Author Archives: dmurray

Job Language Discrimination Against Canadian-Born De-values Canadian Citizenship

Job Language Discrimination Against Canadian-Born De-values Canadian Citizenship Jan Kowalski Both of my parents are immigrants to Canada and I appreciate Canada very much.  However, as a Canadian-born, post-secondary student living in Vancouver for the past few years, I have … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

Canada’s Media Presents Our Breakup As An Achievement

Canada’s Media Presents Our Breakup As An Achievement This past week, Statistics Canada announced that the 2011 Census confirms that fewer Canadians are speaking English or French at home The dramatic increase in the number of people speaking foreign languages … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018

Time to Smell Real Temporary Foreign Worker Message

Time to Smell Real Temporary Foreign Worker Message The announcement that up to 2000 Chinese Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW’s) will be allowed to work in four Chinese-owned B.C. coal mines has sparked an uproar throughout British Columbia. It has also … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

For Canada’s Sake, Get Immigration Intake and Policy Right on Nov. 1

For Canada’s Sake, Get Immigration Intake and Policy Right on Nov. 1 By November 1 every year, Canada’s Immigration Minister is required to announce to Parliament the number of immigrants Canada expects to take in the coming year. Here is … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

The Trouble With Canada

The Trouble With Canada A Book Review by Perry Foster William Gairdner’s  “The Trouble With Canada…Still”, is a powerful examination of the flaws in  Canadian society brought about by decades of mismanagement. It details the ways in which poor policies … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018

Multicultural Madness

Multicultural Madness The Fall of British Vancouver and the Rise of ‘Pacific’ Canada By Dr. Ricardo Duchesne, UNB MAKING AN IMMIGRANT NATION Ever since Canada was officially designated a multicultural nation during the prime ministership of Pierre Elliot Trudeau in … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018

Taiwan Immigrant : Immigration Displacing Canadians, Robbing Gov’t

Taiwan Immigrant : Immigration Displacing Canadians, Robbing Government I am a Taiwanese immigrant. I work as a Builder Consultant in Metro Vancouver. The housing market has boomed in recent years. One can see new buildings going up every day and … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Taiwan Immigrant : Canada Is Being Cheated By Wealthy Immigrants

Taiwan Immigrant : Canada Is Being Cheated By Wealthy Immigrants I came to Canada as an international student from Taiwan in 1990 and graduated from Simon Fraser University in 2000. I received my citizenship in 2006. I love Canada and … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

For Labour Day 2012 : The Cost of Learning Nothing From Our History

For Labour Day 2012 : The Cost of Learning Nothing From Our History There is something very symbolic about what has happened in Metro Vancouver’s housing industry over the past few years : Low-wage East Indian crews have been demolishing … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

An Aboriginal Speaks : Cut Immigration Until Aboriginal Unemployment Falls Dramatically

An Aboriginal Speaks : Cut Immigration Until Aboriginal Unemployment Falls Dramatically By Curtis Dekoning (Edited by Christy Anderson, MA student, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg) I am an Aboriginal. Here in Canada, Aboriginal People are given only nominal historical and cultural … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, First Nations Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Athletes Use Olympics to Claim Asylum in London

Olympic Visa Overstayers By David Seminara, Center for Immigration Studies August 10, 2012 While many Olympic athletes are apparently busy picking up on members of the opposite sex, others are busy finding ways to overstay their visas. Foreign Policy … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Ottawa Was Justified in Sending the Komagata Maru Back to India

OTTAWA WAS JUSTIFIED IN SENDING THE KOMAGATA MARU BACK TO INDIA This year is the 98th anniversary of the Komagata Maru incident in which several hundred East Indians who had arrived by ship in Vancouver were denied access to Canada. … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018, News Articles Prior to 2011, Sikh Immigration

Confessed Fake Refugee Gives ‘Medicine’ to Naive Doctors

Confessed Fake Refugee Gives ‘Medicine’ to Naive Doctors This account describes the steps that an Israeli man, his wife and two children followed to apply ( fraudulently ) for asylum in Canada. It is a continuation of a story which … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Those Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Canadian

Note : The views expressed by bloggers and guest writers are theirs. ========================================================= Those Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Canadian Thoughts About Canadian Identity Tim Murray July 14, 2012 America’s Independence Day, July 4th, falls closely on … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, First Nations

Australian Expert Speaks on Immigration, Population Growth, Carrying Capacity,Etc.

The author of this bulletin is Mark O’Connor, co-author of “Overloading Australia”.  His comments in this bulletin are part of another book , “Environmental Policy Failure: The Australian Story” just published by Tilde University Press in Melbourne. ================================================================================================== Australian Expert … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

For Canada Day, 2012, Immigration Lobby’s Gift to Canadians : Outright Sabotage

For Canada Day, 2012, Immigration Lobby’s Gift to Canadians : Outright Sabotage In a recent court action, Canada’s Immigration lobby and its supporters have again demonstrated that their interests are the complete opposite of those of most Canadians. In fact, … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Source Countries of Immigrants Make Big Difference In Future Success

Recent Immigrants from Lower-income Countries Are Doing Much Worse Global Economics Patrick Grady, Canadian Economist The aggregate data from the 2006 Census confirmed that the deterioration of the performance of …immigrants, who arrived since 1990 (following the big increase in … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

The People Speak : Iran’s Fifth Column Targets Toronto, Ottawa Schools + More

The People Speak : Iran Targets Toronto, Ottawa Schools + More (1) From V.M. : David Harris, Ottawa lawyer and  Director, International and Terrorist Intelligence Program, INSIGNIS Strategic Research Inc., has a few comments for school trustees who love to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

A Mosque for the Simple-Minded Peter Goodchild From January 2007 to April 2012, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) aired a television comedy series entitled “Little Mosque on the Prairie.” Its underlying message seemed to be that Muslims who immigrate to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017

A Mosque for the Simple-Minded

Note : The views expressed by bloggers and guest writers are theirs. ================================================= A Mosque for the Simple-Minded Peter Goodchild From January 2007 to April 2012, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) aired a television comedy series entitled “Little Mosque on … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018