Author Archives: dmurray

Egypt’s Former President Gives Advice to Migrants Heading To The West : Adopt Western culture or Stay At Home

“Egypt’s Former President advises : Want to live in the West? : Adopt western Culture or stay at home” For the Former President’s complete speech, click on this link and listen : Former President of Egypt Gives Advice To … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

Relentless Immigration Has Caused Canada’s Unaffordable Housing Crisis. Why do politicians ignore the cause?


Posted in Weekly

Earth Day Founder Wanted A Significant Cut to immigration

This April 22, 2022 is the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. Its major founder was U.S. Democratic Senator Gaylord Nelson. Many Canadians will be shocked to hear that Nelson advocated that every country stabilize its population and conserve its resources. In … Continue reading

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Do Canadians really want every April to be “Sikh Heritage Month”?

DO CANADIANS REALLY WANT EVERY APRIL TO BE “SIKH HERITAGE MONTH”? Most Canadians are completely unaware that Canada’s Parliament passed a motion in 2019  to make every April “Sikh Heritage Month” . The one big question many Canadians probably ask  … Continue reading

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Immigration: Striking a balance

Immigration: Striking a balance Daniel Stoffman Sep 24, 1992 CANADA IS a better place with immigration than it would be without it. Immigration makes our country more interesting, more diverse, more dynamic, and more connected to the rest of the … Continue reading

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Fake Canadian papers a hot item in migrant market

Sep 23, 1992 Like a proud collector of stamps or butterflies, Rene Bersma, Canada’s immigration counsellor in Belgium, displays his specimen: an Ontario identity card with the photograph of an Asian man on it. It looks perfectly official, good enough … Continue reading

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Immigration adds little to economy

Sep 22, 1992 IMMIGRATION doesn’t make you richer. It makes immigrants richer if they came here from a poor country. It makes a few Canadians, such as immigration lawyers, richer. It makes other Canadians, especially those who compete for unskilled … Continue reading

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The high costs of our refugee system

The high costs of our refugee system Toronto magazine writer Daniel Stoffman, winner of the fourth annual Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy, used his grant to study Canada’s immigration system. The fellowship is named for Joseph E. Atkinson, former publisher … Continue reading

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First of a five-part series See related stories by Stoffman on pages B4 and B5 WHY CANADA MUST REASSESS ITS WIDE-OPEN IMMIGRATION POLICY Pounding at the gates Daniel Stoffman The world is on the move. By some estimates, as many … Continue reading

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War Criminals : Russia has Putin: Canada has Trudeau

The world has united in classifying Vladimir Putin as a war criminal. The literal damage he has done to Ukraine through relentless bombing and shelling seems clear. However, Canadians should not feel smug. Since 2015, when first elected, their own … Continue reading

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Let’s trash Trudeau’s plan to take down 200+ monuments across Canada

If Canadians thought that Trudeau’s latest move to seize money from the bank accounts of  Canadians was outrageous, new evidence  demonstrates that Trudeau plans to commit even greater treachery. According to reliable sources, Trudeau has been preparing a list of … Continue reading

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How the temporary foreign worker program is shaping Canada’s underground economy

This is the first part of Alia Dharssi’s series, Workers Without Borders.  Alia Dharssi More from Alia Dharssi Published on: September 14, 2016 | Last Updated: September 14, 2016 9:36 AM MDT The first time Reylene Punzalan saw snow … Continue reading

Posted in Dainel Stoffman Articles

Canada faces big questions about the future of immigration

Alia Dharssi More from Alia Dharssi Published on: September 14, 2016 This is an introduction to Alia Dharssi’s series, Workers Without Borders.  Canada’s immigration policy is at a crossroads. As other countries turn away refugees or have divisive debates on … Continue reading

Posted in Dainel Stoffman Articles

Canadians have had enough of government fear-mongering about Covid

Canadians have had enough of government fear-mongering about Covid (This article was first published by Act! For Canada) Fifty Thousand Truck Convoy Heads to Ottawa Ottawa, “the city that fun forgot,” is about to have some big-time excitement! Trucks from … Continue reading

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Trudeau announces top priority for His Government in 2022 : Compensate for Canada’s “Shameful Past”

Trudeau announces top priority for His Government in 2022 : Compensate for Canada’s “Shameful Past” The first 24-hours of 2022 had hardly passed when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was already condemning Canada— again. He said that measures to correct “Canada’s … Continue reading

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Canada’s Official Immigration Levels Plan 2020-2022

Overall Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 Overall Admissions 330,800 (310,000 – 350,000) 341,000 (320,000 – 370,000) 351,000 (330,000 – 380,000) 361,000 (340,000 – 390,000) Federal High Skilled 81,400 (76,000 – 86,000) 91,800 (88,500 – 100,000) 91,150 (89,300 – 100,000) 91,550 … Continue reading

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Myths and Facts About Immigration in Canada… for Dummies

The Following is a Small Sample of Myths the Canadian Population is Fed on a Regular Basis. With no regard for the truth, Canada’s immigration ‘apologists’ abuse their positions as they poison the narrative. Our list is according to immigration … Continue reading

Posted in Canadian, News, Weekly

The War Against Christmas Continues in 2021

The War Against Christmas Continues in 2021 Here are three defenses Canadians should use against the war on Christmas and the war against Western Culture. (1) Years ago, Canada adopted the doctrine of multiculturalism, which in my opinion is a … Continue reading

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Canada’s CBC is a deadly and immoral, anti-Canadian broadcaster

Canada’s CBC is a deadly and immoral, anti-Canadian broadcaster CBC =CANADA’S BROADCASTING CESSPOOL Once again this year, CBC Vancouver has held its annual FOODBANK DAY. This year, it collected over $2 million. Most of CBC’s other stations all across Canada … Continue reading

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Canada’s CBC is a deadly and immoral, anti-Canadian broadcaster

Canada’s CBC is a deadly and immoral, anti-Canadian broadcaster. CBC = CANADA’S BROADCASTING CESSPOOL Once again this year, CBC Vancouver has held its annual FOODBANK DAY. This year, it collected over $2 million. Most of CBC’s other stations all across … Continue reading

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