
Duceppe May Find A Changed Canada

Duceppe may find a changed Canada Gilles Duceppe: He implies that Canada is a marriage of convenience Travelling the country two decades after the death of Meech Lake, the Bloc Leader should listen carefully Norman Spector The Globe and Mail … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

People Smuggling Out Of Control, UN Official Says

People smuggling 'out of control, UN official says The Australian Associated Press, April 9, 2010 Governments need new solutions to deal with 'out of control'' people-smuggling as thousands of asylum seekers try to reach Australia via Indonesia, a top … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Opposition Signals It Is All At Sea On Immigration

Opposition signals it is all at sea on immigration By Katharine Murphy and Andrew Heasley The Age (Melbourne), April 9, 2010 He has been spruiking the idea for days, but opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison now admits cutting the … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Labour’s Betrayal Of British Workers : Nearly Every One of 1.67 Million Jobs Created Since 1997 Has Gone To A Foreigner

Labour's betrayal of British workers: Nearly every one of 1.67m jobs created since 1997 has gone to a foreigner By James Chapman The Daily Mail (U.K.), April 8, 2010 Immigration was at the centre of the election campaign today … Continue reading

Posted in British, News

Tamils Face Return In UN Review

Tamils face return in UN review By Paul Maley The Australian, April 9, 2010 Hundreds of Tamil asylum-seekers could be sent home if new UN guidelines reflect Sri Lanka's improved humanitarian situation. Yesterday, Sri Lanka's ambassador to Australia, Senaka … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Tony Burke Rules Out Setting Population Targets For Australia

Tony Burke rules out setting population targets for Australia By Joe Kelly The Australian, April 8, 2010 The nation's first Population Minister, Tony Burke, has ruled out setting population targets in the strategy that he will draw up over … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Australians Wary Of 36 M Population Target

Australians wary of 36m population target By Sabra Lane The ABC News (Australia), April 8, 2010 A survey by the Lowy Institute says almost three-quarters of Australians want to see the country's population grow, but not by too much. … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Australia Becoming Breeding Ground For Tamil Rebels

Australia becoming 'breeding ground' for Tamil rebels By Sally Sara The ABC News (Australia), April 8, 2010 The Sri Lankan government says Australia could become a breeding ground for Tamil separatism if more Tamil asylum seekers are allowed into … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Immigration Rallies Spark Fears Of Violence

Immigration rallies spark fears of violence The Melbourne Leader, April 8, 2010 An estimated 400 pro- and anti-immigration supporters will square off in the CBD tomorrow amid fears of violence. The anti-immigration rally, organised by the Melbourne Action against … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Poverty Stalks The Nation’s Big Cities

Poverty stalks the nation's big cities By Carol Goar, Editorial Board Toronto Star Published On Wed Apr 07 2010 We see it in the deterioration of once-decent neighbourhoods. We hear it from those living on the margins, the non-profit agencies … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Ottawa Short-Changing Ontario Immigrant Programs : Province

Ottawa short-changing Ontario immigrant programs: province By Richard J. Brennan The Toronto Star, April 7, 2010–ottawa-short-changing-ontario-immigrant-programs-province?bn=1 Ottawa The federal Conservative government has short-changed Ontario at least $193 million in promised money for immigrant settlement programs, the provincial government says. … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011

Plan To Cut Off Citizenship For Children of Illegal Immigrants Stalls

Plan to cut off citizenship for children of illegal immigrants stalls By Cindy Carcamo The Orange County Register (Santa Ana, CA), April 7, 2010 A ballot initiative targeting children born to people who are in the country illegally is … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Ruling May Mean Stay In Deportation Cases

Ruling may mean stay in deportation cases By Andrew Wolfe The Nashua Telegraph (NH), April 7, 2010 A U.S. Supreme Court ruling last week overturned a long-standing legal precedent in New Hampshire and could prompt immigrants facing deportation due … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Extra Fees Upheld For Refugees To Stay In U.S.

Extra fees upheld for refugees to stay in U.S. By Bob Egelko The San Francisco Chronicle, April 7, 2010 A federal judge in San Francisco had been considering refunds for hundreds of thousands of Central Americans, who were charged … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Immigration Issue Heats Up In Congress

Immigration issue heats up in Congress By Kevin Tripp The KTAR News (Phoenix), April 7, 2010 Phoenix — The battle on the U.S.-Mexico border has spread to the halls of Congress. In the wake of a southern Arizona rancher's … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

GOP Candidates Take Tough Position On Illegal Immigration

GOP candidates take tough positions on illegal immigration By Jack Chang The Sacramento Bee, April 7, 2010 Meg Whitman had just finished delivering her campaign stump speech for an El Dorado Hills audience several months ago when she asked … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

In California, Immigrants Are Past Their Prime

In California, immigrants are past their prime By Andy Goldberg Deutsche Presse Agentur, April 7, 2010,in-california-immigrants-are-past-their-prime–feature.html Los Angeles (DPA) — Driven by recession and demographic trends, immigration in California has peaked, and native-born Californians now outnumber people from other … Continue reading

Posted in American, News

Cuban Refugees From U.S. Arriving In Exchange For Tamils

Cuban refugees from US arriving here in exchange for Tamils Paul Maley and Paige Taylor From: The Australian April 06, 2010 THREE Cuban refugees accepted by Australia as part of a deal with the US, which in turn agreed to … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Coalition To Reduce Immigration

Coalition to reduce migration Patricia Karvelas, Political correspondent From: The Australian April 06, 2010 12:00AM TONY Abbott's Coalition will cut net migration levels if it wins government, in a bid to stop Australia's population reaching its predicted size of almost … Continue reading

Posted in Australian and Others, News

Reining In Refugee Chaos

Reining In Refugee Chaos Martin Collacott, National Post Tuesday, April 6, 2010 Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has presented Canadians with proposals for the most complete overhaul of our refugee system in more than two decades. His objective is to make … Continue reading

Posted in News, News Articles Prior to 2011