Author Archives: dmurray


TWO CRUCIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK ABOUT CANADA’S RECENT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS QUESTION 1 : WHY WAS DEMAND FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING NOT THE BIGGEST ISSUE IN THE ELECTIONS? During those recent municipal elections, almost all candidates in Metro Vancouver said that unaffordable … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Environmental Effects, Fraud, Weekly Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , |

IWC News Bits Provided by ACT! For Canada: September 30, 2018

How to Destroy the West: Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Encourage their interest in sex. Make them superficial by focusing their interest in sports, sensual entertainments and trivialities. Always preach true democracies but seize power as fast … Continue reading

Posted in ACT! For Canada Newsletters

UN Compact on migration proposes destruction of Canada

UN Compact on migration proposes destruction of Canada By Retired Major Russ Cooper, Spokesperson, C3RF See The Global Compact on migration is an inter-governmentally negotiated agreement coordinated by the United Nations. It has been a work-in-progress for two years … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Economic Effects of Immigration, Weekly Tagged , , , , |

C3RF Tweets – Oct 11, 2018

Barbara Kay on another school, another recording, another free speech crisis. Why is it that Canadian universities have such a hard time digesting certain points of view? See Full Tweet Section 7 of Charter guarantees your right to security of … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Oct 10, 2018

I was wondering how she did that. See Full Tweet Ouch. This is cheeky. See Full Tweet Riveting reportage and research. See Full Tweet How cynical – and insulting to Canadian citizens. What did we do to deserve this kind … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Oct 9, 2018

Govt says returning ISIS fighters cannot be detained without evidence-based charges. Can’t be treated as POWs. Don’t wear uniforms. Who says? … They meet all the requirements of an enemy combatant. At least detain them till end of hostilities. See … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Oct 8, 2018

Could that be because they are allied with the hate-spewing imams? See Full Tweet Reminds one of the “Brownshirts” in early Nazi Germany days. See Full Tweet This abuse of history in Western schools goes back decades. As a kid … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 26, 2018

CAIR congratulates Texas public library for removing action hero pub that takes on al Qaeda. Calls pub “anti-Muslim”. Does that mean al Qaeda is a bona fide Muslim organization? What happened to 1st Amendment? See Full Tweet Tarek Fatah on … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 25, 2018

Ontario judge labours over sentencing young black man caught with a loaded gun. Caves on “systemic racism” mantra and bestows light sentence. After all, justice must also “be about the offender”. No more “all equal before the law”? See Full … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 22, 2018

Katie Hopkins on the priority of “hatey words” over the stabbing and raping of children – not to mention the need to send offensive communicators off to asylums for analysis. See Full Tweet Christine Douglas-Williams at the OSCE human rights … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 20, 2018

Is France turning into a gulag along with UK? Tommy Robinson jailed for discussing “rape gang” case now Marine Le Pen ordered to psychiatric evaluation for posting ISIS atrocity photos. Why don’t ISIS types go for an eval? #m103 tactics? … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 19, 2018

Louise Arbour discusses Global Compact for migration with Arab entities. Declares “migration is not a trend but a reality we must accept”. That being the case, should Canadians know what they are accepting? If not, then who does she mean … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 18, 2018

Something we’ve known all along? UK lead on counter-terrorism finds that term “Islamphobia has been weaponized by Islamist groups to see those critical of Islam punished. All works in conjunction human rights laws. Will Canada catch on? See Full Tweet … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 17, 2018

Recall the young single mother that was taken to human rights court for refusing to give a trans-woman a “manzillian”? C3RF was very happy to support her in her trial and can now report that she has been exonerated. Huge … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 16, 2018

Ouch! Given fact that Marrisa Shen was allegedly and brutally murdered by a Syrian refugee that timing was unfortunate. Perhaps the PM is unaware? See Full Tweet Well. Not too many answers out of that confrontation. Wonder when the PM … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets- Sept 15, 2018

Sharia law in practise? The “Imam of peace” comments. NYT opines about the Canadian “notwithstanding” clause. A notion that flumoxes Americans who remain secure in the fact that their individual rights are “inalienable”. Not so in Canada, though, as … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 10, 2018

South Yorkshire police ask citizens to report non-crime hate incidents. UK will have no truck with any hateful comments.   Could this be the same “Ibrahim Ali” that has just been charged with murdering a 13 year old Burnaby … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 13, 2018

Actually, the presentation of the video was quickly followed by his confession. Disgusting indeed. It’s as though it’s not that bad as the alleged killer (also rapist and paedophile?) was a “normal guy” with “no criminal record”. Do the … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 12, 2018

Canadian Foreign minister prefaces critical NAFTA negotiations to attend Trump-bashing “Taking on the Tyrant” conference. Who’s interests is she representing? Can we swap out our negotiating team or is it too late? Where is the MSM? More lawsuits filed … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms

C3RF Tweets – Sept 11, 2018

Did George W. Bush make a mistake in choosing allies in the “war on terror”? Do these same errors continue to this day? See Full Tweet Why the different treatment of this story by the MSM and our political elites? … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms