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Let’s have some sanity about the Kamloops Indian Residential School Story

Let’s have some sanity about the Kamloops Indian Residential School Story. Yes, it is tragic, but there is much more needed to fully understand what happened. Why? What is now happening is insane. The first thing to do is to … Continue reading

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China has a plan to colonize North America

China has a plan to colonize North America The following is the text of an alleged speech made by Communist Party General Wei Fengh.  Above is a photo of Wei Fengh. Gullible American and Canadian politicians plus their equally gullible … Continue reading

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Let’s arrest Trudeau and his Immigration Minister for endangering the jobs and health of hundreds of thousands of Canadians

Trudeau and his Immigration Minister (Mendicino) continue to endanger Canadians : 1. Once again, Trudeau and his Immigration Minister are endangering the job prospects of close to two million Canadians who have lost their jobs because of Covid. How are … Continue reading

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Should “CONTACT TRACING” hold Trudeau and Immigration Minister Mendcino responsible for the deaths and excruciating illness of hundreds of thousands of Canadians who have contracted Covid 19? Yes. Contact Tracing could and it should. If any immigrants have been identified … Continue reading

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Most supporters of Earth Day don’t know who founded Earth Day and Why

Earth Day Used to have strong strong “Cut Immigration”. “Cap Population” Message Most people who celebrate Earth Day every April 22 know little, if anything, about the person who founded Earth Day. Here are seven key points about the founder … Continue reading

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HOW CANADA IS NOT TAKING CARE OF OUR CANADA PENSION PLAN – AND IS EXPOSING CANADIANS TO SERIOUS RISK By Jennifer Axworthy For over a decade, without the knowledge of the Canadian people, the federal government has been investing Canada … Continue reading

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Canada’s National Manure Spreader re-Advocates for National Population Goal of 100 Million

In 2012, Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper (which for years has boasted that it is  “Canada’s National Newspaper”)  advocated that Canada pursue a national goal of reaching a total population of 100 million. To achieve its goal, it drafted most … Continue reading

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Immigration Watch trades punches with New Westminster City Councillor

Part 1,  Dan Murray of Immigration Watch Canada writes to Patrick Johnstone, the New Westminster Councillor Who introduced a motion to New West City Council that it apologize to Sikhs for the Komagata Maru incident Councillor Johnstone : Re your … Continue reading

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New Westminster Council joins List Of Dolts Who Have Apologized for the Komagata Maru

Here are seven reasons why the City of New Westminster should retract its apology : 1. The Komagata Maru was the second of two battering rams that the Sikhs used to defy Canada’s right to defend itself in the early … Continue reading

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MOHAMMED WAS NOT ANOTHER JESUS The purpose of Patrick Grady’s novel “Royal Canadian Jihad” is to teach Canadians about Islam. It is also to warn them about the potential dangers of some Muslims (the Muslim Brotherhood especially) who have settled … Continue reading

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Mass immigration is largest contributor to Canada’s population growth and GHG emissions

Mass immigration is largest contributor to Canada’s population growth and GHG emissions By John Meyer, Canadians for a sustainable society Did you know that Canadians are among the highest per capita producers of climate changing carbon emissions in the … Continue reading

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​​​​​BY THEIR TREACHEROUS DEEDS, YOU KNOW THEM Below is a list of so-called Canadians and the treacherous , immoral deeds they have performed : (1) 300+ MP’s : All of them should be aware that Canada has at least one … Continue reading

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War on the Past: Hamilton Could Remove Canada’s Oldest John A. Macdonald Statue

by Riley Donovan, Red Ensign Clips The war on Canada’s heritage is intensifying as the city council in Hamilton, Ontario prepares to remove a beautiful statue of our first prime minister erected in 1893. Although predictably not covered by the … Continue reading

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Trudeau, the CBC and other media have the Washington Riot all wrong. Here’s the proof

​​​Proof #1 : This eye witness account of what really happened at the Trump RALLY shows that Far left ANTIFA “Agents provocateurs”, not Trump supporters, caused the riot. ANTIFA hoodlums have to be arrested, tried and locked up immediately. Listen … Continue reading

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Ignorance and Moral evasion prevail in a global migration crisis

Ignorance and Moral evasion prevail in a global migration crisis Part 1 Brian McGavin, UK-based writer and environmentalist The political explosion of Britain’s narrow majority to leave the EU has left a divided nation and political chaos. The Brexit campaign’s … Continue reading

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The War on Christmas Continues in 2020

Here are three defenses Canadians should use against the war on Christmas and on the war against Western Culture. (1) Years ago, Canada adopted the doctrine of multiculturalism, which in my opinion is a doctrine from the pits of hell … Continue reading

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Bizarre BMO incident involving First Nations shows result of Canada’s preferential hiring policy

Bizarre BMO incident involving First Nations shows result of preferential hiring Bizarre BMO incident involving First Nations shows result of preferential hiring The bizarre incident happened at the B.C. Head Office of the Bank of Montreal in downtown Vancouver. The … Continue reading

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Canadian Universities Have Extensive Research Partnerships With China To Develop A “Surveillance” Society Against “Far Right Canadians”

Canadian Universities Have Extensive Research Partnerships With Chinese State To Develop A “Surveillance” Society Against “Far Right Canadians” by Dr. Ricardo Duchesne UBC President Santa Ono (left) and a Huawei representative signed a 2017 deal to provide millions in funding to … Continue reading

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Armies of Illegal Chinese entered Canada in early 1900’s

In 1910, Ottawa appointed B.C. Judge Dennis Murphy to investigate alleged Chinese immigration frauds. His investigation and the information he uncovered are very relevant in 2020. His investigation contradicts the “Poor Chinese” story that Chinese in Canada have told for … Continue reading

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Why is Trudeau hyper-driving immigration when our economy is still in Covid-shock?

Why is Trudeau hyper-driving immigration when our economy is still in Covid-shock? Along with economic devastation and the concomitant social consequences on physical and mental health, the COVID-19 pandemic has starkly shown the downside of urban densification. Dense populations provide … Continue reading

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