Tag Archives: Andrew Chang

CBC’s Chang Continues His Attack on Canada

CBC’s Chang continues his attack on Canada Andrew Chang, one of the CBC’s hosts on its flagship program, The National, has lately been gleefully accusing Canada’s European-based population of so-called “systemic racism”. Since he has no qualms about biting the … Continue reading

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Our CBC is a quisling organization

Canada’s CBC is probably one of the most quisling government institutions in Canada. Here is why : (1) Our CBC has perverted the motives of its nationalist founders. The CBC was founded in the 1920’s. to counteract the cultural influence … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Economic Effects of Immigration, First Nations, Muslim, Sikh Immigration, Weekly Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , |