This comment was left by a user who has been blocked by our staff.
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9:33 AM on July 21, 2010

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Don't let the bastards get away with it! Fight back – VOTE!
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9:40 AM on July 21, 2010

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The Natural Ruling Opposition with their Natural Biased Media would have a field day if there were any attemp to level this playing field .
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9:46 AM on July 21, 2010

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I don't think this kind of affirmative action discrimination has the wide public support that would threaten the government if it was made into an election issue. This isn't just a minority hiring quota, this is absolute ineligibility.

I can't imagine more than maybe a third of the population supports something that extreme and punitive, and they're mostly clustered in Toronto and other areas the Conservatives don't have a realistic chance in anyway. And on top of that, they're going to be split between the Libs and NDP, as well as maybe the Bloc, with the CPC as the only party opposing extreme anti-white racism.

I think making an election issue out of this would actually stand a fair chance of delivering the Conservatives a majority. Watching the Liberals stand up to defend exclusion of white people from government jobs would be a great way to fire up the Conservative base – I can imagine that leading to 90% voter turnout in most of the ridings outside of “MonToVan”, almost exclusively to repudiate the left on that opinion. And as a bonus, it would probably cleave away the last of the Liberals fading centrist support among white people.

It looks to me like not only would it be wise to make this an election issue, but it would make sense to make it THE point of a single-issue election.
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9:47 AM on July 21, 2010

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The last thing Immigration Canada's brass would want is more whites working there, white man might impede their mission to flood this nation with as many Anti-Canadian hyphenated ungrateful immigrants as they can fast track in. .

Me I'd sue for d iscrimination, no why can the government lawfully deny you a jub because of your skin color.
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9:52 AM on July 21, 2010

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Anon et al: Given recent experience with the coverage over the long form census (instead of having it mandatory for 20% of respondents it will be voluntary for 33%…and the CBC and the rest of the MSM insist that it's being “scrapped.”) I think the way this would be portrayed is “Government stops hiring women, minorities and French.” Not something you want to try to correct in an election campaign.
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10:09 AM on July 21, 2010

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To paraphrase Henry Ford (if paraphrasing white people is still allowable):

You can have any colour you want, as long as it isn't white.

Note to pedants: Yes, I know white is not a colour.
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10:50 AM on July 21, 2010

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re: BCHunter, on media bias about the census

I don't really agree with that analogy. The professional statisticians are pretty much uniformly telling anyone who gives them an opportunity to speak that a voluntary – and therefore self-selecting – group of respondents simply won't do as a basis for proper standardization. The media are not really distorting this in any significant way, because the objective set of raw data that the math guys need as a standard to calibrate everything else to IS being scrapped. It's a pretty clear issue of libertarianism versus technical requirements, and I don't think it's been inaccurately portrayed.

Sure, if the government went after exclusionary versions of affirmative action, the CBC and Red Star would flip out at them. But the Post would be reporting the true version, CTV would probably explain the facts and report on the fight between camps without endorsing either (the Pablum of TV news won't offend any market share … oops, I mean viewer … by overtly taking sides), and the Globe would fence-sit over which editorial direction to take until they knew what would better please the mass market. So the only readers really getting the totally biased, anti-government version would be the voters who are essentially already lost causes.

Plus, one of the benefits of the proliferation of blogs is that the MSM simply wouldn't be able to get away with running “Government stops hiring women, minorities and French” for long. As far as I can see, this is the best issue the government is likely to find as a basis to throw down against its opponents, where it has the real potential to simply drag mainstream outraged opinion against the Lib/Dips. Any biased MSM brands that choose the wrong side would also end up facing against the grain of public opinion.

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