Author Archives: dmurray

Lying Our Way To Canada—Part 1

Lying Our Way To Canada—-Part 1 As readers will see, “Lying Our Way To Canada” is the beginning of an Israeli citizen’s confession of his family’s false refugee claim in Canada. Part 2 continues the confession. This confession should remind … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Canadians Never Wanted To Change The Character of Their Country

Canadians Never Wanted To Change The Character of Their Country—Part 2 of “Immigration : The Destruction of English Canada” A number of Canadians continue to think that there is some sense to Canada’s intake of 250,000 immigrants per year. However, … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

For Remembrance Day, Doug Collins’ “Immigration : The Destruction Of English Canada”

For Remembrance Day, Doug Collins’  “Immigration : The Destruction Of English Canada” This is Part 1 of a review of the book, “Immigration : The Destruction Of English Canada” which was written by journalist Doug Collins in 1979. It is … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

The People Speak : (1) Ban English. It offends Me ; (2) Multiculturalism Is The New Fascism + More

The People Speak : (1) Ban English. It offends Me ; (2) Multiculturalism Is The New Fascism + More (1) Re The BBC Bans The Abbreviations “A.D.” and “B.C.” —-By TB Why stop at banning “AD” and “BC”? I think … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

More Cultural Suicide : BBC Jettisons Abbreviations ‘AD’ and ‘BC’

Immigration Watch Canada presents a UK article on the topic of cultural suicide. Like Canada’s CBC, the UK’s BBC feels that the best way to spend the public’s money is to help the country to destroy itself. The title of … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018

Views From Australia and UK : Greater Use of Older Workers + Will Solve Aging Population Issue ; London is no longer an English city

Australia : Greater Use of Older Workers + Will Solve Aging Population Issue It is important to recognise…that (Australian) Treasury modelling has shown that while higher migration (immigration) will lead to increases in aggregate (total) economic growth, an increase in … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

China’s Deputy Environment Minister : Parasites Head For Canada

CHINA’S DEPUTY ENVIRONMENT MINISTER : PARASITES HEAD FOR CANADA——–(PART 2  of  “WHEN A BILLION CHINESE JUMP”) “When A Billion Chinese Jump” contains numerous revelations, many of which are relevant to the immigration issue. Here are three : (1) The first, … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged |

When A Billion Chinese Jump–Part 1

WHEN A BILLION CHINESE JUMP—Chapters 1 to 8. CHAIRMAN MAO AND THE CHINESE PROVINCE OF HENAN This book has such an intriguing title that everyone wonders what inspired it. Here is the explanation : When the author, Jonathan Watts, was … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

Time for Federation of Canadian Municipalities to Show Immigration Backbone

TIME FOR FEDERATION OF CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES TO SHOW IMMIGRATION BACKBONE A report from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) this past week repeats a recent blunder made by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. Last week, McGuinty had announced that his government … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Canada’s Lambs Led To Slaughter

CANADA’S LAMBS LED TO SLAUGHTER A study released last week by two economics professors from Queen’s University shows that our educational system ignores some of the most important immigration issues, probably because it is afraid to deal with them.  The … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

The Misguided Advocates of Open Borders–Diversity Is A Predictor of Civil War

The Misguided Advocates of Open Borders–Diversity Is A Predictor Of Civil War Frank Salter The poor quality of analysis behind Australia’s abandonment of traditional assimilationist immigration policy reached its apotheosis recently in a spate of articles by well placed commentators. … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

Political Correctness Gone Mad At UN And in US

Immigration Watch Canada presents two news stories on the topic of political correctness. One is from Canada’s Macleans magazine. It states that the UN has criticized Canada  for using the term “visible minority”. According to the UN, that term implies … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

August 9, 2011 : The People Speak—“Somali Man Sponsors 100 Family Members” + Much More

THE PEOPLE SPEAK—-“SOMALI MAN SPONSORS 100 FAMILY MEMBERS” + MUCH MORE From David L. Henderson, BSc, MBA Mayor, City of Brockville I’m favour of immigration just the way it is. How about the fact that many rural areas are … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

July 31, 2011: Events In Norway–What Did The Norwegian Murderer Think?

What Did the Norwegian Murderer Think? by Phyllis Chesler Israel National News July 25, 2011 The author strongly condemns the murder, but challenges the grieving Norwegian government and intelligentsia to do something effective about their own failed multi-cultural policies. … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

July 22, 2011 : Jason Kenney Welcomes Giant Asian Hogweed

Jason Kenney Welcomes Giant Asian Hogweed Reacting to recent news reports about the invasion of a poisonous Asian plant, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney, speaking on behalf of perennially- vacationing Environment Minister Peter Kent, dismissed the reports as “alarmist” … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

July 15, 2011 : A Growing Vancouver Can Never Be A Green One

A Growing Vancouver Can Never Be A Green One This week, the City of Vancouver announced details of its plan to make Vancouver the world’s greenest city by 2020. It will achieve that goal, it says, by focusing on 10 … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

July 6, 2011 : Costs Of Aging Population Are Poor Excuse for High Immigration

Costs Of Aging Population Are Poor Excuse for High Immigration As we have pointed out before,  Canada’s immigration industry, and a significant number of those in the media and government like to tell us that high immigration is necessary in … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

June 17, 2011 : The Stanley Cup Riot : Who Are The Real Criminals, Yahoos and Losers?

    THE STANLEY CUP RIOT : WHO ARE THE REAL CRIMINALS, YAHOOS AND LOSERS? So Vancouver has had its second Stanley Cup Riot. And this time, it has attracted world attention.  No one disputes that the rioters deserve punishment … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

June 7, 2011: How To Cut Canada’s Yearly Deficit And National Debt

How To Cut Canada’s Yearly Deficit and National Debt If Canada’s Conservative government is serious about reducing the country’s deficit and its debt, it cannot continue to ignore mounting evidence that Canada could achieve that goal by significantly reducing immigration. … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

May 31, 2011 : The People Speak—Canada’s Homegrown Ratko Mladic’s +

The Following Are Immigration-Related Views Sent To Us By 6 Canadians 1. Canada’s Homegrown Ratko Mladic’s— By O.R. Why did the Liberal Party do so poorly in the May 2 Federal Election? I would agree that we need less discussion … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018