Author Archives: dmurray

Canada’s National Newspaper = Canada’s National Manure Spreader

Canada’s National Newspaper = Canada’s National Manure Spreader The recent, two-week Globe and Mail series on immigration is an outrageous example of a newspaper presenting infomercials and outright propaganda as if they were unbiased, accurate information. In that series, the … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

A New “National Policy” for Immigration

A New “National Policy” for Immigration By Margret Kopala, The Ottawa Citizen May 7, 2012 Jason Kenney is arguably the most activist immigration minister since Clifford Sifton, the 19th-century minister of the interior whose policies were instrumental in building … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

From Australia—‘Fooled By A Ship of Frauds’

The main part of this bulletin is an Australian column, ‘Fooled By A Ship of Frauds’, which describes refugee-related events in Australia. Readers will see that events in Canada are similar. We are circulating  this column because Canadian Immigration Minister … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Pete McMartin Looks For Love In All The Wrong Places

Pete McMartin Looks For Love In All The Wrong Places An April 24, 2012 column by Pete McMartin in The Vancouver Sun is a symptom of how much our media has allied itself with the immigration industry. It also shows … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

For Earth Day : They Celebrate Easter But They Never Heard Of The Resurrection

For Earth Day : They Celebrate Easter But They Never Heard Of The Resurrection By Tim Murray B.C. Environmentalist and Blogger Jan Lundberg, an independent oil industry analyst and eco-activist of notoriety,  recently revealed  that the Sierra Club, America’s flagship … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

How To Improve the World’s Worst-Controlled Immigration System

How To Improve the World’s Worst-Controlled Immigration System Our federal government should be very cautious about the immigration changes it has recently proposed. A number of these changes would open Canada’s immigration doors even more widely and make the world’s … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

The People Speak : Raped Canadian less important than foreign student revenue

‘THE PEOPLE SPEAK Last week, we provided a comment from a reader who told of an alleged rape at a prairie university of a Canadian woman by an international student. For several reasons, we are replacing her comment with the … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Seven Vital Immigration Ideas To Act On

Seven Vital Immigration Ideas To Act On Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has been announcing a number of important changes to Canada’s immigration system. Here are comments on his announcements and seven more changes he must consider : 1. Immigration should … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Immigrant Accuses University of Helping International Students To Defraud Canada

Immigrant Accuses University of Helping International Students To Defraud Canada (1) I wish to accuse a Vancouver area university of helping its students to work illegally in Canada, to worsen the job market for genuine immigrants and Canadian-born, and to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Canadians Shouldn’t Be Paying For Care of Immigrants’ Parents

Canadian Taxpayers Shouldn’t Have to Pay for the Care of Immigrants’ Parents One of the aspects of Canada’s immigration policy that is defended most vigorously by immigration advocates is our liberal policy for allowing immigrants to sponsor their parents and … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

How Not To Build A Country

How Not To Build A Country : (Part 2 of “Shafia Convicted, It’s Now Time To Put The Immigration Lobby On Trial”) 1. After hearing complaints about new biculturalism and bilingualism policies in the late 1960’s, surrender to those who … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Misplaced Enthusiasm—-Why Cheer Canada’s Rapid Population Growth?

Misplaced Enthusiasm—-Why Cheer Canada’s Rapid Population Growth? So, according to the latest Stats Can news, Canada had the highest population growth in the G8 since 2006. If we are to believe the tone in which that news is being reported, … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

Shafia Convicted, It’s Now Time To Put Immigration Lobby On Trial

Shafia Convicted, It’s Now Time To Put The Immigration Lobby On Trial So Mohammed Shafia has been tried and convicted for the murder of his first wife and his three daughters by both Canada’s judicial system and the court of … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Firestorm Rages Over Increasing Retirement Age

Firestorm Rages Over Increasing Retirement Age In the past week, Prime Minister Harper has set off a firestorm by suggesting that in order to deal with rising demands on government finances, Canada has to consider raising the country’s retirement age … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

Ambassador Describes Major Problems in Canada’s Immigration System

Martin Collacott, retired Canadian ambassador and a spokesman for Canada’s Centre For Immigration Policy Reform, takes seven minutes to describe the most serious problems in Canada’s immigration system and explain why Canada’s immigration policy has become such a mess : … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

Does Immigration Cause Youth Unemployment?

Does Immigration Cause Youth Unemployment? Most Canadians are aware that Canada’s youth (secondary as well as post-secondary graduates) are finding it very difficult to find jobs. Officially, youth unemployment in Canada stands at above 14%. Unofficially, it is probably around  … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

Four Conclusions That Jesus And Other Jews Probably Reached About Invasion, Exile, Diaspora, And Preserving Identity

Four Conclusions That Jesus And Other Jews Probably Reached About Invasion, Exile, Diaspora, And Preserving Identity Posted on December 31, 2011 This bulletin deals with the book “Jews, God and History” which was written by American historian Max. I. Dimont.  … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018

No Rooms At That Inn : Supply And Demand In Old Bethlehem And Today’s Canada

No Rooms At That Inn : Supply And Demand  In Old Bethlehem And Today’s Canada The story of Joseph and Mary looking for a place to stay in Bethlehem is an example in Classical Economics of demand exceeding supply. So … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

A Good Thing Gone Wrong—Why We Have To Take Back Our CBC

A GOOD THING GONE WRONG—-WHY WE HAVE TO TAKE BACK OUR CBC On this, the 75th birthday of Canada’s CBC, most Canadians would probably say that it is a good idea to have a broadcaster whose purpose is to draw … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Lying Our Way To Canada—Part 2

LYING OUR WAY TO CANADA—-PART 2 LIES REVEALED: In July, 2009, after residing in Toronto for about 2 years, I discovered why my wife so badly wanted to stay in Canada and thus was badgering me to remain in spite … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018