Author Archives: dmurray

There is a precedent for charging Canadian MP’s and other politicians with treason

There is a precedent for charging Canadian MP’s and other Canadian politicians with treason A recent article by retired Canadian Ambassador James Bissett, “The Rise of Terrorism and the decline of Canadian-based terror threats” points out that there have … Continue reading

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Stop the Royal BC Museum from Closing Its Euro-Canadian Heritage Section!

Stop the Royal BC Museum from Closing Its Euro-Canadian Heritage Section! by Riley Donovan This is a call to action to all Immigration Watch Canada supporters : The Royal BC Museum in Victoria plans to remove all the exhibits on … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

When a Billion Chinese Jump-2

WHEN A BILLION CHINESE JUMP-2 For the past 25 years, Mainland Chinese immigrants have comprised one of the largest groups of immigrants Canada has taken. They have already created several colonies in Canada. Their large numbers have also affected the … Continue reading

Posted in News, Weekly

Canada’s Universities are supposed to serve students from Canada’s Majority Population, not International Students.

THE HILARITY IN THE ABOVE PHOTO INEVITABLY FOLLOWS THE STATEMENT “International Students Are A Financial Benefit to a Country” Canada’s Universities are supposed to serve students from Canada’s Majority Population, not International Students. However, a significant number of Canada’s university and … Continue reading

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Every Canadian should read this article before voting

Immigration Watch very seldom uses entire articles from non- Immigration Watch sources for our bulletins. However, this OP ED by Simon Fraser Professor Emeritus Herbert Grubel does such an excellent job of touching all the immigration bases  that we have … Continue reading

Posted in Economic Effects of Immigration, Environmental Effects, Weekly Tagged , |

This Labour Day, Let’s get the immigrant Labour story straight

On This Labour Day and the beginning of a new school year, let’s get the immigrant labour story straight In this bulletin, we ask how young people acquire their views on immigration. To get an answer, we examined a number … Continue reading

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Canada’s Immigration-Driven Population Growth causes twice as many GHG’s as Our Oil Sands

Posted in Weekly

While 57 Christian Churches were burned or vandalized, Trudeau drafted new Islamophobia laws !!

While 57 Christian Churches were burned or vandalized, Trudeau drafted new Islamophobia laws !! If Canadians ever had any doubt that their government is led by complete morons, that doubt was dispelled this past week. Canada’s Prime Moron Trudeau, who … Continue reading

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Canada’s police should charge our media with criminal incitement

Canada’s mainstream media (the CBC especially) have suppressed the news that 46 Canadian Christian churches have been burned or vandalized in the past two months. It is no exaggeration to say that the Mainstream Media’s extremely biased and uninformed reporting … Continue reading

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Archaeologists very skeptical of conclusions being drawn about residential school graves

A Skeptical Analysis of the Reports of “Unmarked Graves” on Residential Schools Grounds Abstract: Unmarked graves, including children’s graves, are commonplace and exist in virtually every town and city in Canada and around the world. This reflects the reality that … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, First Nations, Weekly Tagged , , , |

Cancel Canada Day?

Cancel Canada Day?  by Riley Donovan There are strong calls across the country to cancel Canada Day. It’s shocking, even to someone like myself who has been paying attention to the attack on Canadian history and heritage for years. I’m amazed … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, First Nations, Fraud, Weekly Tagged , , , |

There are much better explanations for the 200+ deaths at Kamloops Indian Residential School

  There are much better explanations for the 200+ deaths at Kamloops Indian Residential School and similar schools” (Photo of Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops  Above) Over the last two weeks of June, 2021, Canadian radio and television have been … Continue reading

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Let’s have some sanity about the Kamloops Indian Residential School Story

Let’s have some sanity about the Kamloops Indian Residential School Story. Yes, it is tragic, but there is much more needed to fully understand what happened. Why? What is now happening is insane. The first thing to do is to … Continue reading

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China has a plan to colonize North America

China has a plan to colonize North America The following is the text of an alleged speech made by Communist Party General Wei Fengh.  Above is a photo of Wei Fengh. Gullible American and Canadian politicians plus their equally gullible … Continue reading

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Let’s arrest Trudeau and his Immigration Minister for endangering the jobs and health of hundreds of thousands of Canadians

Trudeau and his Immigration Minister (Mendicino) continue to endanger Canadians : 1. Once again, Trudeau and his Immigration Minister are endangering the job prospects of close to two million Canadians who have lost their jobs because of Covid. How are … Continue reading

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Should “CONTACT TRACING” hold Trudeau and Immigration Minister Mendcino responsible for the deaths and excruciating illness of hundreds of thousands of Canadians who have contracted Covid 19? Yes. Contact Tracing could and it should. If any immigrants have been identified … Continue reading

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Most supporters of Earth Day don’t know who founded Earth Day and Why

Earth Day Used to have strong strong “Cut Immigration”. “Cap Population” Message Most people who celebrate Earth Day every April 22 know little, if anything, about the person who founded Earth Day. Here are seven key points about the founder … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly


HOW CANADA IS NOT TAKING CARE OF OUR CANADA PENSION PLAN – AND IS EXPOSING CANADIANS TO SERIOUS RISK By Jennifer Axworthy For over a decade, without the knowledge of the Canadian people, the federal government has been investing Canada … Continue reading

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Canada’s National Manure Spreader re-Advocates for National Population Goal of 100 Million

In 2012, Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper (which for years has boasted that it is  “Canada’s National Newspaper”)  advocated that Canada pursue a national goal of reaching a total population of 100 million. To achieve its goal, it drafted most … Continue reading

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Immigration Watch trades punches with New Westminster City Councillor

Part 1,  Dan Murray of Immigration Watch Canada writes to Patrick Johnstone, the New Westminster Councillor Who introduced a motion to New West City Council that it apologize to Sikhs for the Komagata Maru incident Councillor Johnstone : Re your … Continue reading

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