Author Archives: dmurray

Earth Day 2023: Earth Day Founder Wanted Significant Cut to Immigration And Total Population Stabilized

Gaylord Nelson, who founded Earth Day in 1970, was a Giant among environmentalists. His Earth Day was a watershed moment for environmental politics, kicking off what is now termed the “Environmental Decade” (1970’s) of radical legislative reforms. “After struggling to … Continue reading

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How The Catholic Church Created Western Civilization

In keeping with the Easter season, Immigration Watch Canada is sending you a 20 minute interview by Douglas Keck of “Eternal Word Television”. Mr. Keck interviewed American historian Dr. Thomas Woods about Dr. Woods’ book “How The Catholic Church Built … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

ON APRIL 1, 2023, Canadians will be told to celebrate Sikh Heritage Month

Most Canadians are probably not aware that on April 1 of this year, they will be told to celebrate “Sikh Heritage Month”. The following is a list of reasons why Parliament should have never even considered the celebration of a … Continue reading

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Past a Tipping Point, Immigration creates an Inferior country

PAST A TIPPING POINT, IMMIGRATION CREATES AN INFERIOR COUNTRY” (The Oriental Question–Part 1) University of Victoria Professor Patricia Roy published her book, “The Oriental Question” in 2003. It was the second in a series of three books she wrote on … Continue reading

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Jobless Canadian student damns mass immigration

I am a 23 year-old Canadian-born male living in Toronto. (I come from a European background.) Throughout my entire life, I was reminded by teachers and of course, my parents, that if I studied hard, stayed in school, and got … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

Contrary to propaganda, immigration imposes huge problems on Canada

Contrary to propaganda, immigration imposes huge problems on Canada By Tim Murray I have a confession to make. I have been known to disparage self-styled environmentalists and counterfeit Green-Leftists for their apparent ignorance of fundamental principles of sustainability, most particularly … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

Justin Trudeau Must Rescue Rainbow Russians ASAP

Justin Trudeau Must Rescue Rainbow Russians ASAP Guess who was in the above photo was chosen as Queen-for-a-Day? Once again it is show time for Canada.  Once again it is time for Justin Trudeau to step up to the … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

Importing Cheap Chinese Labourers to Canada in 1917-18 Led to the world’s most deadly disease event in Modern History

Importing Cheap Chinese Labourers to Canada in 1917-18 Led to the world’s most deadly disease event in Modern History Many Canadians think that Covid-19 has been the deadliest disease Canada or other countries has ever seen. Canada’s suppressed history proves … Continue reading

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HAS PAYPAL OR YOUR CREDIT UNION TRIED TO GAG YOU? Donna Murphy trusted her financial institution with her money. But it didn’t like her ideology and froze her account, Now she can’t fund her organization or retrieve her money from … Continue reading

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THE BENEFITS OF CBC’S FOOD BANK DAY PALE WHEN COMPARED TO THE DAMAGE THE CBC DOES THE REST OF THE YEAR By Dan Murray Once again this year, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has held its annual Foodbank Day across Canada. According … Continue reading

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On This Remembrance Day, remember our past wars, but also the new war we must declare : the one against the deadly Muslim Brotherhood

On This Remembrance Day, remember our past wars, but also the new war we must declare : the one against the deadly Muslim Brotherhood Dan Murray, Immigration Watch Canada +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the following sentence which was written by The Muslim … Continue reading

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Aboriginal Statistician Says : END MASS IMMIGRATION TO CANADA

Aboriginal Statistician Says : “Canada does not need more people. Canada does not need a growing population.” How many of you believe that Canadians, if asked in the 1970s or 1980s, would have consented to our current immigration policy? In … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

Are Sikhs using Sikh-owned gas stations to rob Canadians of billions?

Greater Vancouver Drivers are now paying the highest gas prices in Canada. The price of gasoline in Greater Vancouver has reached an outrageous $2.30 per liter. It was about $1.60 a week ago. In most other parts of Canada, the … Continue reading

Posted in Sikh Immigration, Weekly

The Arrival Of thousands of Low-Wage Asian Labourers Caused The September 1907 Vancouver Riot

Labour Day, 2022 is the 115th anniversary of the 1907 Vancouver Riot. For many years, our media and our immigration industry have used the riot to tell Canadians how terrible the Vancouver population’s attacks were on Chinatown and Japantown. If … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

Canada and Australia Used to be very critical of mass immigration

Canada and Australia used to be very critical of mass immigration Former Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Australian historian Geoffrey Blainey were very critical of mass immigration : “…the people of Canada do not wish, as a result of … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

State broadcasters suppress criticism of immigration

State broadcasters suppress criticism of immigration By Tim Murray, Immigration Watch Canada Writer Is there some rule in state broadcasting in the Anglophone world which has decreed that the state broadcaster will not will not publish any view that questions … Continue reading

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The Demolition of a Nation

By Tim Murray, Immigration Watch Canada Writer On July 1, 2022, Canada observed 155 years of Confederation. But as this bulletin points out, many Canadians have asked the following question : Is there a nation still to celebrate? Please note … Continue reading

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For Canada’s 155th Anniversary, July 1, 2022 : “The Demolition Of A Nation, One Step At A Time”

For Canada’s 155th Anniversary : “The Demolition Of A Nation, One Step At A Time” The Demolition of a Nation, One Step At A Time (revised) By Tim Murray On July 1, 2022, Canada observes 155 years of Confederation. But … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

Canada’s Housing Crisis: Who’s Running the Show – and for Whom?

Canada’s Housing Crisis: Who’s Running the Show – and for Whom? Vancouver, Toronto and Hamilton are the three least affordable cities in North America. The most basic concept in economics is “supply and demand.” Even someone who has never cracked … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

Canadians told to self-flagellate despite lack of evidence of tragedy at residential schools

there is still no evidence of unmarked graves or missing children at former residential schools” Instead, Canada’s media (particularly our quisling CBC) have endlessly demanded that Canadians descend into a frenzy of self-flagellation at the mere mention of the phrase … Continue reading

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