Author Archives: dmurray

Diversity : Enough is Enough–This far but no further

Diversity : Enough is Enough–This far but No Further By Tim Murray, April 6, 2019 According to an Angus Reid poll released in December of 2018, most Canadians do not favour a clear division between church and state. Instead, … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Muslim, Sikh Immigration, Weekly

Fort McMurray is home to one of Canada’s fastest-growing Muslim communities

The following portrait of Fort McMurray was compiled by Tanya Gaw, a Canadian immigration activist. It was first published by Valerie Price, leader of “ACT FOR CANADA!”, a group concerned about the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada. “Fort … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Muslim, Weekly

Media go wild over murdered Muslims in New Zealand vs. Media are silent over murdered Christians in Nigeria

Media Mum as Christians Die: Genocide in Nigeria By John Stonestreet | March 20, 2019 | 12:43 PM EDT Nigerian and American flags (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) Over the past week, Senior Colson Fellow Glenn Sunshine has taken to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Muslim, Weekly

What The “Territorial Declaration” About Reconciliation Really Means

What The “Territorial Declaration” About Reconciliation With First Nations Really Means Most Canadians probably do not know that a large number of public meetings  conducted by elected officials in British Columbia and in many other parts of Canada now begin … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Chinese Head Tax / Japanese Immigration, Cultural Effects, Economic Effects of Immigration, Environmental Effects, First Nations, Fraud, Muslim, Sikh Immigration, Weekly Tagged , , |

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Goal : Eliminate and Destroy Western civilization from within

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Goal : Eliminate and Destroy Western civilization from within By Tom Wallace, Fortress of Faith Today I am going to be exposing the Muslim Brotherhood. I will be using a document published by them that the … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Muslim, Weekly Tagged , |

The Muslim Brotherhood–Sinister Intentions For North America

The Muslim Brotherhood–Sinister Intentions For North America By Tom Wallace Fortress of Faith Yesterday we started exposing the Muslim Brotherhood. We used a document published by them that the FBI discovered a number of years ago. This memorandum became a … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Muslim, Weekly Tagged , , |

​​​​​Why Parliament Should Repeal “Sikh Heritage Month” Bill

Why Parliament Should Repeal “Sikh Heritage Month” Bill By Dan Murray Most Canadians are probably not aware that on Nov. 7, 2018, Parliament voted to celebrate “Sikh Heritage Month” nationally in April of every year. That observation starts this April. … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Fraud, Sikh Immigration, Weekly Tagged , , , , , , , , , |

Who should get Canada’s help first : Slaves in Libya or Canada’s homeless?

In the past week, two newspaper stories should have caught the attention of Canadians. (1)  Canada’s immigration Minister announced he  would be bringing hundreds of alleged slaves from Libya to Canada. and (2) A homeless Edmonton man was found frozen … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Weekly Tagged , , , , , , |


TRUDEAU SOARS TO NEW LEVEL OF STUPIDITY It is hard to believe that Trudeau could have done anything more foolish than inviting failed asylum-seekers who were staying in the U.S. to come to Canada in 2017. However, by recently … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Fraud, Weekly Tagged , , , |

Don’t Create A Day of Atonement for the Quebec City Murdered

Don’t Create A Day of Atonement for the Quebec City Murdered The end of January has passed.  The second  anniversary of the tragic Quebec mosque has passed.  According to Muslim organizations, Canadians are now long overdue for a day to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms, Muslim, Weekly Tagged , , |

Globalism = Destruction Of Western Civilization

by Peter Goodchild Moslems signalling that Frace is theirs, while French police passively look at their conquerors. The corrosion of Western civilization can be seen in a group of interrelated polispanal events: multiculturalism, globalism, “open borders,” and the dissolution of … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Muslim, Weekly

UN Plan to move 250 million Third Worlders to Western Countries Won’t Work

Canadian political commentator Frank Vaughan provides a guided tour and a superb analysis of efforts to transfer 250 million people from the Third World (particularly from Asian countries such as China,Pakistan and India as well as from African countries) to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Cultural Effects pub. before Jan 2018, Environmental Effects, Environmental Effects Of Immigration, Weekly Tagged , |

Here’s proof that Trudeau’s Diversity Policies Originated in Hell

Here’s proof that Trudeau’s Diversity Policies Originated in Hell +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following consists of a set of MEMOS that were sent by a Human Resources Director to the employees of a company on the occasion of a company’s Christmas Party. … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , |

Why Trudeau and other hacks Should be Paying attention to Saint Thomas Aquinas, not to the immigration lobby

Why Trudeau and other hacks Should be Paying attention to Saint Thomas Aquinas, not to the immigration lobby What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration? by John Horvat II From the book, “Return to Order” In looking at the debate … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , , , , |

CBC=Canada’s Broadcasting Cesspool

​​​​​ CBC =CANADA’S BROADCASTING CESSPOOL Once again this year, CBC Vancouver has held its annual FOODBANK DAY. Most of CBC’s other stations all across Canada have also held their FOODBANK DAYS. According to our CBC, this one-day event is supposed … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Economic Effects of Immigration, Environmental Effects, Weekly Tagged , , , , , |

The Currency of Fake History—The Viola Desmond $10 Bill of Goods

The Currency of Fake History—The Viola Desmond $10 Bill of Goods (Canada’s $10  Bill : John A. Macdonald Demoted and Viola Desmond Beatified) By Tim Murray, Dec. 8,2018 So finally it has come to pass.  The image of Sir John … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , , |

Judging Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Abella

Judging Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Abella In the past month, PM Trudeau announced yet another government apology, this time to Canada’s Jews. According to Trudeau, Canada had sinned greatly in 1939 by denying entry to Canada to Jews fleeing Europe … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Fraud, Weekly Tagged , , |

Vancouver: A City Of White Ghosts And Vanishing Memories

Vancouver: A City Of White Ghosts And Vanishing Memories by Tim Murray   Homeless Whites in the centre It was a week of despair — and hope. A week of mourning — and faith in resurrection. It was a homecoming to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , , |


IT’S NOT OK TO BE WHITE IN CANADA’S UNIVERSITIES by Martin Luther I am the student who put up the ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ flyers at the University of Manitoba. THIS IS MY STATEMENT The flyers were intended to … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Cultural Effects, Weekly Tagged , |


TWO CRUCIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK ABOUT CANADA’S RECENT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS QUESTION 1 : WHY WAS DEMAND FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING NOT THE BIGGEST ISSUE IN THE ELECTIONS? During those recent municipal elections, almost all candidates in Metro Vancouver said that unaffordable … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Economic Effects of Immigration, Environmental Effects, Fraud, Weekly Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , |