
Postpone Integration Law, Councils Tell Verdonk (The Netherlands)

Postpone integration law, councils tell Verdonk 8 September 2006 Expatica News AMSTERDAM It is impossible to introduce the new integration law by 1 January next year as Immigration and Integration Minister Rita Verdonk wants, the association of local authorities (VNG) … Continue reading

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Foreign Pupil Numbers Rise Eight Times In 10 Years (Spain)

Foreign pupil numbers rise eight times in 10 years Expatica News 8 September 2006 MADRID The number of foreign pupils has gone up eight times in the past decade, the education ministry said on Friday. They now represent 8.4 percent … Continue reading

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Germany Startled To Find It’s A Terror Target

Germany Startled to Find It's Terror Target Many thought the nation's opposition to the Iraq war protected it from militant attacks. But a failed plot to bomb two trains altered that. Los Angeles Times By Jeffrey Fleishman, Times Staff Writer … Continue reading

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New Immigration Bill Drafting Approved (Ireland)

06/09/2006 – 5:37:42 PM The Irish Examiner New immigration bill drafting approved The Minister for Justice Michael McDowell announced that the Government has today approved the drafting of the proposed Immigration, Residence and Protection Bill. The bill will set out, … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Spain Vows To Curb Migrant Wave

Last Updated: Monday, 4 September 2006, 16:44 GMT 17:44 UK BBC News Spain vows to curb migrant wave The Canaries have seen four times as many migrants this year as last The Spanish government has said it will not tolerate … Continue reading

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Six Brains To Find EU Solution To Immigration Tragedy

Six brains to find EU solution to immigration 'tragedy' 30.08.2006 – 14:28 CET | By Andrew Rettman EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Brussels is setting up a six-strong top-level working group to help come up with a “European model” on illegal … Continue reading

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Africans In French Hunger Strike

Africans in French hunger strike Limoges town hall gave the African illegals a place to stay BBC News, August 28, 2006 Over 40 Algerians and Guineans have started a fourth week on hunger strike in central France in an attempt … Continue reading

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(Netherlands) Integration Plan Hits New Equality Snag

Expatica Integration plan hits new equality snag Expatica News 25 August 2006 AMSTERDAM Green left party GroenLinks has called on Immigration and Naturalisation Minister Rita Verdonk to respond to a report the country's highest administrative court has shot down one … Continue reading

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5 Million Immigrants Living In France: Census

5 million immigrants living in France: census Agence France Presse PARIS, Aug 24, 2006 (AFP) – France is Europe's biggest immigrant country, home to nearly five million foreigners, and their numbers have risen markedly in recent years, according to a … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Germany Plans Minimum Wage For Cleaners

Germany plans minimum wage for cleaners Expatica News 23 August 2006 BERLIN – Seeking to cut the number of foreigners flooding into Germany to work as low-cost cleaners, the Berlin government Wednesday approved a minimum wage for all people employed … Continue reading

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Cityscape: Illegal, But Tolerated, In A Parallel Existence (France)

Cityscape: Illegal, but tolerated, in a parallel existence By Meg Bortin International Herald Tribune Published: August 20, 2006 PARIS Bearded, wry, Ioan Bojani sits on the steps of the Mtro beneath the sparkling tiled Opra Bastille. With him are a … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Canaries ‘Facing Migrant Crisis’

Canaries 'facing migrant crisis' Migrant centres on the islands are reaching full capacity BBC News, August 18, 2006 Spain's Canary Islands can no longer cope with the soaring number of illegal immigrants arriving from Africa, local leaders say. Regional government … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

African Leaders Agree To European Demands For Tough Anti-Immigration Measures

African leaders agree to European demands for tough anti-immigration measures Thu, 2006-08-17 01:56 By Paul Mitchell World Socialist Web Site The Asian Tribune African leaders have agreed to demands to strengthen immigration controls after European Union leaders promised to give … Continue reading

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No Brakes On Germany’s Population Freefall,2144,2138258,00.html Germany | 17.08.2006 No Brakes on Germany's Population Freefall A new study out by Germany's Federal Statistics Office shows the country's birth rate continues to decline. Some reports even say the eastern city of Chemnitz has the lowest number … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

EU Launches First Immigration Border Controls

EU launches first immigration border patrols 14.08.2006 – 09:58 CET | By Lucia Kubosova The EU Observer The EU has launched its first joint border patrol aimed at stopping illegal immigrants coming to the Canary Islands from Africa, with Brussels … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

"Dante Alighieri" (Society) Presses For (Language Learning System) Law

LANGUAGE AND IMMIGRANTS: “DANTE ALIGHIERI” PRESSES FOR LAW (AGI News) – Rome, Aug 9, 2006 “There is a need for a law rationalising the Italian language learning system”. This is the call launched by the “Societ Dante Alighieri”, moral entity … Continue reading

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Italy Attempts To Tackle Immigration

August 07, 2006 05:41 PM ET Italy attempts to tackle immigration Financial Times News On the southern Italian island of Lampedusa, scarcely a week passes without the arrival of boatloads of illegal immigrants braving desperate conditions to cross the Mediterranean … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Germany To Ease Threshold For High Skills Immigrants

Germany to ease threshold for high-skills immigrants Expatica News 4 August 2006 BERLIN – Berlin is to make entry easier for high-salary foreigners offered jobs in Germany, a government spokeswoman said in Berlin Friday, after the existing high-skills plan flopped. … Continue reading

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EU Launches Marine Border Squad

Last Updated: Friday, 4 August 2006, 10:50 GMT 11:50 UK EU launches marine border squad BBC News Many immigrants die trying to reach Europe by sea every year An EU rapid reaction team of border guards set up to deal … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Poland Wants Migrant Workers Back Home

Poland wants migrant workers back home United Press International Aug. 1, 2006 at 1:05PM With nearly 1 million Poles working in Britain in search of better pay, Poland's authorities say the country is short of highly skilled labor. Local authorities … Continue reading

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