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April 15, 2011: The Leaders’ Immigration Debate: How Things Went Downhill Fast

The Leaders’ Debate lasted 2 hours. The political leaders answered questions on 6 topics. About 20 minutes were allotted to each topic. One topic was immigration. Below, we present the 3 questions on the immigration topic and part of the … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018

April 8, 2011 : Why Each Of Our Political Parties Needs A Mutiny

WHY EACH OF OUR POLITICAL PARTIES NEEDS A MUTINY Over two weeks have passed in the federal election campaign. It is easy to see that many of Canada’s federal politicians (especially those in our urban areas) are spending enormous amounts … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

March 29, 2011 : Houses On Death Row

HOUSES ON DEATH ROW Recent dramatic house price increases in Metro Vancouver, caused by Mainland Chinese buyers, illustrate how immigration’s tentacles extend into every aspect of Canadian life. The houses pictured in this link : are all located on … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

March 18, 2011 : The People Speak : Masochistic Universities; Illegal Workers; Clueless Joe; ‘Little Mosque on the Prairie’

The People Speak : Masochistic Universities; Illegal Workers; Clueless Joe; and ‘Little Mosque on the Prairie’ “ FROM D.R. : I am a university professor. What interests me is how our universities have been radically turned away from our Western … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

March 8, 2011 : The Carnegie Corporation and Immigration: How a Noble Vision Lost Its Way

The Carnegie Corporation and Immigration: How a Noble Vision Lost Its Way (The following is a shortened version of a recent report done by Jerry Kammer, a researcher for the well-respected U.S. Center for Immigration Studies. (Two of the Carnegie … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

February 28, 2011 : Canada Copies Khadafi, Ignores Demands To Stop “Firing” On Its Own People

CANADA COPIES KHADAFI, IGNORES DEMANDS TO STOP “FIRING” ON ITS  OWN PEOPLE Many of Canada’s politicians, particularly federal ones, have been having a field day with events in the Middle East. In particular, they have expressed  indignation about Libya’s Colonel … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

Attention Historian Peter Ward : Immigration Cannot Be A Welfare Program For Asia

Attention  Historian Peter Ward : Immigration Cannot Be A Welfare Program For Asia The purpose of UBC History Professor Peter Ward’s  book, “White Canada Forever”,  written in 1978, is to ridicule what he calls Canada’s “nativist” (racist) past.  That period … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

February 7, 2011 : Did You Know?—-13 Immigration Facts

DID YOU KNOW? —–13 IMMIGRATION FACTS 1. Immigration increases the size of Canada’ s population and economy but does not improve Canadians’ standard of living. 2.  It is estimated that recent immigrants receive billions of dollars a year more in … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

January 27, 2011: The People Speak Out On Immigration Issues

THE PEOPLE SPEAK OUT ON IMMIGRATION ISSUES On How Canadian “Higher Education” Has Become Canadian “Lower Education” : I have 2 Master’s Degrees. Part of why I am so vehemently against mass immigration has to do with the way I, … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018

January 16, 2011 : Chinese Condo Owners’ Protest Sets Off Firestorm

CHINESE CONDO OWNERS’ PROTEST SETS OFF FIRESTORM Last week’s complaints by a group of Chinese condo owners that UBC is not being culturally sensitive to them is another example of unreasonable immigrant demands on Canadians. It should not be a … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

January 8, 2011: Australian And Canadian Social Democrats Compared

AUSTRALIAN AND CANADIAN SOCIAL DEMOCRATS COMPARED By Tim Murray Everybody knows NDP (social democrat) leader Jack Layton favours windmills, solar panels, retrofits, meeting Kyoto goals and all those progressive, good things. Most have heard of his wife, NDP MP Olivia … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

For New Year’s 2010/2011 : Five Immigration Myths Exposed

For New Year’s 2010/2011 : Five Immigration Myths Exposed The purpose of this bulletin is to show Canadians that many of the reasons that are being given to justify high immigration do not hold up under examination. These myths are … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - January 2011 to December 2017, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018

Jesus And The Roman Invasion vs. Canada And The Mass Immigration Invasion

JESUS AND THE ROMAN INVASION vs. CANADA AND THE MASS IMMIGRATION INVASION The Gospels provide us with intriguing insights into Jesus’ country and its people, particularly the effects of the Roman invasion on Israel.They also provide a very good comparison … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - 2003 to Dec 31 2010, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018, Weekly

Dec 7, 2010: Canadians Speak About Immigration and (1) Big Banks, (2) Aboriginals, (3) Food Bank Use And (4) Canada’s University Presidents

Canadians Speak About Immigration and (1) Big Banks, (2) Aboriginals,  (3) Food Bank Use And (4) Canada’s University Presidents From P.F.D. : TD Bank Ads Marginalize Mainstream Canadians In Pictures Showing TD Customers  And TD Bans The Word “Christmas” : … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - 2003 to Dec 31 2010, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Weekly

University Presidents Promote More Ethnic Cleansing

Gullible University Presidents Advocate Bringing More Indian Students A  delegation of 15 university presidents who visited India between Nov 15 and 22 to recruit foreign students needs a strong reminder about who pays their bills and to whom they owe … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - 2003 to Dec 31 2010, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Fraud, Fraud pub. before Jan 2018, Weekly

Nov 22, 2010:Centre For Immigration Policy Reform Calls For A Made-In-Canada Workforce

Immigration Watch Canada’s bulletin for this week is  “Centre For Immigration Policy Reform Calls For A Made-In-Canada Workforce” Below is a copy of the Centre For Immigration Policy Reform’s latest press release. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CENTRE FOR IMMIGRATION POLICY REFORM CALLS FOR … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - 2003 to Dec 31 2010, Economic Effects of Immigration, Economic Effects of Immigration pub. before Jan 2018, Weekly

For Remembrance Day : First Nations Slam Ottawa And Provinces For Forgetting Them And Favoring Unnecessary Immigrants

This bulletin features an article from “The Sault Star” which describes a First Nations road blockade and protest rally in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The event is significant because it is one of the first times that First Nations leaders … Continue reading

Posted in First Nations, Weekly

Is Harper Following The Howard Game Plan?

By Tim Murray I seem to recall that Australia’s one-man wrecking crew, former PM John Howard, successfully exploited public anger over boat-loads of refugees to Australia by making a show of his hard line crackdown. He then used that stance … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

Sponsoring A Spouse Is Like Holding A Time Bomb Which Can Explode Anytime

This bulletin is a shortened version of a fraud marriage report which was sent to Citizenship and Immigration Canada. It was written by a Canadian man who had sponsored a woman from Pakistan to come to Canada as his wife. … Continue reading

Posted in News, Weekly

Mass Immigration Or The Alberta Tar Sands Project : Which Disaster Will Have A Greater Impact On Canada’s GHG Emissions ?

Mass Immigration or the Alberta Tar Sands Project : Which Disaster Will Have A Greater Impact On Canada's GHG Emissions? Tim Murray Immigration Watch Canada Canadian Green Party leader Elizabeth May has frequently said that immigration has had a “trivial” … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins - 2003 to Dec 31 2010, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Weekly