Author Archives: dmurray

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences : At the heart of the West’s great success is Christianity

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences : At the heart of the West’s great success is Christianity By John Stonestreet, Breakpoint, Sept. 13, 2019 Last week, the government of Hong Kong finally withdrew a proposed extradition law that sparked mass protests … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Weekly Tagged , , , , |

Horse To Take Run At Political Office

Horse To Take Run At Political Office Promises Stable Government The Famous Mr. Ed Throws His Hat Into the Ring He talks a good game, but can he deliver? This upcoming federal election promises to be a horse race.  A … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Weekly Tagged , , |

It took a riot to get Ottawa’s immigration attention in 1907

It took a riot to get Ottawa’s immigration attention in 1907 Labour Day, 2019 is the 112th anniversary of the 1907 Vancouver Parade and Riot. For many years, our media, politicians and our immigration industry have used these incidents to … Continue reading

Posted in Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Economic Effects of Immigration, Weekly Tagged , , |

Maxime Bernier is the only party leader who is advocating a major reduction in immigration

ELECTION ALERT : Maxime Bernier is the only party leader who is advocating a major reduction in Canada’s immigration intake (down to 150,000 from the current “official” 320,000). He is also the only leader who is advocating major changes in … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Economic Effects of Immigration, Environmental Effects, Weekly

Canada is now taking over 1 million unnecessary immigrants per year

Canada is now taking over 1 million unnecessary immigrants per year Below are details : 1. Newly-revealed information about Canada’s International Mobility Program and its International Student program shows that Canada is now accepting well over 1 MILLION FOREIGN NATIONALS … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Economic Effects of Immigration, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects Of Immigration, Fraud, Weekly

The Filles Du Roi: How Historical Revisionists And Feminists Have Slandered My Ancestors

The Filles Du Roi: How Historical Revisionists And Feminists Have Slandered My Ancestors by Denis Thievin February, 2019 First published by The Council of European Canadians French Canadian settlers in Lachine What is fact cannot be changed Respected historians have … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , , |

Politicians are taking us down the road to Dogmeat

Politicians are taking us down the road to Dogmeat As Canada approaches a fall Federal Election, politicians’ misunderstanding of immigration’s role in Canada becomes more and more ominous. Traditionally, Canada’s politicians believed that immigration had to serve the needs and … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Economic Effects of Immigration, First Nations, Fraud, Muslim, Sikh Immigration, Weekly

A Former Hungarian Refugee Asks : Have Canadians lost the will to fight for their freedoms?

A Former Hungarian Refugee Asks : Have Canadians lost the will to fight for their freedoms? By Steve Fekete with Lynn Allard July 24, 2019 In the 1950’s and 1960’s, I lived in Communist Hungary. Because of alarming events now … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , , |

Google is manipulating search engine results but pretending to be unbiased

Google is manipulating search engine results but pretending to be unbiased Research Psychologist Robert Epstein (ironically, a supporter of Hilary Clinton in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election) has concluded that Google manipulated its Search Engine to favor the Democratic Party … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , , |

Canada Day —It’s more like Dis-United Nations Day

CANADA DAY—A CELEBRATION OF THE DESTRUCTION OF CANADA’S HERITAGE It is a scene duplicated across Canada. The weather is sunny  and hot, and the expansive field is dense with people clapping, cheering and singing to the performers on stage.    Giant … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , , , , , |

U. of Ottawa Prof Defends U. of New Brunswick Prof against UNB Academic Mob

On June 4 of 2019, the Vice President of the University of New Brunswick announced that Professor of Sociology Ricardo Duchesne, an outspoken critic of multiculturalism and mass immigration, would be taking early retirement. The announcement followed a weeks-long attack … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Fraud, Weekly Tagged , , |

Assassinating Academic Ricardo Duchesne–University of New Brunswick Style

Making fast work of Ricardo Duchesne Kenneth Westhues, Professor Emeritus, Sociology & Legal Studies, University of Waterloo, Canada A metaphorical auto da fé, a textbook case of academic mobbing, was enacted at the University of New Brunswick in late … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged |

Are the stories about First Nations Ethno-Fiction and Moral Grandstanding?

This bulletin is intended to counter some of the hysteria that has erupted over Canada’s Report on Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls. This bulletin appeared first on the Council of European Canadians web site : Dan Murray, … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, First Nations, Weekly Tagged |

Some radical thoughts for UNB Dean Macdonald and UNB VP Hauff to Consider

Some radical thoughts for UNB Dean Macdonald and UNB VP Hauff to Consider Regarding the status of UNB Professor Ricardo Duchesne Dear Dean Heidi MacDonald and VP Petra Hauff : I am one of Professor Ricardo Duchesne’s student victims. I … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , |

Professor Argues Against Multicultural Ideology and for Western Exceptionalism–Now Fears For his job

Professor Argues Against Multicultural Ideology and for Western Exceptionalism– Now Fears for His Job By David Solway May 26, 2019 I have met University of New Brunswick sociologist and co-founder of the blog Council of European Canadians Ricardo Duchesne only … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , , , |

“Shit-hole countries” : Ottawa used a term like that long before U.S. President Trump did.

Over a year ago, U.S. President TRUMP referred to the source countries of many immigrants to the U.S. as “shit holes” IN 1991, Ottawa used similar words to describe two source countries of many of Canada’s immigrants : China and … Continue reading

Posted in Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Weekly

No More Immigrant Entrepreneur Programs !!

No More Immigrant Entrepreneur Programs !! ​​​​​It is hard to believe that the B.C. government is now starting a pilot Entrepreneur/Investor immigrant program. Why? Because Canada’s federal government operated a similarly-named program between 1978 and 2014. The general conclusion that … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Weekly

Earth Day founder had strong REDUCE IMMIGRATION message

Earth Day Founder Had Strong Immigration Message Most people who celebrate Earth Day know little, if anything, about the person who founded Earth Day which is celebrated every April 22. Here are seven key points about the founder and his … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Environmental Effects Of Immigration, Weekly

For Earth Day 2019 : They celebrate Easter, but they never heard of the resurrection

For Earth Day 2019 : They Celebrate Easter But They Never Heard Of The Resurrection By Tim Murray B.C. Environmentalist and Blogger About 10 years ago, Jan Lundberg, an independent oil industry analyst and eco-activist of notoriety, revealed that the … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Environmental Effects, Weekly

Canadians Are Tired Of Footing the Bill For Racist Anti-White Propaganda

Canadians Are Tired Of Footing the Bill For Racist Anti-White Propaganda Cry me a river. So the Left is in a tizzy because the Ford government has cut off funding to “Harmony”, one of hundreds of “anti-racist” organizations putatively … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Fraud, Weekly