Rioting In Amsterdam After Fatal Stabbing

Rioting in Amsterdam after fatal stabbing
21 September 2006
Expatica News

AMSTERDAM Street disturbances hit the east of Amsterdam on Wednesday evening after a Moroccan man was fatally stabbed.

Police said the Moroccan troublemakers suspected a Surinamese person of the stabbing on the Insulindeweg.

Large groups of young Moroccans went out looking for young Surinamese men to exact revenge. They also clashed with the police and smashed windows in the area between Muiderpoort and Amstel train stations.

The victim stumbled into a phone shop on the street around 9pm. He was brought to the hospital suffering from multiple stab wounds and died at midnight. His name has not been released. The police made one arrest while dealing with the disorder that followed.

A local from the Palembangstraat in the Indische District described seeing 40 to 50 youths besetting a house where a person from Suriname allegedly lives. “They pulled up bricks from the street and threw them at the house. The police had to drive the youths away”.

The mob also menaced a Surinamese cafe on the street, the witness said. The trouble lasted for two hours before calm was restored.