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China is killing Canadians and Americans with fentanyl

China Is Killing Americans with Fentanyl – Deliberately By Gordon Chang, Chinese-American Senior Fellow, Gatestone Institute Author of (1) The Coming Collapse of China and (2) How China has damaged the world. HIGHLIGHTS FROM GORDON CHANG ARTICLE : (1) Mainland … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Chinese Immigration / Japanese Immigration, Weekly Tagged , , , , |

Canada has to revive Its Immigration Spirit of 1914

Canada has to revive Its Immigration Spirit of 1914 The letter below was written to the Surrey, B.C. newspaper called “Surrey Now”. The editor of “Surrey Now” was tricked into publishing an article claiming that Canada committed “a clear act … Continue reading

Posted in Bulletins by Subject Since Jan 2018, Bulletins Since Jan 1, 2018, Canadian, Cultural Effects, Sikh Immigration, Weekly Tagged , , , |


Below are some figures (mostly those announced by the Department of Immigration) on the number of immigrants Canada has already taken or will take in eight categories during 2020. The total is 250,350. This total is very conservative. As a … Continue reading

Posted in News, Weekly

Canada needs an immigration moratorium

CANADA NEEDS AN IMMIGRATION MORATORIUM. IN FACT, CANADA NEEDS AN IMMIGRATION MORATORIUM DESPERATELY !! 1. According to STATS CAN, Canada, now has between 1 and 2 million unemployed. According to The Financial Post (August 20, 2020), the number is much … Continue reading

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CBC’s Chang Continues His Attack on Canada

CBC’s Chang continues his attack on Canada Andrew Chang, one of the CBC’s hosts on its flagship program, The National, has lately been gleefully accusing Canada’s European-based population of so-called “systemic racism”. Since he has no qualms about biting the … Continue reading

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The life of John A. Macdonald matters. The lives of the Vandals who Toppled and Decapitated his Statue do not.

We have two important points to make about the toppling and decapitation of the John A. Macdonald statue last weekend in Montreal: (1) The life of Canada’s first Prime Minister, John A. Macdonald matters. He should be revered. He was … Continue reading

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Police should focus on social catastrophes, not trivialities such as use of the word “chink”

Immigration Watch Canada sent the following letter to the Vancouver Police Department. Other police departments in Canada should take very careful note. The Vancouver Police Department has severely blundered. Staff Sargent Dale Weidman, Vancouver Police Department : On August 19, … Continue reading

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A Micro-schooling interim strategy for fighting back against an Anti-White school system

The following article was published on the Council of European Canadians web site on August 19, 2020. The author is Curtis Reid The current elementary and secondary school system in Canada is predominantly tied to a Cultural Marxist agenda. This … Continue reading

Posted in Weekly

France’s Cathedrals on Fire: ‘The Final Stage of De-Christianization’?

by Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor, Il Foglio July 25, 2020 at 5:00 am “The desecration continues to grow in Europe. Recent acts on statues of the Virgin Mary in French churches show how much these gestures are the result of … Continue reading

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The CBC is guilty of systemic betrayal of Canada

In the past two weeks, our CBC has sunk to new lows in its betrayal of Canada. It has launched another all-out assault against Canada’s majority, European-based, White population. It has done that by accusing Canada and its institutions of “systemic … Continue reading

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Reinstate the Chair of the UBC Board of Governors

The letter below has been sent to the Vice-Chair of the UBC Board of Governors. It calls for the reinstatement of Michael Korenberg as the Chair of the UBC Board of Governors. Mr. Korenberg has been pressured into resigning from … Continue reading

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PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO END BIRTH TOURISM Petition supported by : +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION AGAINST BIRTH TOURISM AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO SIGN IT : Birth Tourism is the practice by pregnant foreign women of coming … Continue reading

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TWO PRESSING ISSUES : (1) PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION AGAINST BIRTH TOURISM AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO SIGN IT : Birth Tourism is the practice by pregnant foreign women of coming to Canada to have their babies in Canadian hospitals. According … Continue reading

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Vancouver City Council must retract its recent apology for the Komagata Maru incident

Vancouver City Council must retract its recent apology for the Komagata Maru incident The Covid19 crisis has produced one major benefit for Canada : It has spared us from celebrating “Sikh Heritage Month” in April. In an act of extreme … Continue reading

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Canada’s CBC Gleefully Confuses the Black Issue in Canada With the Black Issue in the U.S.

Canada’s CBC Gleefully Confuses the Black Issue in Canada With the Black Issue in the U.S. Here are two differences : 1. Slavery in the U.S. existed for a much longer period and was much more entrenched and widespread than … Continue reading

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A call for inclusive self-deprecation and groveling

A CALL FOR INCLUSIVE SELF-DEPRECATION AND GROVELING Have you noticed? It seems that students in a whole lot of countries are required to recite something that signals their compliance with the state ideology. American kids, for example, stand up, and with … Continue reading

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It’s time to disengage from China

It’s time to disengage from China A review by IWC writer Van Ireland of the book titled “Stealth War : How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept”. Its author is Retired U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Robert Spalding. Brigadier … Continue reading

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Trudeau foolishly extends Emergency Benefit to International Students

​​​​​Last week, Trudeau foolishly announced that he would  extend the Canada Emergency Benefit ($500 per week for 16 weeks, a total of $16,000 ) to International Students. Trudeau should immediately terminate this outrageous measure for the following reasons : 1. … Continue reading

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Canada should not give a cent to illegal workers in Canada

As a result of Covid-19, Canada is currently facing a huge number of problems, but ​Canada’s immigration industry has just introduced another major problem. The immigration industry has recently called on Canada to provide emergency financial benefits to so-called “undocumented … Continue reading

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Senator G. Nelson started the celebration of Earth Day 50 years ago with this speech–Its breadth will surprise you.

Senator G. Nelson started the celebration of the first Earth Day 50 years ago with this speech–Its breadth will surprise you. I congratulate you, who by your presence here today demonstrate your concern and commitment to an issue that is … Continue reading

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