$elling Diversity
Gravol Alert: This article contains barf-bag buzzwords in potentially lethal doses. Diversity and Inclusion levels exceed their RDAs (Recommended Dietary Allowance). Parental supervision is advised.
What makes the soft totalitarian state distinct from Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia is that it is the private sector which acts as the water carrier for government sponsored social engineering. It is the private sector which does much of the work in the trenches, conditioning people to accept the government agenda.
But then that is only fair, because upon closer inspection, this government agenda looks very much like the corporate agenda. Let’s just call it a happy confluence of interests, where government contracts out multicultural propaganda to those who can use it to cloak their mercenary purposes. Selling diversity for profit is a Public-Private Partnership . Social cohesion, civic trust and participation can go to hell.
There is no better illustration of that than the latest TV commercial put out by Van City, the financial arm of the social justice crusade. https://www.youtube.com/user/vancitycu It’s laced with all the robotic jargon that issues out of the mouths of programmed Millenials and status-seeking Gen Xers desperate to cling to their positions on the PC pecking order. Words like “Homophobia” and “Islamophobia”. You know the script.
One might be given to wonder, would all of these words—all of these sins—even exist had our society not been hijacked by Cultural Marxists? If there had not been mass immigration from third world countries? Would an ethnically homogeneous European Canada consist of young people chanting “homophobia”, “racism” and “Islamophobia” like Red Guards with IPhones , tattoos and ear piercings? Can you imagine how people 50 years ago would have reacted to this commercial? They wouldn’t recognize the language or the country that this claptrap was spoken in. Canadian English? You have got to be kidding.
Alas, Van City is not alone in its quest to be the company that it wants the world to be. In fact, it is just one of a herd of Canada’s “Best Diversity Employers”, half of whom are privately owned institutions. Companies like the Amex Bank of Canada, one of whose employee resource groups (ERGs) is “HOLA” for employees of Hispanic origin.
Or CIBC which has a “Mosaic Mentorship Program” and a partnership with ACCES Employment which offers “speed mentoring for New Canadians”.
Or the TD Bank where there is a “Tropicana/United Way Youth Employment and Mentorship Initiative to support “youth, newcomers and people of Black and Caribbean heritage”. That’s the same bank that requires all managers to take “diversity and inclusion” training (not uncommon these days).
Or Home Depot with an ERG called “Orange Mosaic” which publishes a monthly newsletter for 350 multicultural employees.
Or Telus which maintains a ‘diversity and inclusiveness’ report, and teams up with the Toronto and Edmonton Immigrant Employment Councils.
Or Kivuto Solutions Inc. which dumbs down English so that New Canadians will not misunderstand interview questions. Like Vancity, the accent is on the improvement of diversity awareness of their recruiters so that the road to inclusion and advancement is made clear for New Canadians.
Or Epocal which encourages employees to pin their names to their home countries on a map of the globe so that the company can proudly demonstrate its global outreach.
Or Shell, or Cargill Ltd or Jazz Aviation L.P., which introduced diversity awards to recognize employee contributions in the promotion of workplace diversity. Or Xerox Canada which offers training in inter-cultural and ‘inclusive’ communication as well as ‘bias-free’ selection training.
Or Starbucks Canada, which recently announced that it would hire 1000 Syrian refugees.
Or Pepsi , made famous by its kumbaya commercials that put a happy face on globalism, which joins diversity focused partnerships with groups like the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council and the Canadian Council for Diversity and Inclusion.
Or dozens and dozens more who even blackmail suppliers to go with the program or risk losing their business.
The list is endless, as is the monotonous recantation of ‘ inclusion and diversity’. But I can’t let you leave without giving special mention to Canada’s number one bankster, RBC, whose motto is “Diversity Works for Us.” You remember RBC, don’t you? They’re the corporation whose rock star CEO Gordon Nixon lobbied for a 60% hike in the government’s annual immigration intake because in his words, “International experience is an asset to business.” Yep, it takes a lot of international experience to serve coffee and donuts at Tim Horton’s for the minimum wage.
However, Saint Nixon also argued that governments needed to work to improve immigrant labour force participation, as he did when he had his Canadian IT workers train the Temporary Foreign Workers who would replace them. One must admit that it took an impressive mix of business acumen and chutzpah to get RBC employees to dig their own graves. Yes, Diversity certainly works for RBC all right.
Now it becomes clear what RBC means in their “Diversity and Inclusion Blueprint 2020”. As the current CEO Dave McKay said, “Diversity is not only the right thing to do but the smart thing to do.” That’s smart as in “profitable”. Repeating what has become the mantra and core rationale for ‘affirmative’ discrimination and employment ‘equity’, the RBC document states that “to serve our market we must reflect it.” But are commercial social engineers really reflecting the market—or are they anticipating it?
It is significant that of the 35 faces that can be seen on the RBC site devoted to “Diversity”, 15 or 43% are non-white even though visible minorities presently account for less than half that number . That seems to be very much the rule in the span of TV commercials as well, from offering mortgages to selling furniture. The number of visible minorities which corporations like RBC or Van City put in the shop window are substantially larger than their numbers in society as a whole.
In this respect then, these ads and brochures are more prescriptive than descriptive, or as Dan Murray of Immigration Watch said : “The word ‘multicultural’ is not a description of what Canada is. Rather, it is a prescription of what Canada should become—whether Canadians want to go there or not.”
Employers feature disproportionately MORE minorities in their commercials and brochures because they are trying to get ahead of the curve, trying to appeal to a growing market share in urban Canada, where 9 major cities have already succumbed to a majority non-white population. In so doing, they help the government in its quest to prepare the public for what is coming down the pike. The message is “This is where we are heading, and there is nothing you can do about it, so accept it.” Or, ” If half the population are not yet non-white they soon will be. The die is cast. So grow up.”
Their injunction to accept our multicultural non-European Canadian future is akin to the old adage about rape. If you are going to be raped, you might as well sit back and enjoy it. So spread your legs and lie on your back Canada, and enjoy getting shafted by diversity. Again and again and again. Who knows, if you put your mind to it, demographic displacement might grow on you. You may be marginalized, but rest assured you will be enriched. Never fear, they will serve sushi at the back of the bus.
Just remember. War is Peace. Slavery is Freedom. And Diversity is Strength.
Tim Murray
April 9, 2017