
Businesses Want Foreign Labor Visa Plan To Grow.

Businesses want foreign labor visa plan to grow Opponents see practice as model for creating guest worker program By DANE SCHILLER Houston Chronicle Dec. 6, 2007, 6:18AM There are jobs few from around here can do, like replace Chinese-born Yao … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Poll: Hispanic Shift Toward Democrats

Poll: Hispanic Shift Toward Democrats By ALAN FRAM The Associated Press Thursday, December 6, 2007; 9:20 PM WASHINGTON — Hispanics are returning to the Democratic Party after several years of drifting toward the Republicans, with many saying Bush administration policies … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Border Fence Sees Progress

Border fence sees progress By EILEEN SULLIVAN and ARTHUR H. ROTSTEIN Associated Press Writers Dec. 6, 2007, WASHINGTON The administration's plan to use technology and physical barriers to keep people from illegally entering the country is back on track this … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Justice Departmemnt Numbers Show Prison Trends

Justice Dept. Numbers Show Prison Trends By SOLOMON MOORE The New York Times Published: December 6, 2007 About one in every 31 adults in the United States was in prison, in jail or on supervised release at the end of … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Smith Seeks To Restore Trust In Immigration System

Smith seeks to restore trust in immigration system Low-skilled workers from outside EU will be barred New English test for those seeking to marry Britons Patrick Wintour Thursday December 6, 2007 The Guardian The home secretary, Jacqui Smith, yesterday announced … Continue reading

Posted in British, News

Europe Dream Turns Sour For African Migrant Youth

Europe Dream Turns Sour For African Migrant Youth By REUTERS Published: December 6, 2007 COVA DA MOURA, Portugal (Reuters) – The dream of a new life that brought their parents from Africa has turned sour for thousands of youngsters across … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Villawood Letter Sparks Lawyer’s Criticism

Villawood letter sparks lawyer's criticism Connie Levett Immigration Reporter The Sydney Morning Herald December 6, 2007 THE Australian Government Solicitor's office has sent an “intimidatory” letter to the lawyer of the Iraqi asylum seeker Ali Al Jenabi after Immigration Department … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Migration Boom Swells Australia

Migration boom swells Australia Jessica Irvine Economics Correspondent The Sydney Morning Herald December 5, 2007 AUSTRALIA'S population is growing at its fastest rate in nearly two decades, thanks to rising fertility rates and an immigration boom bigger than that during … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

More Quebec Immigrants Speaking French At Home

COUNTING CANADIANS: GOOD NEWS FOR OFFICIAL BILINGUALISM More Quebec immigrants speaking French at home But statistics show that among young native-born French speakers, English is seen as a language of commercial opportunity RHAL SGUIN The Globe and Mail December 5, … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Ministry, School Board In Conflict Over Refugees

Ministry, school board in conflict over refugees Cut-off date for students leaves district short of funds Jennifer Moreau, Burnaby Now Published: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 The Ministry of Education shot down a call from the B.C. School Trustees Association to … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

A Minority On The Island

A minority on the island Proportion of francophones is now 49.8% because of more immigrants, low birth rate ANDY RIGA, The Gazette Published: Wednesday, December 05 Francophones are now a minority on Montreal Island. It's a symbolic change, but does … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

French Still An Abstraction In Much Of Canada

French still an abstraction in much of Canada Chantal Hert (Hebert) Dec 05, 2007 04:30 AM OTTAWA—Connect the dots between the 2006 census numbers on language and immigration released yesterday and what you get is an increasingly diverse French … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Agency Certifies Temporary Employees For Companies

Agency certifies temporary employees for companies Silver Spring company checks immigrants status by Kevin J. Shay Staff Writer Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2007 In the face of a report released last week that shows illegal immigration continuing to grow, a … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

More Foreign Students At U.S. Schools

More Foreign Students at U.S. Schools By JULIANA BARBASSA Associated Press Writer 4:56 PM EST, December 5, 2007 BERKELEY, Calif. – The number of international students attending American colleges and universities has nearly rebounded from a slump that followed the … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Democrats Confron Immigration In Debate

Democrats Confront Immigration in Debate The Democratic contenders, meeting in a radio debate, were asked Tuesday whether citizens should turn in someone they know to be an illegal immigrant. By ADAM NAGOURNEY and JEFF ZELENY The New York Times Published: … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

U.S. Gets Tougher On Illegal Hiring

U.S. gets tougher on illegal hiring Homeland Security Department plans to appeal a federal judge's ruling that blocked efforts to target workers with inconsistent Social Security data. By Nicole Gaouette, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer December 5, 2007 WASHINGTON — … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

ICE Sees Surge In Arrests Of Fugitive Immigrants

ICE sees surge in arrests of fugitive immigrants By Vanessa Bauza Chicago Tribune staff reporter December 5, 2007 Federal authorities announced Tuesday that they arrested about twice as many immigrants who ignored deportation orders during fiscal year 2007 as they … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

UK Bars Unskilled Migrant Workers From Outside EU

U.K. Bars Unskilled Migrant Workers From Outside EU (Update2) By Kitty Donaldson Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) — Unskilled migrants from countries outside the European Union will no longer be eligible to work in the U.K., barring thousands of potential newcomers from … Continue reading

Posted in British, News

Finnish Minister Would Give Free Citizenship To War Children

Finnish minister would give free citizenship to war children /STT/ 5.12.2007 at 16:39 Astrid Thors, the Finnish immigration minister, said Wednesday that the war children, Finnish infants evacuated to other Nordic countries during the second world war, should be granted … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Italy Politician Urges Nazi Policies For Immigrants

Italy politician urges Nazi policies for immigrants By Philip Pullella Reuters Wednesday, December 5, 2007; 7:28 AM ROME (Reuters) – A local politician has shocked Italians, and Jews in particular, by proposing that immigrants be treated with the same severity … Continue reading

Posted in European, News