
Letter: Canada Has Nothing To Apologize For In Terms Of Refugees

Letter: Canada has nothing to apologize for in terms of refugees Posted: July 28, 2008 Post reporter Adrian Humphreys recently wrote about how the fate of refugees often rests in the hands of the Federal Court of Canada. In fact, … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

More Money For Displaced Iraqis

More money for displaced Iraqis Andra Jackson The Age July 28, 2008 THE Australian Government has put up half a million dollars to try to stop displaced Iraqi women and girls stranded in Syria from resorting to prostitution to survive. … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Immigration Overhaul Clears Two Hurdles

Immigration overhaul clears two hurdles By CLAIRE McENTEE The Dominion Post Monday, 28 July 2008 The Labour Department has admitted New Zealand has fallen behind other countries in border security as it moves towards a major revamp of the Immigration … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

A Third Of Muslim Students Back Killings

A third of Muslim students back killings Radicalism and support for sharia is strong in British universities Abul Taher From The Sunday Times July 27, 2008 ALMOST a third of British Muslim students believe killing in the name of … Continue reading

Posted in British, News

Time For An Immigration Time-Out

Time for an immigration time out Margret Kopala The Ottawa Citizen Published: Saturday, July 26, 2008 It's the Hail Mary pass that could break the public opinion logjam and create Canada's next majority government. Experts agree Canada's immigration system is … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Immigration Programs Need Further Study: Economist

Immigrant programs need further study: economist By ROGER TAYLOR Business Columnist The Halifax Chronicle Herald Fri. Jul 25 – 6:47 AM NO ONE is keeping statistics on just how well immigrants are adjusting to life in Atlantic Canada, according to … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Dozens of Activists Denied Visas To Attend Youth Congress In Quebec : Organizers

Dozens of activists denied visas to attend youth congress in Quebec: organizers The Canadian Press July 25, 2008 MONTREAL Dozens of activists from developing countries are being denied temporary visas into Canada after being invited to attend a major youth … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Many New Canadians Passing Up Toronto

Many new Canadians passing up Toronto Immigrants more willing to settle in mid-sized cities Shannon Proudfoot Canwest News Service Published: Friday, July 25, 2008 Immigration is climbing steadily in Canada's mid-sized cities, while the stream of newcomers has dropped in … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

A Week Of Cases At The Federal Court

A week of cases at the Federal Court A. Humphreys The National Post Published: Friday, July 25, 2008 When Canada moves to deport would-be immigrants, the last-ditch pleas go to the Federal Court of Canada. Here are the 22 immigration-related … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Illegal Immigrant Population Dropping

Illegal-Immigrant Population Dropping New Report Finds Significant Decline Since Last Summer WASHINGTON (July 25, 2008) A new analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies of monthly data collected by the Census Bureau shows that the illegal immigrant population has declined … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Immigration In Italy: Love It, Hate It

Immigration in Italy: love it, hate it Posted July 25th, 2008 By marisa cohen Low birth rate, its dangers and remedies My last article didnt even attempt to expand on this: it was just a satirical gibe on a serious … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Temporary Foreign Workers Flood Alberta In Record Numbers

Temporary foreign workers flood Alberta in record numbers Kelly Cryderman Canwest News Service Published: Thursday, July 24, 2008 CALGARY – Temporary foreign workers are streaming into Alberta at breakneck speed to meet labour shortages – and are, for the first … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Immigrants Tend To Send Money Back Home

Immigrants tend to send money back home As much as $2 billion sent out of Canada helps other economies, study finds Linda Nguyen Canwest News Service Published: Thursday, July 24, 2008 OTTAWA — Canadians send as much as $2 billion … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Immigration Must Be Cut To Tackle Climate Change, Says Study

Immigration must be cut to tackle climate change, says study By John Masanauskas The Melbourne Herald Sun (Australia), July 23, 2008,21985,24064539-662,00.html Immigration must be slashed if Australia has any chance of seriously tackling climate change, says a Monash University … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

July 18, HIV-Positive Immigrants Fall Through Cracks : Study

HIV-positive immigrants fall through cracks: Study Research from the B.C. Centre for Disease Control found that HIV-positive immigrants are not getting the treatment they need, and that 16 per cent of all new infections in Canada are linked to people … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Gordon Brown Aide A Victim Of Honeytrap Operation By Chinese Agents

Gordon Brown aide a victim of honeytrap operation by Chinese agents David Leppard and Claire Newell From The Sunday Times July 20, 2008 A top aide to Gordon Brown has been a suspected victim of a honeytrap operation by Chinese … Continue reading

Posted in British, News

The Other Side Of The Fence

The other side of the fence Connie Levett The Sydney Morning Herald July 19, 2008 The question is not whether we detain asylum seekers, but on what terms, writes Connie Levett. Morteza Poorvadi numbed his lip with an ice cube, … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Department Told "Bring More Christians"

Department Told “Bring More Christians” The Australian July 19, 2008 FORMER immigration minister Kevin Andrews instructed his department to lift the intake of Christian refugees from the Middle East in response to what he saw as a pro-Muslim bias created … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

"Pilgrims" Caught In Immigration Scam Devastated

'Pilgrims' Caught In Immigration Scam Devastated The Dominion Post July 18, 2008 Three Indian “pilgrims” have met immigration officials to tell them of the scam that cost their parents $17,000 and dashed their dreams of a better life in … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Cubans Heading To U.S,—Via Mexico

Cubans heading to U.S. — via Mexico A crackdown on smugglers bringing migrants to Florida shores has caused a shift westward of the illegal traffic. By Carol J. Williams Los Angeles Times, July 18, 2008 jul18,0,5630515.story Havana — In … Continue reading

Posted in American, News