If Polygamy is Illegal for Mormons, It Should Be Illegal For Muslims
The conviction of two B.C. men for polygamy is attracting the attention of Canadian Muslims who practice polygamy. The two B.C. men (Winston Blackmore and James Oler) are members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a break-away sect of the Mormon Church.
Oler has 5 wives and 32 children. Blackmore has 24 wives and 148 children. According to Vancouver Sun columnist Daphne Braham, there are 10,000 fundamentalist Mormons in North America.
By the late 1880s, the American government had outlawed polygamy and Mormons began fleeing to Canada but Canada banned polygamy in 1893.
Blackmore has applied to challenge the constitutionality of Canada’s polygamy law. Dates for the three-day hearing will be set in late August, 2017.The ruling given to Blackmore will affect Canada’s polygamous Muslims.
Canada has over 1 million Muslims. The number of polygamous Muslims in Canada is unknown. Muslims tend to have many children. The potential Muslim drain on Canadian finances is huge. A significant number of Muslims are sympathetic to the aims of the Muslim Brotherhood who have declared that their purpose in settling in North America is to destroy the societies here. One Toronto Imam, Aly Hindy, has stated that he has performed about 30 polygamous marriages. He has also defiantly said that if has to choose between obeying Canadian law or Muslim law which permits up to 4 wives, he will obey Muslim law.
Canada’s “Diversity” PM Trudeau (a sycophant of Muslims) and all Canadians should take note of that statement and pay particular attention to sociological research which overwhelmingly shows that polygamy, ?????in virtually every respect, is detrimental to society, to men, to women, and to children.
Below, we present a list of conclusions about polygamy by Professor Christopher Kaczor of Loyola Marymount University on “The Perils Of Polygamy”.
(1) in a polygamous society, some men take multiple wives, but this leaves other men with greatly diminished prospects of marriage or an exclusion from mating altogether.
(2) In their 2012 article, “The Puzzle of Monogamous Marriage” appearing in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Joseph Henrich, Robert Boyd, and Peter J. Richerson used converging lines of evidence from the social sciences to compare polygamous and monogamous societies. They found that polygamous societies differ from monogamous societies in terms of violent crimes, female educational attainment, domestic violence, parental investment in children, and economic productivity.
(3) A wealth of sociological information points to the fact that single men commit the vast majority of violent crimes. Women and married men seldom murder, rob, rape, and assault in comparison to single men. So, since there are many more single men in polygamous societies, polygamous societies have higher rates of violent crime.
(4) As Henrich and colleagues note: With little reason to invest in the established social order, single males are more likely to turn away from activities conducive to long-term productivity and turn toward the quick thrill, if not a violent overthrow of the established social order. These tendencies are detrimental to society as a whole, including to single men who are the most common victims of theft, violent assault, and murder.
(5) For a female teen, marriage to a much older man makes it unlikely that she will have an equal partnership with her husband and makes the completion of her education difficult, if not impossible. Indeed, marriage at a young age to a much older man is also linked to lethal domestic violence.
(6) The phenomenon of “co-wives” also undermines the well-being of women. The senior wives worry that they will be replaced by younger wives, and the younger wives in turn worry about the power exerted in the home by senior wives. Research indicates that levels of domestic strife and violence are higher in polygamous homes than in monogamous homes as wives seek to preserve their place with their shared husband as well as struggle to secure resources for their own biological children
(7) Co-wife conflict is ubiquitous in polygamous households. From anthropology, a review of ethnographic data from 69 non-sororal polygamous societies from around the globe reveals no case where co-wife relations could be described as harmonious, and no hint that women’s access to the means of production had any mitigating impact on conflict.
(8) These conflicts lead polygamous family units, particularly those with three or more wives, to have in general higher rates of divorce than monogamous couples.
(9) Because the polygamous wives tend to be younger and less well educated, their children suffer in not having more mature mothers, as would be more typical of their counterparts in a monogamous society. The children suffer also from having multiple stepmothers involved in ongoing struggles with each other. Half-siblings must compete for limited resources while having weaker genetic bonds to mitigate the conflict. While these extended-family relationships could in theory be a source of support, more often they endanger children.
(10) Living in the same household with genetically unrelated adults is the single biggest risk factor for abuse, neglect and homicide of children. Stepmothers are 2.4 times more likely to kill their stepchildren than birth mothers, and children living with an unrelated parent are between 15 and 77 times more likely to die “accidentally.”
(11) Polygamous families are also more likely than monogamous families to be in poverty, since typically only one breadwinner supports numerous children.
(12) Polygamous societies also dilute the investment of fathers in their children in at least two ways. First, because marriage to other young women is still an option, a husband’s resources of time, attention, and money are diverted away from his own children and toward finding new mates. Secondly, in virtue of the greater number of children in the polygamous family, it becomes increasingly difficult to give each child sufficient time and attention.
(13) Economic well-being contributes in turn to the stability of families which is a benefit to men, women, and children alike.
(14) In a polygamous marriage, a husband gives himself qua husband to however many wives he has. Wives, by contrast, are expected to reserve themselves in a sexual way for their husband alone. Moreover, wives face inequality among themselves as “senior wives” enjoy rank above “junior wives.” The polygamous relationship can never attain the mutual and complete self-donation of spouses in monogamous marriage because it is intrinsically impossible to reserve oneself in a sexual way entirely for one person and at the same time reserve oneself in a sexual way entirely for a different person (or persons). Marriage understood as a comprehensive union can exist only between two persons, and never more than two persons. Society, therefore, has good reason not simply to proscribe polygamy, but to endorse monogamy.