
EU Musters Resources Against Illegal Migration

EU musters resources against illegal migration By Ingrid Melander | June 22, 2006 BRUSSELS (Reuters) – A small flotilla of boats backed by aircraft is about to sally forth from Europe's coasts to the waters off west Africa to stop … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Pass This Test, Dutch Tell Immigrants

The Sunday Times June 18, 2006 Pass this test, Dutch tell immigrants Nicola Smith, The Hague A DRACONIAN new law is expected to force immigrants to the Netherlands to sit a tough exam on Dutch history, geography and culture or … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

French Immigration Bill Approved

Last Updated: Saturday, 17 June 2006, 02:45 GMT 03:45 UK French immigration bill approved Nicolas Sarkozy said France needed immigrants who brought new skills The upper house of the French parliament has passed a tough new immigration bill, weeks after … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Lure Of Europe Leaves Town Without Husbands

Lure of Europe leaves towns without husbands Thousands of African men pack boats bound for Europe, 'better life' Friday, June 16, 2006; Posted: 11:52 a.m. EDT (15:52 GMT) In all, 85 Senegalese men were captured by Canary Island officials June … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Immigrants Must Accept "European Values"

Immigrants must accept 'European values' 16.06.2006 – 09:42 CET | By Lucia Kubosova EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – EU leaders have agreed they must find some common principles on how to tackle immigration, with Austrian chancellor Wolfgang Schussel stressing that immigrants … Continue reading

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Norway: Third World Migration Destroys Oil Fortune

Norway: third-world migration destroys oil fortune NHO: The entire oil fortune can get lost (Translation: NHO = Nringslivets Hovedorganisasjon = The Economy's Central Organisation) Low professional activity among immigrants can lead to enormous cost for Norway in the upcoming … Continue reading

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Going Dutch On Immigration (Dutch Immigration Minister Rita Ver Donk Writes On Dutch Immigration Policies)

Immigration Going Dutch on immigration RITA VERDONK Special to Globe and Mail Update The Dutch position on immigration, Islam and relations between the native population and immigrants is often misunderstood. The general picture in the foreign press is that the … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Immigrant Children Should Go First Immigrant children should go first Immigrant children should be allowed to go to the front of the waiting lists for day care spots, and should get free care if their parents are strapped for cash. While failed promises to … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Why I Published The Muhammed Cartoons,1518,418930,00.html OPINION Why I Published the Muhammad Cartoons By Flemming Rose European political correctness allows Muslims to resist integration, argues the culture editor of Jyllands-Posten. Instead, Muslims should be treated just like all Europeans — including being subject to satire. … Continue reading

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Malta–An Island Engulfed By Immigrants

An Island Engulfed by Migrants Tiny Malta Struggles to Absorb Boatloads of Desperate Africans By Mary Jordan Washington Post Foreign Service Sunday, June 4, 2006; Page A14 VALLETTA, Malta — Elegant white cruise ships slide into a perfect Mediterranean harbor, … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Europe Creates An Immigration Moat

Europe creates an immigration moat More attention is being paid to assimilation in the wake of al-Qa'ida bombings, reports Natasha Bita in Florence (The Australian) ——————————————————————————– June 03, 2006 A FILM showing a woman strolling topless along a beach and … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Paris Suburbs Back To Slow Simmer

Paris suburbs seemingly back to slow simmer Expatica News PARIS, June 1, 2006 (AFP) – Riot police had Thursday brought two unruly Paris suburbs back under control after an outbreak of street violence there had raised fears of a repeat … Continue reading

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Spaniards Getting Tired Of Surging Immigration

Spaniards getting tired of surging immigration Reuters–Published: Wednesday, 31 May, 2006, 11:31 AM Doha Time By Ben Harding SPAINS long tolerant attitude to immigration seems to be hardening amid constant news of African boat people and opposition charges leaky borders … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Europe Worried By Italian Migrant Permits

Europe worried by migrant permits EC says Rome must consult it about controversial measure (ANSA) – Rome, May 26 Italy's European Union partners are concerned about reports that the government intends to grant legal status to 500,000 illegal immigrants, European … Continue reading

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Italian Government Accused Of "Inviting" Migrants

Govt accused of 'inviting' migrants Opposition brands Prodi's squad 'amateurs' on immigration (ANSA) – Rome, May 25, 2006 Romano Prodi's fledgling centre-left government was accused of encouraging a rush of illegal migrants into Italy on Thursday after two leftwing members … Continue reading

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EU To Send Rapid-Reaction Force To Stop Migrant Flood

EU to send rapid-reaction force to stop migrant flood 24 May 2006 BRUSSELS The European Union is to send planes, boats and rapid-reaction aid teams from its member states to deal with a new flood of illegal migrants trying to … Continue reading

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Dutch Switch To Points System For Knowledge Immigrants

Dutch switch to points system for knowledge migrants Expatica News 22 May 2006 AMSTERDAM The Dutch government has agreed to modernise the country's migration procedures. Of particular interest to expats is a new points system for 'knowledge' and 'high-quality' migrants. … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Population Decline (In Russia) Becomes Top Priority

May 11, 2006: Population Decline (In Russia) Becomes Top Priority POSTED ON 11/05/06 Population decline becomes top priority GRAEME SMITH MOSCOW — For the second year in a row, Russia's President used his state-of-the-nation speech yesterday to focus attention on … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Dutch Population Growth At Record Low

May 10, 2006: Dutch Population Growth At Record Low Dutch population growth at record low 10 May 2006 AMSTERDAM Over 22,000 immigrants took up residence in the Netherlands in the first quarter of 2006, according to the latest figures by … Continue reading

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French Back Tough Immigration Changes: Survey

May 9, 2006: French Back Tough Immigration Changes: Survey French back tough immigration changes: survey PARIS, May 9, 2006 (AFP) – A majority of the French back tough immigration changes set out in a bill presented by Interior Minister Nicolas … Continue reading

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