Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018

The Great Misunderstanding of the word “Multiculturalism”–The Ukrainian Connection

The Great Misunderstanding of the word “Multiculturalism”—The Ukrainian Connection By Frank Hilliard Author of “A Conspiracy of Two” Events in the Ukraine are still playing out, particularly the role of Russia, but they have already produced  a remarkable  irony. The … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Migration control an important tool of national social policy

Migration control an important tool of national social policy  (English and French versions  below) This Op-Ed was published two days ago in The Australian. It was written by Gary Johns, a former Labor Party Cabinet Minister. Its significance is that … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Developed World Needs A New Chinese Head Tax

THE DEVELOPED WORLD NEEDS A NEW CHINESE HEAD TAX It is hard to believe that Canada could sink even deeper into the “Government Apology to Chinese ” morass, but it appears that British Columbia MLA’s are about to do precisely … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Canada’s “Multicultural Experiment” A Case of Importing Cancer

Canada’s Multicultural Experiment A Case of Importing Cancer (Below, you will find English and French versions of this bulletin) Last week, in the wake of Nelson Mandela’s funeral, Brian Mulroney and other past Prime Ministers of Canada boasted that they … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Doug Saunders despises British Whites as much as the Bolsheviks detested the Kulaks

Doug Saunders despises British Whites as much as the Bolsheviks detested the Kulaks   By Ricardo Duchesne Professor of Sociology, UNB Doug Saunders, the sweet-faced sales boy of multiculturalism for the Globe and Mail, wrote a rather charming column a … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Quebec Worker : End ‘Oh Well’ National Suicide

Quebec Worker : End “Oh Well” National Suicide By A. J. This past week at work, while discussing taxation at break-time, a co-worker mentioned another co-worker at a previous job, a certain Mohammed from Iran. As an immigrant, Mohammed bragged … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Lest We Forget: Can Remembrance Day Survive Multiculturalism?

Lest We Forget: Can the National Tradition of Remembrance Day Survive Multiculturalism? Rose Acacia Since 1919, Remembrance Day has been a national day to remember and honour those who died defending our freedoms and a greater good. Since 1921, the … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Neighbourhoods Are in Revolt, But They Haven’t Identified What To Revolt Against

Neighbourhoods Are in Revolt, But They Haven’t Identified What To Revolt Against Vancouver City Council is facing a serious problem. Residents in 4 of its 23 neighbourhoods are rebelling against City Council’s plans to densify their neighbourhoods. Residents in many … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Quebec Should Really Be Saying, “We Are Full.”

Quebec Should Really Be Saying, “We Are Full.” Let’s be frank : Quebec’s Charter of Values is a reaction  to unnecessary immigration. The problem is that the Charter is a round-about way of getting at this issue. Quebec should have … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

For Labour Day, Remember Two Labour Saints : J.S. Woodsworth and Cesar Chavez

For Labour Day, Remember Two Labour Saints : Canada’s  J.S. Woodsworth and the U.S.’ s Cesar Chavez Here are some of the major points Woodsworth makes in his book “Strangers Within Our Gates” (1909) : (1) Canada’s historical traditions have … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The People Speak : Celebrate Lab Rats, Unemployment, Garbage +

The People Speak : Celebrate Lab Rats, Unemployment, Garbage Incinerators + (1) From G.R. : We Are A Country of  “Lab Rats” !!! In the past week, the news has been saturated with a story about food experiments that were … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , |

Support Suzuki’s Immigration Statement

SUPPORT SUZUKI’S STANCE ON IMMIGRATION In a recent interview with France’s  “L’ Express”, Canada’s most prominent environmentalist, David Suzuki, stated that Canada was full and that Canada’s immigration policies, particularly that of plundering Third World countries of skilled people that … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , |

For Canada Day : Repeal of 1952 Immigration Act, Multiculturalism, and End of European Canada

For Canada Day : Repeal of the Immigration Act of 1952, Multiculturalism, and the End of European Canada (English and French versions below) Ricardo Duchesne, Professor of Sociology, UNB Author of “The Uniqueness of Western Civilization” Last year, Maclean’s (July … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

A National Broadcaster Must Be Non-Partisan on Immigration Issues

A National Broadcaster Must Be Non-Partisan on All Issues, Especially Immigration A significant part of the Canadian population does not understand what is happening on the immigration issue. The obvious question that should be asked is “WHY?” All our major … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Immigration and TFW Policies Institutionalize Betrayal of Canada

Immigration and TFW Policies Institutionalize Betrayal of Canada Recent events on the immigration front show that Ottawa refuses to deal with one extremely important question : “If Canada will not protect Canadian workers and Canadian citizens, who will? “ Here … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018 Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

They Flail About for Reasons Not to Defend Canadians

They Flail About for Excuses Not to Defend Canadians Recent developments in Richmond, B.C. demonstrate a refusal by politicians to defend their own citizens.   Richmond, B.C. stands out among most Canadian municipalities because so-called visible minorities have become the … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

Textbook Teaches National Suicide OK

Textbook Teaches National Suicide OK This bulletin examines a small section of the B.C. Social Studies 11 textbook, ‘Counterpoints…” It points out the mistakes and omissions the text makes in its immigration-related material. This is Part 2 of a look … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

“Sanctuary City” is an Insult to Legal Immigrants and a First Step to Dismantling Control and Management of Immigration

Immigration Watch Canada provides readers with a copy of the  following Feb. 27 press release from Canada’s Centre for Immigration Policy Reform : “Sanctuary City” is an Insult to Legal Immigrants and a First Step to Dismantling Control and Management … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Part I. Immigration and Scarcity: Canada is a battleground for natural resources

Part I. Immigration and Scarcity: Canada is a battleground for natural resources This release is the first of two parts. The unifying theme of both installments is that Canada is under attack by those who want its natural resources. Part … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Our School Textbooks Have Distorted Our Immigration History

Our School Textbooks Have Distorted Our Immigration History In this bulletin, we ask how young people acquire their views on immigration. To get an answer, we examined a number of immigration-related statements made in the British Columbia Social Studies 11 … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018