
Sealing Off The Borders

Sealing Off the Borders Anti-Immigration Groups Gear Up for Action By Matthew Murray Roll Call (Washington, DC), March 23, 2009 Monday [Subscription] With Democrats hinting that the nation's immigration laws could be in play, radio talk show hosts and … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Head Of Catholic Bishops Conference Calls For End To Immigration-Enforcement Raids

Head of Catholic Bishops Conference Calls for End to Immigration-Enforcement Raids Cardinal Calls for End to Immigration Raids By Rupa Shenoy The Associated Press, March 23, 2009 Chicago (AP) — The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Minutemen Can Join California Adopt-A-Highway Program, Director Says

Minutemen can join Calif. Adopt-A-Highway program, director says By Steve Wiegand The Sacramento Bee, March 23, 2009 Sacramento — There is no legal way to ban the Minutemen, a controversial group that opposes illegal immigrants, from participating in California's … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Fixing Flawed System Is One Priority Among Many

Fixing flawed system is one priority among many Obama renews campaign pledge, but economy, Mexico's drug violence likely to come first By Laura Isensee The Dallas Morning News, March 23, 2009 Washington, DC — President Barack Obama said last … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Clouds Gather Over Jobs In The Sun

Clouds gather over jobs in the sun Australia accepts fewer Britons as it cuts back the list of skills that are critical to its economy By Chloe Rhodes The Sunday Times (London), March 22, 2009 Stephen Downes and his … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Political Firebrand Loses Australian Election

Political firebrand loses Australian election The Associated Press Published: March 22, 2009 CANBERRA, Australia: Far-right former lawmaker Pauline Hanson on Sunday declined to rule out trying again to re-enter politics despite suffering her sixth straight election defeat. Hanson was once … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

UK Population Must Fall To 30 Million, Says Porritt

UK population must fall to 30m, says Porritt Jonathan Leake and Brendan Montague From The Sunday Times March 22, 2009 JONATHON PORRITT, one of Gordon Browns leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if … Continue reading

Posted in British, News

Language Test For Citizenship Eyed

Language test for citizenship eyed By BRYN WEESE, SUN MEDIA Sat, March 21, 2009 TORONTO — Immigrants who can't speak either English or French should be denied citizenship until they can, according to the federal immigration minister. Jason Kenney … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Speak Our Language, Or Stay Out—French Or English Should Be Must For Immigrants Who Want Citizenship, Minister Says

Speak our language, or stay out French or English should be must for immigrants who want citisenship, minister says By BILL GRAVELAND The Canadian Press March 21, 2009 CALGARY – Immigrants who can't speak English or French well enough should … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Britain At Risk Of Serious Social Unrest, Report Warns

Britain at risk of serious social unrest, report warns Britain is in danger of serious social unrest and public disorder in response to the economic crisis, according to a new report. By Murray Wardrop Last Updated: 9:36AM GMT 21 … Continue reading

Posted in British, News

Revealed : Controversial Immigrant Detention Centre Is Ready To Be Built In France

Revealed: controversial immigrant detention centre is ready to be built in France A new detention centre to stop illegal immigrants entering Britain has been given planning permission in France and is about to be built, according to leaked government documents. … Continue reading

Posted in British, News

Report Says Raids At Swift Plants Help Increase Wages

Report says raids at Swift plants help increase wages By Darwin Danielson The Radio Iowa News, March 20, 2009 A report by the Center for Immigration Studies shows wages increased, as did the number of legal workers, at six … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Rohrabacher : Dems Not ‘Watching Out For American People’—Condemns Pelosi’s Admonition That Raids Are ‘Un-American’

Rohrabacher: Dems not 'watching out for American people' Condemns Pelosi's admonition that immigration raids 'un-American' The World New Daily, March 20, 2009 U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., says the Democratic Party is watching out for illegal aliens, not American … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Sharp Drop In Asylum Applications To Sweden

Sharp drop in asylum applications to Sweden Published: 20 Mar 09 14:03 CET Online: Fewer people are seeking asylum in Sweden, with the number of applications dropping 33 percent last year, according to new statistics. “During 2008, 24,342 persons … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Hijab Debate Lifts Veil On Limits Of Norway’s Tolerance

Hijab debate lifts veil on limits of Norway's tolerance A Muslim woman's request to wear a hijab with her police uniform has sparked national controversy. By Valeria Criscione Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor from the March 20, 2009 edition … Continue reading

Posted in European, News

Kenney Has No Regrets Over Cutting Off Arab Group

Kenney has no regrets over cutting off Arab group Minister says officials from federation show support for terror groups Hamas, Hezbollah Comments on this story :(28) Tanya Talaga Queen's Park Bureau The Toronto Star Mar 19, 2009 04:30 AM Immigration … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Immigrants Choosing Suburbs, Small Towns Over Big Cities

Immigrants choosing suburbs, small towns over big cities Norma Greenaway Canwest News Service Published: Thursday, March 19, 2009 Peter J. Thompson/National Post (PHOTO: A group waits to be sworn in at a citizenship ceremony in Toronto.) OTTAWA — New Canadians, … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

E-Verify Program Will Survive At Least Through September

E-Verify program will survive at least through September By Raju Chebium The Gannett News Service, March 19, 2009 The fate of a national employee verification program aimed at combating illegal immigration is safe for now, but it's unclear whether … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Australia To End Detention Charges For Asylum Seekers

Australia to end detention charges for asylum seekers AFP , SYDNEY Thursday, Mar 19, 2009, Page 5 Australia yesterday moved to end a controversial policy charging asylum seekers thousands of dollars to be locked up in detention centers. Under punishing … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Booms In Migrants And Babies

Booms in migrants and babies By Carol Nader The Age (Melbourne), March 19, 2009 Australia's population has jumped to 21.5 million, fuelled by the highest migration boom in almost 40 years. New Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News